require 'addressable/uri' # # Load a file from disk. # # WINDOWS # ======= # Windows is supported, but must use URLs in the modern structure like: # file:///x:/path/to/the/file.png # or as a relative path: # directory/file.png # or as an absolute path from the current drive: # /path/to/the/file.png # # Ruby's URI parser does not like backslashes, nor can it handle filenames as URLs starting # with a drive letter as it thinks you're giving it a scheme. # # URL ENCODING # ============ # This module assumes the URL that is passed in has been URL-encoded. If for some reason # you're passing in a filename that hasn't been taken from an XML document's attribute, # you will want to URL encode it before you pass it in. # # FILES READ AS BINARY # ==================== # At the moment, prawn-svg uses this class only to load graphical files, which are binary. # This class therefore uses File.binread to read file data. If it is ever used in the future # to load text files, it will have to be taught about what kind of file it's expecting to # read, and adjust the file read function accordingly. # module Prawn::SVG::Loaders class File attr_reader :root_path def initialize(root_path) if root_path.empty? raise ArgumentError, "An empty string is not a valid root path. Use '.' if you want the current working directory." end @root_path = ::File.expand_path(root_path) raise ArgumentError, "#{root_path} is not a directory" unless Dir.exist?(@root_path) end def from_url(url) uri = build_uri(url) if uri && uri.scheme.nil? && uri.path load_file(uri.path) elsif uri && uri.scheme == 'file' assert_valid_file_uri!(uri) path = windows? ? fix_windows_path(uri.path) : uri.path load_file(path) end end private def load_file(path) path = Addressable::URI.unencode(path) path = build_absolute_and_expand_path(path) assert_valid_path!(path) assert_file_exists!(path) ::File.binread(path) end def build_uri(url) URI(url) rescue URI::InvalidURIError end def assert_valid_path!(path) # TODO : case sensitive comparison, but it's going to be a bit of a headache # making it dependent on whether the file system is case sensitive or not. # Leaving it like this until it's a problem for someone. unless path.start_with?("#{root_path}#{::File::SEPARATOR}") raise Prawn::SVG::UrlLoader::Error, "file path is not inside the root path of #{root_path}" end end def build_absolute_and_expand_path(path) ::File.expand_path(path, root_path) end def assert_valid_file_uri!(uri) unless || raise Prawn::SVG::UrlLoader::Error, "prawn-svg does not suport file: URLs with a host. Your URL probably doesn't start with three slashes, and it should." end end def assert_file_exists!(path) raise Prawn::SVG::UrlLoader::Error, "File #{path} does not exist" unless ::File.exist?(path) end def fix_windows_path(path) if path.match(%r{\A/[a-z]:/}i) path[1..] else path end end def windows? !!(RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /mswin|msys|mingw|cygwin|bccwin|wince|emc/) end end end