# C [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/exercism/c.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/exercism/c) Exercism problems in C ## Contributing Guide Please see the [Exercism contributing guide](https://github.com/exercism/docs/blob/master/contributing-to-language-tracks/README.md) for general contribution tips. ## Coding Style All test and example code should be written using the [Linux kernel coding style](https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/CodingStyle) with 3 space indents and no tabs. If GNU `indent` is installed, this can be run on all files by executing `indent.sh`. To run it on a single file, you can execute: ```shell indent -linux -i3 -nut $(file) ``` If your system does not support the `-linux` option, you can run the long form command instead: ```shell indent -nbad -bap -nbc -bbo -hnl -br -brs -c33 -cd33 -ncdb -ce -ci4 -cli0 -d0 -di1 -nfc1 -i3 -nut -ip0 -l80 -lp -npcs -nprs -npsl -sai -saf -saw -ncs -nsc -sob -nfca -cp33 -ss -il1 $(file) ``` See the [GNU `indent` manual](https://www.gnu.org/software/indent/manual/indent.html#SEC4) for more information.