# encoding: utf-8 require File.expand_path('../spec_helper.rb', __FILE__) describe 'Backup::Pipeline' do let(:pipeline) { Backup::Pipeline.new } describe '#initialize' do it 'should create a new pipeline' do pipeline.instance_variable_get(:@commands).should == [] pipeline.errors.should == [] pipeline.stderr.should == '' end end describe '#<<' do it 'should add a command string to @commands' do pipeline << 'a command string' pipeline.instance_variable_get(:@commands).should == ['a command string'] end end describe '#run' do let(:stdout) { mock } let(:stderr) { mock } before do pipeline.expects(:pipeline).returns('foo') pipeline.stubs(:stderr_messages).returns('stderr_messages_output') # stub CLI::Helpers#command_name so it simply returns what it's passed pipeline.class.send(:define_method, :command_name, lambda {|arg| arg } ) end context 'when pipeline command is successfully executed' do before do Open4.expects(:popen4).with('foo').yields(nil, nil, stdout, stderr) end context 'when all commands within the pipeline are successful' do before do stdout.expects(:read).returns("0|0:1|0:\n") end context 'when commands output no stderr messages' do before do stderr.expects(:read).returns('') end it 'should process the returned stdout/stderr and report no errors' do Backup::Logger.expects(:warn).never pipeline.run pipeline.stderr.should == '' pipeline.errors.should == [] end end context 'when successful commands output messages on stderr' do before do stderr.expects(:read).returns("stderr output\n") end it 'should log a warning with the stderr messages' do Backup::Logger.expects(:warn).with('stderr_messages_output') pipeline.run pipeline.stderr.should == 'stderr output' pipeline.errors.should == [] end end end # context 'when all commands within the pipeline are successful' context 'when commands within the pipeline are not successful' do before do pipeline.instance_variable_set(:@commands, ['first', 'second', 'third']) stderr.expects(:read).returns("stderr output\n") end context 'when the commands return in sequence' do before do stdout.expects(:read).returns("0|0:1|1:2|0:\n") end it 'should set @errors and @stderr without logging warnings' do Backup::Logger.expects(:warn).never pipeline.run pipeline.stderr.should == 'stderr output' pipeline.errors.count.should be(1) pipeline.errors.first.should be_a_kind_of SystemCallError pipeline.errors.first.errno.should be(1) pipeline.errors.first.message.should match( "'second' returned exit code: 1" ) end end # context 'when the commands return in sequence' context 'when the commands return out of sequence' do before do stdout.expects(:read).returns("1|1:2|0:0|0:\n") end it 'should properly associate the exitstatus for each command' do Backup::Logger.expects(:warn).never pipeline.run pipeline.stderr.should == 'stderr output' pipeline.errors.count.should be(1) pipeline.errors.first.should be_a_kind_of SystemCallError pipeline.errors.first.errno.should be(1) pipeline.errors.first.message.should match( "'second' returned exit code: 1" ) end end # context 'when the commands return out of sequence' context 'when multiple commands fail (out of sequence)' do before do stdout.expects(:read).returns("1|1:2|0:0|3:\n") end it 'should properly associate the exitstatus for each command' do Backup::Logger.expects(:warn).never pipeline.run pipeline.stderr.should == 'stderr output' pipeline.errors.count.should be(2) pipeline.errors.each {|err| err.should be_a_kind_of SystemCallError } pipeline.errors[0].errno.should be(3) pipeline.errors[0].message.should match( "'first' returned exit code: 3" ) pipeline.errors[1].errno.should be(1) pipeline.errors[1].message.should match( "'second' returned exit code: 1" ) end end # context 'when the commands return (out of sequence)' end # context 'when commands within the pipeline are not successful' end # context 'when pipeline command is successfully executed' context 'when pipeline command fails to execute' do before do Open4.expects(:popen4).with('foo').raises('exec failed') end it 'should raise an error' do expect do pipeline.run end.to raise_error( Backup::Errors::Pipeline::ExecutionError, "Pipeline::ExecutionError: RuntimeError: exec failed" ) end end # context 'when pipeline command fails to execute' end # describe '#run' describe '#success?' do it 'returns true when @errors is empty' do pipeline.success?.should be_true end it 'returns false when @errors is not empty' do pipeline.instance_variable_set(:@errors, ['foo']) pipeline.success?.should be_false end end # describe '#success?' describe '#error_messages' do before do pipeline.instance_variable_set( :@errors, [ StandardError.new('standard error'), RuntimeError.new('runtime error') ] ) end context 'when #stderr_messages has messages' do before do pipeline.expects(:stderr_messages).returns('stderr messages') end it 'should output #stderr_messages and formatted system error messages' do pipeline.error_messages.should == 'stderr messages' + "The following system errors were returned:\n" + "Error: StandardError: standard error\n" + "Error: RuntimeError: runtime error" end end context 'when #stderr_messages has no messages' do before do pipeline.expects(:stderr_messages).returns(false) end it 'should only output the formatted system error messages' do pipeline.error_messages.should == "The following system errors were returned:\n" + "Error: StandardError: standard error\n" + "Error: RuntimeError: runtime error" end end end # describe '#error_messages' describe '#pipeline' do context 'when there are multiple system commands to execute' do before do pipeline.instance_variable_set(:@commands, %w{ one two three }) end it 'should build a pipeline with redirected/collected exit codes' do pipeline.send(:pipeline).should == '( ( one 2>&4; echo "0|$?:" >&3 ) | ' + '( two 2>&4; echo "1|$?:" >&3 ) | ' + '( three 2>&4; echo "2|$?:" >&3 ) ) 3>&1- 4>&2' end end context 'when there is only one system command to execute' do before do pipeline.instance_variable_set(:@commands, ['foo']) end it 'should build the command line in the same manner, but without pipes' do pipeline.send(:pipeline).should == '( ( foo 2>&4; echo "0|$?:" >&3 ) ) 3>&1- 4>&2' end end end # describe '#pipeline' describe '#stderr_message' do context 'when @stderr has messages' do before do pipeline.instance_variable_set(:@stderr, "stderr message\n output") end it 'should return a formatted message with the @stderr messages' do pipeline.send(:stderr_messages).should == " Pipeline STDERR Messages:\n" + " (Note: may be interleaved if multiple commands returned error messages)\n" + "\n" + " stderr message\n" + " output\n" end end context 'when @stderr is empty' do it 'should return false' do pipeline.send(:stderr_messages).should be_false end end end # describe '#stderr_message' end #describe 'Backup::Pipeline'