Puppet::Type.type(:package).provide :yum, :parent => :rpm, :source => :rpm do desc "Support via `yum`. Using this provider's `uninstallable` feature will not remove dependent packages. To remove dependent packages with this provider use the `purgeable` feature, but note this feature is destructive and should be used with the utmost care. This provider supports the `install_options` attribute, which allows command-line flags to be passed to yum. These options should be specified as an array where each element is either a string or a hash." has_feature :install_options, :versionable, :virtual_packages, :install_only commands :cmd => "yum", :rpm => "rpm" if command('rpm') confine :true => begin rpm('--version') rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure false else true end end defaultfor :operatingsystem => :amazon defaultfor :osfamily => :redhat, :operatingsystemmajrelease => (4..7).to_a def self.prefetch(packages) raise Puppet::Error, _("The yum provider can only be used as root") if Process.euid != 0 super end # Retrieve the latest package version information for a given package name # and combination of repos to enable and disable. # # @note If multiple package versions are defined (such as in the case where a # package is built for multiple architectures), the first package found # will be used. # # @api private # @param package [String] The name of the package to query # @param disablerepo [Array] A list of repositories to disable for this query # @param enablerepo [Array] A list of repositories to enable for this query # @param disableexcludes [Array] A list of repository excludes to disable for this query # @return [Hash] def self.latest_package_version(package, disablerepo, enablerepo, disableexcludes) key = [disablerepo, enablerepo, disableexcludes] @latest_versions ||= {} if @latest_versions[key].nil? @latest_versions[key] = check_updates(disablerepo, enablerepo, disableexcludes) end if @latest_versions[key][package] @latest_versions[key][package].first end end # Search for all installed packages that have newer versions, given a # combination of repositories to enable and disable. # # @api private # @param disablerepo [Array] A list of repositories to disable for this query # @param enablerepo [Array] A list of repositories to enable for this query # @param disableexcludes [Array] A list of repository excludes to disable for this query # @return [Hash>>] All packages that were # found with a list of found versions for each package. def self.check_updates(disablerepo, enablerepo, disableexcludes) args = [command(:cmd), 'check-update'] args.concat(disablerepo.map { |repo| ["--disablerepo=#{repo}"] }.flatten) args.concat(enablerepo.map { |repo| ["--enablerepo=#{repo}"] }.flatten) args.concat(disableexcludes.map { |repo| ["--disableexcludes=#{repo}"] }.flatten) output = Puppet::Util::Execution.execute(args, :failonfail => false, :combine => false) updates = {} if output.exitstatus == 100 updates = parse_updates(output) elsif output.exitstatus == 0 self.debug "#{command(:cmd)} check-update exited with 0; no package updates available." else self.warning _("Could not check for updates, '%{cmd} check-update' exited with %{status}") % { cmd: command(:cmd), status: output.exitstatus } end updates end def self.parse_updates(str) # Strip off all content before the first blank line body = str.partition(/^\s*\n/m).last updates = Hash.new { |h, k| h[k] = [] } body.split.each_slice(3) do |tuple| break if tuple[0] =~ /^(Obsoleting|Security:|Update)/ break unless tuple[1] =~ /^(?:(\d+):)?(\S+)-(\S+)$/ hash = update_to_hash(*tuple[0..1]) # Create entries for both the package name without a version and a # version since yum considers those as mostly interchangeable. short_name = hash[:name] long_name = "#{hash[:name]}.#{hash[:arch]}" updates[short_name] << hash updates[long_name] << hash end updates end def self.update_to_hash(pkgname, pkgversion) # The pkgname string has two parts: name, and architecture. Architecture # is the portion of the string following the last "." character. All # characters preceding the final dot are the package name. Parse out # these two pieces of component data. name, _, arch = pkgname.rpartition('.') if name.empty? raise _("Failed to parse package name and architecture from '%{pkgname}'") % { pkgname: pkgname } end match = pkgversion.match(/^(?:(\d+):)?(\S+)-(\S+)$/) epoch = match[1] || '0' version = match[2] release = match[3] { :name => name, :epoch => epoch, :version => version, :release => release, :arch => arch, } end def self.clear @latest_versions = nil end def self.error_level '0' end def self.update_command # In yum both `upgrade` and `update` can be used to update packages # `yum upgrade` == `yum --obsoletes update` # Quote the DNF docs: # "Yum does this if its obsoletes config option is enabled but # the behavior is not properly documented and can be harmful." # So we'll stick with the safer option # If a user wants to remove obsoletes, they can use { :install_options => '--obsoletes' } # More detail here: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1096506 'update' end def install wanted = @resource[:name] error_level = self.class.error_level update_command = self.class.update_command # If not allowing virtual packages, do a query to ensure a real package exists unless @resource.allow_virtual? execute([command(:cmd), '-d', '0', '-e', error_level, '-y', install_options, :list, wanted].compact) end should = @resource.should(:ensure) self.debug "Ensuring => #{should}" operation = :install case should when :latest current_package = self.query if current_package && !current_package[:ensure].to_s.empty? operation = update_command self.debug "Ensuring latest, so using #{operation}" else self.debug "Ensuring latest, but package is absent, so using #{:install}" operation = :install end should = nil when true, :present, :installed # if we have been given a source and we were not asked for a specific # version feed it to yum directly if @resource[:source] wanted = @resource[:source] self.debug "Installing directly from #{wanted}" end should = nil when false,:absent # pass should = nil else if @resource[:source] # An explicit source was supplied, which means we're ensuring a specific # version, and also supplying the path to a package that supplies that # version. wanted = @resource[:source] self.debug "Installing directly from #{wanted}" else # No explicit source was specified, so add the package version wanted += "-#{should}" if wanted.scan(ARCH_REGEX) self.debug "Detected Arch argument in package! - Moving arch to end of version string" wanted.gsub!(/(.+)(#{ARCH_REGEX})(.+)/,'\1\3\2') end end current_package = self.query if current_package if @resource[:install_only] self.debug "Updating package #{@resource[:name]} from version #{current_package[:ensure]} to #{should} as install_only packages are never downgraded" operation = update_command elsif rpm_compareEVR(rpm_parse_evr(should), rpm_parse_evr(current_package[:ensure])) < 0 self.debug "Downgrading package #{@resource[:name]} from version #{current_package[:ensure]} to #{should}" operation = :downgrade elsif rpm_compareEVR(rpm_parse_evr(should), rpm_parse_evr(current_package[:ensure])) > 0 self.debug "Upgrading package #{@resource[:name]} from version #{current_package[:ensure]} to #{should}" operation = update_command end end end # Yum on el-4 and el-5 returns exit status 0 when trying to install a package it doesn't recognize; # ensure we capture output to check for errors. no_debug = if Facter.value(:operatingsystemmajrelease).to_i > 5 then ["-d", "0"] else [] end command = [command(:cmd)] + no_debug + ["-e", error_level, "-y", install_options, operation, wanted].compact output = execute(command) if output =~ /^No package #{wanted} available\.$/ raise Puppet::Error, _("Could not find package %{wanted}") % { wanted: wanted } end # If a version was specified, query again to see if it is a matching version if should is = self.query raise Puppet::Error, _("Could not find package %{name}") % { name: self.name } unless is version = is[:ensure] # FIXME: Should we raise an exception even if should == :latest # and yum updated us to a version other than @param_hash[:ensure] ? raise Puppet::Error, _("Failed to update to version %{should}, got version %{version} instead") % { should: should, version: version } unless insync?(version) end end # What's the latest package version available? def latest upd = self.class.latest_package_version(@resource[:name], disablerepo, enablerepo, disableexcludes) unless upd.nil? # FIXME: there could be more than one update for a package # because of multiarch return "#{upd[:epoch]}:#{upd[:version]}-#{upd[:release]}" else # Yum didn't find updates, pretend the current version is the latest version = properties[:ensure] raise Puppet::DevError, _("Tried to get latest on a missing package") if version == :absent || version == :purged return version end end def update # Install in yum can be used for update, too self.install end def purge execute([command(:cmd), "-y", :erase, @resource[:name]]) end private def enablerepo scan_options(resource[:install_options], '--enablerepo') end def disablerepo scan_options(resource[:install_options], '--disablerepo') end def disableexcludes scan_options(resource[:install_options], '--disableexcludes') end # Scan a structure that looks like the package type 'install_options' # structure for all hashes that have a specific key. # # @api private # @param options [Array, nil] The options structure. If the # options are nil an empty array will be returned. # @param key [String] The key to look for in all contained hashes # @return [Array] All hash values with the given key. def scan_options(options, key) return [] unless options.is_a?(Enumerable) values = options.map do | repo | value = if repo.is_a?(String) next unless repo.include?('=') Hash[*repo.strip.split('=')] # make it a hash else repo end value[key] end values.compact.uniq end end