require 'driving_physics/disk' require 'driving_physics/cli' include DrivingPhysics env = disk = puts env puts disk puts axle_torque = 50 alpha = disk.alpha(axle_torque) drive_force = disk.force(axle_torque) puts [format("Axle torque: %.1f Nm", axle_torque), format(" Alpha: %.1f rad/s/s", alpha), format("Drive force: %.1f N", drive_force), ].join("\n") puts CLI.pause duration = 750 # sec dist = 0.0 # meters speed = 0.0 # meters/s theta = 0.0 # radians omega = 0.0 # radians/s t = elapsed = 0.0 num_ticks = duration * env.hz num_ticks.times { |i| # shut off the powah! if i == 19_000 puts puts " ### CUT POWER ###" puts axle_torque = 0 elapsed += - t CLI.pause t = end rotating_friction = disk.rotating_friction(omega) net_torque = axle_torque + rotating_friction net_force = disk.force(net_torque) # rotational kinematics alpha = disk.alpha(net_torque) omega += alpha * env.tick omega = 0.0 if omega.abs < 0.0001 theta += omega * env.tick if i < 10 or (i < 20_000 and i%1000 == 0) or (i % 10_000 == 0) or i == duration * env.hz - 1 puts DrivingPhysics.elapsed_display(i) puts format(" Torque: %.1f Nm (%d Nm) Friction: %.1f Nm", net_torque, axle_torque, rotating_friction) puts format("Radians: %.1f r %.2f r/s %.3f r/s^2", theta, omega, alpha) puts format(" Revs: %d revs %d revs/s %d rpm", DrivingPhysics.revs(theta), DrivingPhysics.revs(omega), DrivingPhysics.rpm(omega)) puts end } elapsed += - t puts format("%.2f s (%d ticks / s)", elapsed, num_ticks / elapsed)