# feature_gate A gem to help toggle features on and off in Rails applications without having to re-deploy. ## Installation Include gem in Gemfile: gem 'feature_gate' Run generator to create the migration needed rails generate feature_gate Migrate to create the table in your DB: rake db:migrate Add to `config/routes.rb` mount FeatureGate::Engine, at: '/feature_gate' ## Usage All gates are closed by default, meaning the features you gate will be hidden until you toggle the gates open. In view files: <% FeatureGate::Manager.gate('gate-name') do %>
I am not seen if the gate is on
<% end %> In controller actions: def index FeatureGate::Manager.gate_page('gate-name') # 404s if gate is closed end To deploy your feature: FeatureGate::Manager.open!('gate-name') To gate your feature: FeatureGate::Manager.close!('gate-name') To see the names of all opened gates: FeatureGate::Manager.opened_gates To see the names of all closed gates: FeatureGate::Manager.closed_gates