require 'spec_helper' #The reason for this spec is to make sure sorting acts as expected when there is no # default sort order specified describe "Vehicles spec" do before(:all) do run_generator end after(:all) { run_destroy } describe "GET /vehicles" do # before(:each) do # (1..25).each { FactoryGirl.create(:vehicle) } # end describe "search only", :js => false do it "displays a search box and a find and clear button" do visit search_vehicles_path page.should have_selector("input#search_for") page.should have_selector("button#submit-search") page.should have_selector("button#clear-search") end it "clears the search", :js => true do visit search_vehicles_path fill_in("search_for", :with => "Search Text") click_button("clear-search") first("input#search_for").value.should eq "" end describe "perform searches", :js => true do before(:each) do FactoryGirl.create(:vehicle, manufacturer: "Fred", model: "Bradley") FactoryGirl.create(:vehicle, manufacturer: "Brad", model: "Johnson") FactoryGirl.create(:vehicle, manufacturer: "John", model: "Williams") FactoryGirl.create(:vehicle, manufacturer: "Will", model: "Farley") FactoryGirl.create(:vehicle, manufacturer: "Joseph", color: "") end it "returns only rows that have manufacturer or model matching case-insensitive 'brad'" do visit search_vehicles_path first("tbody").all("tr").count.should eq 5 fill_in("search_for", :with => "brad") click_button("submit-search") first("tbody").all("tr").count.should eq 2 #not 3 because Joseph's color isn't searchable end it "returns only rows that have manufacturer or mode matching case-insensitive 'wIlL'" do visit search_vehicles_path first("tbody").all("tr").count.should eq 5 fill_in("search_for", :with => "wIlL") click_button("submit-search") first("tbody").all("tr").count.should eq 2 end it "returns only rows that have manufacturer or model matching case-insensitive 'JO'" do visit search_vehicles_path first("tbody").all("tr").count.should eq 5 fill_in("search_for", :with => "JO") click_button("submit-search") first("tbody").all("tr").count.should eq 3 end it "shows all listings again when search is cleared" do visit search_vehicles_path first("tbody").all("tr").count.should eq 5 fill_in("search_for", :with => "Fred") click_button("submit-search") first("tbody").all("tr").count.should eq 1 click_button("clear-search") first("input#search_for").value.should eq "" first("tbody").all("tr").count.should eq 5 end end end describe "sort only" do before(:each) do (1..50).each do FactoryGirl.create(:vehicle, manufacturer: "John_#{Random.rand(1..99)}", model: "Doe_#{Random.rand(1..99)}", color: "johndoescolor_#{Random.rand(1..99)}") end end it "shows sort dropdown with default sort order selected when no sorting is chosen", :js => true do visit sort_vehicles_path find("select#sort_by").value.should eq "year" #first in list because no default end it "sorts by manufacturer when selected", :js => true do visit sort_vehicles_path select("Color", :from => "sort_by") #just to force onchange event for next line select("Make", :from => "sort_by") sleep 0.5 manufacturers = all(:xpath, "//table/tbody/tr/td[1]") == end it "sorts by model when selected", :js => true do visit sort_vehicles_path select("Model", :from => "sort_by") sleep 0.5 models = all(:xpath, "//table/tbody/tr/td[3]") == end it "sorts by model descending when selected", :js => true do visit sort_vehicles_path select("Model [desc]", :from => "sort_by") sleep 0.5 models = all(:xpath, "//table/tbody/tr/td[3]") == end it "defaults to valid ascending search if invalid sort direction, but valid sort column value is passed in", :js => false do visit sort_vehicles_path(:sort_by => "color invalid_direction") find("select#sort_by").value.should eq "color" end end describe "both search and sort" do before(:each) do (1..50).each do FactoryGirl.create(:vehicle, manufacturer: "John_#{Random.rand(1..99)}", model: "Doe_#{Random.rand(1..99)}", color: "johndoescolor_#{Random.rand(1..99)}") end end it "keeps same sort order after search", :js => true do visit vehicles_path select("Make", :from => "sort_by") sleep 0.5 manufacturers = all(:xpath, "//table/tbody/tr/td[1]") == fill_in("search_for", :with => "john_2") click_button("submit-search") sleep 0.5 find("select#sort_by").value.should eq "manufacturer" john_2_manufacturers = all(:xpath, "//table/tbody/tr/td[1]").select { |fn| fn.text.downcase == 'john_2' } == end it "keeps the same search results after re-sort", :js => true do visit vehicles_path all(:xpath, "//table/tbody/tr").count.should eq 50 fill_in("search_for", :with => "john_2") click_button("submit-search") john_2_count = all(:xpath, "//table/tbody/tr").count #make sure search did indeed happen first john_2_count.should eq all(:xpath, "//table/tbody/tr/td[2]").count { |e| e.text =~ /john_2/i } select("Color [desc]", :from => "sort_by") #resubmits sleep 0.5 all(:xpath, "//table/tbody/tr").count.should eq john_2_count end end describe "existing params" do it "passes along existing params when search form is submitted" do visit vehicles_path(filter: "managers", aged: "42") fill_in("search_for", :with => "irrelevant search text") click_button("submit-search") current_url.should match("filter=managers") current_url.should match("aged=42") end it "passes along existing params when re-sorting", :js => true do visit vehicles_path(filter: "sales", aged: "43") select("Color", :from => "sort_by") current_url.should match("filter=sales") current_url.should match("aged=43") end end end end