require 'mongoid/paranoia' require 'mongoid_paperclip' require_relative './mongoid/votable.rb' class Video include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Timestamps include Mongoid::Paperclip include Mongoid::Paranoia include Ish::Utils include Mongoid::Votable vote_point self, :up => +1, :down => -1 PER_PAGE = 6 field :name, :type => String field :descr, :type => String, :as => :description field :subhead ## still need it... 2023-03-24 field :is_trash, :type => Boolean, :default => false def is_trash if deleted_at true else self[:is_trash] end end field :is_public, :type => Boolean, :default => false field :x, type: Float field :y, type: Float field :z, type: Float field :youtube_id validates_uniqueness_of :youtube_id, allow_blank: true, case_sensitive: false before_save { youtube_id.present? || youtube_id = nil } belongs_to :user_profile, :optional => true, :class_name => 'Ish::UserProfile', :inverse_of => :videos index({ is_trash: 1, user_profile_id: 1, created_at: 1 }, { name: 'idx1' }) def self.list [['', nil]] + Video.unscoped.order_by( :created_at => :desc ).map { |item| [ "#{item.created_at.strftime('%Y%m%d')} #{}", ] } end has_mongoid_attached_file :video, # styles: { :thumb => { geometry: '192x108', format: 'jpeg' }, }, # processors: [ :transcoder ], :storage => :s3, :s3_credentials => ::S3_CREDENTIALS, :path => "videos/:style/:id/:filename", :s3_protocol => 'https', :s3_permissions => 'public-read', :validate_media_type => false, s3_region: ::S3_CREDENTIALS[:region] validates_attachment_content_type :video, content_type: /\Avideo\/.*\Z/ has_mongoid_attached_file :thumb, :styles => { :mini => '20x20#', :thumb => "100x100#", :thumb2 => "200x200#", :s169 => "640x360#", # :s43 => "640x480#", :small => "400x400>", :large => '950x650>', }, :storage => :s3, :s3_credentials => ::S3_CREDENTIALS, :path => "videos/:style/:id/thumb_:filename", :s3_protocol => 'https', :validate_media_type => false, s3_region: ::S3_CREDENTIALS[:region] validates_attachment_content_type :thumb, :content_type => ["image/jpg", "image/jpeg", "image/png", "image/gif", 'application/octet-stream' ] ## copy-paste field :premium_tier, type: Integer, default: 0 # how many stars need to spend, to get access? 0 = free def is_premium premium_tier > 0 end def premium?; is_premium; end has_many :premium_purchases, class_name: '::Gameui::PremiumPurchase', as: :item def export_fields %w| name descr | end end =begin field :issue field :is_feature, :type => Boolean, :default => false field :lang, :type => String, :default => 'en' =end