require 'spec_helper' describe Localeapp::ApiCaller, ".new(endpoint, options = {})" do it "stores the endpoint and options" do api_caller =, :foo => :bar) api_caller.endpoint.should == :endpoint api_caller.options.should == { :foo => :bar } end end describe Localeapp::ApiCaller, "#call(object)" do before do with_configuration do @api_caller = end @url = '' @api_caller.stub(:test_endpoint).and_return([:get, @url]) @api_caller.stub(:sleep_if_retrying) end it "gets the method and url for the endpoint" do @api_caller.should_receive(:test_endpoint).with({}).and_return([:get, @url]) RestClient::Request.stub(:execute).and_return(double('response', :code => 200)) end it "passes through any url options" do @api_caller.should_receive(:test_endpoint).with({:foo => :bar}).and_return([:get, @url]) @api_caller.options[:url_options] = { :foo => :bar } RestClient::Request.stub(:execute).and_return(double('response', :code => 200)) end it "adds the gem version to the headers" do RestClient::Request.should_receive(:execute).with(hash_including(:headers => { :x_localeapp_gem_version => Localeapp::VERSION })).and_return(double('response', :code => 200)) end if "".respond_to?(:force_encoding) def success_check(response) response.encoding.should == Encoding.find('UTF-8') end it "sets the response encoding based on the response charset" do response = "string" response.stub(:code).and_return(200) response.force_encoding('US-ASCII') response.stub_chain(:net_http_res, :type_params).and_return('charset' => 'utf-8') RestClient::Request.stub(:execute).and_return(response) @api_caller.options[:success] = :success_check end end context "Proxy" do before do RestClient::Request.stub(:execute).and_return(double('response', :code => 200)) end it "sets the proxy if configured" do Localeapp.configuration.proxy = "http://localhost:8888" RestClient.should_receive(:proxy=).with('http://localhost:8888') end it "doesn't set the proxy if it's not configured" do RestClient.should_not_receive(:proxy=) end end context "SSL Certificate Validation" do it "set the HTTPClient verify_ssl to VERIFY_PEER if ssl_verify is set to true" do Localeapp.configuration.ssl_verify = true RestClient::Request.should_receive(:execute).with(hash_including(:verify_ssl => OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER)).and_return(double('response', :code => 200)) end it "set the HTTPClient verify_ssl to false if ssl_verify is set to false" do RestClient::Request.should_receive(:execute).with(hash_including(:verify_ssl => false)).and_return(double('response', :code => 200)) end end context "SSL Certificate Validation" do it "set the HTTPClient ca_file to the value given to ssl_ca_file if it's not nil" do Localeapp.configuration.ssl_ca_file = '/tmp/test' RestClient::Request.should_receive(:execute).with(hash_including(:ca_file => '/tmp/test')).and_return(double('response', :code => 200)) end it "doesn't set the HTTPClient ca_file if ssl_ca_file is nil" do Localeapp.configuration.ssl_ca_file = nil RestClient::Request.should_receive(:execute).with(hash_not_including(:ca_file => nil)).and_return(double('response', :code => 200)) end end context "SSL version" do it "sets the HTTPClient ssl_version to the value given to ssl_version" do Localeapp.configuration.ssl_version = 'SSLv3' RestClient::Request.should_receive(:execute).with(hash_including(:ssl_version => 'SSLv3')).and_return(double('response', :code => 200)) end it "doesn't set the HTTPClient ssl_version if it's nil" do Localeapp.configuration.ssl_version = nil RestClient::Request.should_receive(:execute).with(hash_including(:ssl_version => nil)).and_return(double('response', :code => 200)) end end context "Timeout" do it "sets the timeout to the configured timeout" do Localeapp.configuration.timeout = 120 RestClient::Request.should_receive(:execute).with(hash_including(:timeout => 120)).and_return(double('response', :code => 200)) end end context "a GET request" do it "makes the call to the api" do RestClient::Request.should_receive(:execute).with(hash_including(:url => @url, :method => :get)).and_return(double('response', :code => 200)) end it "adds any :headers to the api call" do RestClient::Request.should_receive(:execute).with(hash_including(:headers => { :x_localeapp_gem_version => Localeapp::VERSION, :foo => :bar })).and_return(double('response', :code => 200)) @api_caller.options[:headers] = { :foo => :bar } end end context " a POST request" do before do @api_caller.stub(:test_endpoint).and_return([:post, @url]) @api_caller.options[:payload] = "test data" end it "makes the call to the api using :payload as the payload" do RestClient::Request.should_receive(:execute).with(hash_including(:url => @url, :payload => "test data", :method => :post)).and_return(double('response', :code => 200)) end it "adds any :headers to the api call" do RestClient::Request.should_receive(:execute).with(hash_including(:headers => { :x_localeapp_gem_version => Localeapp::VERSION, :foo => :bar })).and_return(double('response', :code => 200)) @api_caller.options[:headers] = { :foo => :bar } end end context " call succeeded" do before do FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, @url, :body => '', :status => [200, 'OK']) @object = double('calling object') end it "calls the :success option callback if present" do @api_caller.options[:success] = :success @object.should_receive(:success).with(kind_of(RestClient::Response)) end it "does nothing if :success option callback not present" do @object.should_not_receive(:success) end it "should not try the call again" do @api_caller.max_connection_attempts = 2 @api_caller.connection_attempts.should == 1 end it "doesn't call the failure handler" do @api_caller.options[:failure] = :failure @object.should_not_receive(:failure) end end context " call failed" do before do FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, @url, :body => '', :status => [500, 'Internal Server Error']) @object = double('calling object') end it "retries call, up to value of :max_connection_attempts option" do @api_caller.max_connection_attempts = 2 @api_caller.connection_attempts.should == 2 end it "backs off each retry attempt" do @api_caller.should_receive(:sleep_if_retrying) end it "calls the :failure option callback if present" do @api_caller.options[:failure] = :fail @object.should_receive(:fail).with(kind_of(RestClient::Response)) end it "does nothing if :failure option callback not present" do @object.should_not_receive(:fail) end { 304 => 'Not Modified', 404 => 'Resource Not Found', 422 => 'Unprocessable Entity', 500 => 'Internal Server Error', # Work out when this could happen # 501 => 'Not Implemented', 502 => 'Bad Gateway', 503 => 'Service Unavailable', 504 => 'Gateway Timeout', # Work out when this could happen # 505 => 'HTTP Version Not Supported', # Work out when this could happen # 506 => 'Variant Also Negotiates', # Work out when this could happen # 507 => 'Insufficient Storage', #WebDAV # Work out when this could happen # 509 => 'Bandwidth Limit Exceeded', #Apache # Work out when this could happen # 510 => 'Not Extended' }.each do |code, reason| it "fails when response is #{code} #{reason}" do FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, @url, :body => '', :status => [code.to_s, reason]) @api_caller.options[:failure] = :fail @object.should_receive(:fail) end end it "handles ECONNREFUSED" do RestClient::Request.stub(:execute).and_raise(Errno::ECONNREFUSED) @api_caller.options[:failure] = :fail @object.should_receive(:fail) end it "handles RestClient::ServerBrokeConnection" do RestClient::Request.stub(:execute).and_raise(RestClient::ServerBrokeConnection) @api_caller.options[:failure] = :fail @object.should_receive(:fail) end it "handles SocketError" do RestClient::Request.stub(:execute).and_raise(SocketError) @api_caller.options[:failure] = :fail @object.should_receive(:fail) end end end