describe "NSDate" do it "Should have an NSDate##from_components method" do date = NSDate.from_components(year: 2012, month: 1, day: 2) date.year.should == 2012 date.month.should == 1 == 2 end it "Should have an NSDate##today method" do now = date = date.year.should == now.year date.month.should == now.month == date.hour.should == 0 date.min.should == 0 date.sec.should == 0 end it "NSDate##today method should be equal to itself" do date1 = date2 = date1.should == date2 end it "Should have an NSDate##yesterday method" do now = date = NSDate.yesterday date.hour.should == 0 date.min.should == 0 date.sec.should == 0 (now - date).in_hours.should >= 23 # keep in mind daylight (now - date).in_hours.should <= 25 # savings time. end it "NSDate##yesterday method should be equal to itself" do date1 = NSDate.yesterday date2 = NSDate.yesterday date1.should == date2 end it "Should have an NSDate##tomorrow method" do now = date = NSDate.tomorrow date.hour.should == 0 date.min.should == 0 date.sec.should == 0 (date - now).in_hours.should >= 23 # keep in mind daylight (date - now).in_hours.should <= 25 # savings time. end it "NSDate##tomorrow method should be equal to itself" do date1 = NSDate.tomorrow date2 = NSDate.tomorrow date1.should == date2 end before do @date = NSDate.from_components(year: 2013, month: 1, day: 2, hour:12, minute: 15, second: 30) end it "should have an NSDate#string_with_style(date_style, time_style) method that accepts symbols" do @date.string_with_style(:medium).should == 'Jan 2, 2013' @date.string_with_style(:medium, :none).should == 'Jan 2, 2013' @date.string_with_style(:short, :medium).should == '1/2/13, 12:15:30 PM' @date.string_with_style(:none, :short).should == '12:15 PM' end it "should have an NSDate#string_with_style(date_style, time_style) method that has default" do @date.string_with_style.should == 'Jan 2, 2013' end it "should have an NSDate#string_with_style(date_style, time_style) method that accepts NSDateStyle constants" do @date.string_with_style(NSDateFormatterMediumStyle).should == 'Jan 2, 2013' @date.string_with_style(NSDateFormatterMediumStyle, NSDateFormatterNoStyle).should == 'Jan 2, 2013' @date.string_with_style(NSDateFormatterShortStyle, NSDateFormatterMediumStyle).should == '1/2/13, 12:15:30 PM' @date.string_with_style(NSDateFormatterNoStyle, NSDateFormatterShortStyle).should == '12:15 PM' end it "should have an NSDate#string_with_format method (1)" do @date.string_with_format("yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss").should == '01/02/2013, 12:15:30' end it "should have an NSDate#string_with_format method (2)" do @date.string_with_format("yyyyMMMMd HH:mm:ss").should == 'January 2, 2013, 12:15:30' end it "should have an NSDate#string_with_format method (:iso8601)" do @date.string_with_format(:iso8601).should == '2013-01-02 12:15:30.000' end it "should have an NSDate#timezone method" do String.should === end it "should have an NSDate#era method" do @date.era.should == 1 end it "should have an NSDate#today method" do == false === true end it "should have an NSDate#same_day method" do @date.same_day?(@date.start_of_day).should === true end it "should have an NSDate#utc_offset method" do Fixnum.should === @date.utc_offset end it "should have an NSDate#leap_year method" do @date.leap_year?.should == false NSDate.from_components(year:2012, month:1, day:1).leap_year?.should == true end it "should have an NSDate#date_array method" do @date.date_array.should == [2013, 1, 2] end it "should have an NSDate#time_array method" do @date.time_array.should == [12, 15, 30] end it "should have an NSDate#datetime_array method" do @date.datetime_array.should == [2013, 1, 2, 12, 15, 30] end it "should have an NSDate#start_of_day method" do @date.start_of_day.datetime_array.should == [2013, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0] end it "NSDate#start_of_day should be equal to itself" do @date.start_of_day.should == @date.start_of_day end it "should have an NSDate#end_of_day method" do @date.end_of_day.datetime_array.should == [2013, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0] end it "NSDate#end_of_day should be equal to itself" do @date.end_of_day.should == @date.end_of_day end it "should have an NSDate#start_of_week method" do @date.start_of_week(:sunday).datetime_array.should == [2012, 12, 30, 0, 0, 0] end it "should have an NSDate#end_of_week method" do @date.end_of_week(:sunday).datetime_array.should == [2013, 1, 6, 0, 0, 0] end it "should have an NSDate#start_of_month method" do @date.start_of_month.datetime_array.should == [2013, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0] end it "should have an NSDate#end_of_month method" do @date.end_of_month.datetime_array.should == [2013, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0] end it "should have an NSDate#days_in_month method" do @date.days_in_month.should == 31 NSDate.from_components(year:2013, month:2, day:1).days_in_month.should == 28 NSDate.from_components(year:2012, month:2, day:1).days_in_month.should == 29 end it "should have an NSDate#days_in_year method" do @date.days_in_year.should == 365 NSDate.from_components(year:2013, month:2, day:1).days_in_year.should == 365 NSDate.from_components(year:2012, month:2, day:1).days_in_year.should == 366 end end