require 'chef/shell_out' # Given /^I have a clone of typo in the data\/tmp dir$/ do # cmd = "git clone #{datadir}/typo.bundle #{tmpdir}/gitrepo/typo" # `#{cmd}` # end def gem_installed?(gem_name, version) cmd = "gem list -i #{gem_name} -v #{version}" `#{cmd}`=~ /true/ ? true : false end Given /^I have a clone of the rails app in the data\/tmp dir$/ do cmd = "git clone #{datadir}/myapp.bundle #{tmpdir}/gitrepo/myapp" `#{cmd}` end Given /^that I have '(.*)' '(.*)' installed$/ do |gem_name, version| unless gem_installed?(gem_name, version) pending "This Cucumber feature will not execute, as #{gem_name} #{version} is not installed." end end Given /^a test git repo in the temp directory$/ do test_git_repo_tarball_filename = "#{datadir}/test_git_repo.tar.gz" cmd ="tar xzvf #{test_git_repo_tarball_filename} -C #{tmpdir}") cmd.run_command.exitstatus.should == 0 end Then /^I should hear about it$/ do puts "==deploy:" puts `ls #{tmpdir}/deploy/` puts "==Releases:" puts `ls #{tmpdir}/deploy/releases/` puts "==Releases/*/" puts `ls #{tmpdir}/deploy/releases/*/` puts "==Releases/*/db" puts `ls #{tmpdir}/deploy/releases/*/db/` puts "==Releases/*/config/" puts `ls #{tmpdir}/deploy/releases/*/config/` puts "==current:" puts `ls #{tmpdir}/deploy/current/` puts "==current/db:" puts `ls #{tmpdir}/deploy/current/db/` puts "==current/deploy:" puts `ls #{tmpdir}/deploy/current/deploy/` puts "==current/app:" puts `ls #{tmpdir}/deploy/current/app/` puts "==current/config:" puts `ls #{tmpdir}/deploy/current/config/` puts "==shared/config/app_config.yml" puts `ls #{tmpdir}/deploy/shared/config/` end Then /^there should be '(.*)' releases?$/ do |n| numnums = {"one" => 1, "two" => 2, "three" => 3} n = numnums.has_key?(n) ? numnums[n] : n.to_i @releases = Dir.glob(tmpdir + "/deploy/releases/*") @releases.size.should eql(n) end Then /^a callback named should exist$/ do |callback_files| callback_files.raw.each do |file| want_file = "deploy/current/deploy/#{file.first}" Then "a file named '#{want_file}' should exist" end end Then /^the callback named should have run$/ do |callback_files| callback_files.raw.each do |file| hook_name = file.first.gsub(/\.rb$/, "") evidence_file = "deploy/current/app/" + hook_name expected_contents = {"hook_name" => hook_name, "env" => "production"} actual_contents = Chef::JSONCompat.from_json(, evidence_file))) expected_contents.should == actual_contents end end Then /^the second chef run should have skipped deployment$/ do expected_deploy = "#{tmpdir}/deploy/releases/62c9979f6694612d9659259f8a68d71048ae9a5b" Then "'stdout' should not have 'INFO: Already deployed app at #{expected_deploy}. Rolling back to it - use action :force_deploy to re-checkout this revision.'" end