module Workarea module FlowIo # Represents a local item imported by the CSV importer. class ImportedItem attr_reader :params, :experiences def initialize(row, experiences) # HACK needed to parse params with keys like # `parent[child][param]`, since that's what they come in # as from the CSV. @params = Rack::Utils.default_query_parser .parse_nested_query(row.to_h.to_query) .deep_symbolize_keys @experiences = experiences end def self.process(row, experiences) new(row, experiences).tap(&:save!) end def save! # We don't care about world experience since it it needs to be converted # by Flows javascript on the storefront return if experience_key.match?(/world/i) Sidekiq::Callbacks.disable(Workarea::FlowIo::ItemExporter) do if local_item.present? local_item.update_attributes(local_item_attributes) else sku.flow_io_local_items.create!(local_item_attributes) end! end end private def experience_key params[:experience][:key] end def experience @experience ||= begin exp = experiences.detect { |e| e.key == experience_key } key: experience_key, name:, country:, currency: Country.find_country_by_alpha3(exp.currency), language: exp.language ) end end def sku @sku ||= Pricing::Sku.find_or_create_by!(_id: params[:item][:number]) end def local_item @local_item ||= sku.flow_io_local_items .detect { |li| li.experience.key == experience.key } end def local_item_attributes { experience: experience, prices: prices }.merge(msrp) end def pricing_attributes params[:prices][:price_attributes] end def msrp return {} unless msrp_attributes = pricing_attributes[:msrp] { msrp: { price: Money.from_amount(msrp_attributes[:amount].to_f, msrp_attributes[:currency]), label: msrp_attributes[:label], base_currency: { price: Money.from_amount(msrp_attributes[:base][:amount].to_f, msrp_attributes[:base][:currency]), label: msrp_attributes[:base][:label] } } } end def prices regular = pricing_attributes[:regular_price] sale = pricing_attributes[:sale_price] price = { min_quantity: 1, regular: { price: Money.from_amount(regular[:amount].to_f, regular[:currency]), label: regular[:label], base_currency: { price: Money.from_amount(regular[:base][:amount].to_f, regular[:base][:currency]), label: regular[:base][:label] } } } if sale.present? price[:sale] = { price: Money.from_amount(sale[:amount].to_f, sale[:currency]), label: sale[:label], base_currency: { price: Money.from_amount(sale[:base][:amount].to_f, sale[:base][:currency]), label: sale[:base][:label] } } end [price] end end end end