describe('Exceptions:', function() { var env; beforeEach(function() { env = new jasmine.Env(); env.updateInterval = 0; }); it('jasmine.formatException formats Firefox exception messages as expected', function() { var sampleFirefoxException = { fileName: 'foo.js', line: '1978', message: 'you got your foo in my bar', name: 'A Classic Mistake' }; var expected = 'A Classic Mistake: you got your foo in my bar in foo.js (line 1978)'; expect(jasmine.util.formatException(sampleFirefoxException)).toEqual(expected); }); it('jasmine.formatException formats Webkit exception messages as expected', function() { var sampleWebkitException = { sourceURL: 'foo.js', lineNumber: '1978', message: 'you got your foo in my bar', name: 'A Classic Mistake' }; var expected = 'A Classic Mistake: you got your foo in my bar in foo.js (line 1978)'; expect(jasmine.util.formatException(sampleWebkitException)).toEqual(expected); }); describe('with break on exception', function() { it('should not catch the exception', function() { var suite = env.describe('suite for break on exceptions', function() {'should break when an exception is thrown', function() { throw new Error('I should hit a breakpoint!'); }); }); var runner = env.currentRunner(); var dont_change = 'I will never change!'; var oldCatch = jasmine.CATCH_EXCEPTIONS; jasmine.CATCH_EXCEPTIONS = false; try { suite.execute(); dont_change = 'oops I changed'; } catch (e) {} finally { jasmine.CATCH_EXCEPTIONS = oldCatch; } expect(dont_change).toEqual('I will never change!'); }); }); describe("with catch on exception", function() { it('should handle exceptions thrown, but continue', function() { var fakeTimer = new jasmine.FakeTimer(); env.setTimeout = fakeTimer.setTimeout; env.clearTimeout = fakeTimer.clearTimeout; env.setInterval = fakeTimer.setInterval; env.clearInterval = fakeTimer.clearInterval; //we run two exception tests to make sure we continue after throwing an exception var suite = env.describe('Suite for handles exceptions', function () {'should be a test that fails because it throws an exception', function() { throw new Error('fake error 1'); });'should be another test that fails because it throws an exception', function() { this.runs(function () { throw new Error('fake error 2'); }); this.runs(function () { this.expect(true).toEqual(true); }); });'should be a passing test that runs after exceptions are thrown', function() { this.expect(true).toEqual(true); });'should be another test that fails because it throws an exception after a wait', function() { this.runs(function () { var foo = 'foo'; }); this.waits(250); this.runs(function () { throw new Error('fake error 3'); }); });'should be a passing test that runs after exceptions are thrown from a async test', function() { this.expect(true).toEqual(true); }); }); var runner = env.currentRunner(); suite.execute(); fakeTimer.tick(2500); var suiteResults = suite.results(); var specResults = suiteResults.getItems(); expect(suiteResults.passed()).toEqual(false); // expect(specResults.length).toEqual(5); expect(specResults[0].passed()).toMatch(false); var blockResults = specResults[0].getItems(); expect(blockResults[0].passed()).toEqual(false); expect(blockResults[0].message).toMatch(/fake error 1/); expect(specResults[1].passed()).toEqual(false); blockResults = specResults[1].getItems(); expect(blockResults[0].passed()).toEqual(false); expect(blockResults[0].message).toMatch(/fake error 2/); expect(blockResults[1].passed()).toEqual(true); expect(specResults[2].passed()).toEqual(true); expect(specResults[3].passed()).toEqual(false); blockResults = specResults[3].getItems(); expect(blockResults[0].message).toMatch(/fake error 3/); expect(specResults[4].passed()).toEqual(true); }); it("should handle exceptions thrown directly in top-level describe blocks and continue", function () { var suite = env.describe("a top level describe block that throws an exception", function () {"is a test that should pass", function () { this.expect(true).toEqual(true); }); throw new Error("top level error"); }); suite.execute(); var suiteResults = suite.results(); var specResults = suiteResults.getItems(); expect(suiteResults.passed()).toEqual(false); expect(specResults.length).toEqual(2); expect(specResults[1].description).toMatch(/encountered a declaration exception/); }); it("should handle exceptions thrown directly in nested describe blocks and continue", function () { var suite = env.describe("a top level describe", function () { env.describe("a mid-level describe that throws an exception", function () {"is a test that should pass", function () { this.expect(true).toEqual(true); }); throw new Error("a mid-level error"); }); }); suite.execute(); var suiteResults = suite.results(); var specResults = suiteResults.getItems(); expect(suiteResults.passed()).toEqual(false); expect(specResults.length).toEqual(1); var nestedSpecResults = specResults[0].getItems(); expect(nestedSpecResults.length).toEqual(2); expect(nestedSpecResults[1].description).toMatch(/encountered a declaration exception/); }); }); });