########################################## # = Code Runner GS2 Module ########################################## # # Authors: Edmund Highcock # Copyright: 2009 Edmund Highcock # # This is free software released under the GPL v3 # # This module allows easy running of the plasma turbulence simulation code gs2 using Code Runner, by automatically organising, naming and submitting runs, and analysing the run data. # # See Code Runner documentation, or documentation for individual methods. # # Notes # # index variables, e.g. kx_index, ky_index etc always refer to the 1-based Fortran index, to keep correspondance with the gs2 indices. Element variables, e.g. kx_element, always refer to the 0-based C/ruby index # # raw NumRu::NetCDF grids are in Fortran row-major order. This means that when you access grids using the NetCDF function NetCDF#get, you must specify the indices in fortran order (but 0-based!). The NetCDF#get function then returns a C-like NArray with the indices in the opposite order. You can convert this to a Ruby Array using the method NArray#to_a (the indices will still be in the same order). # begin require "numru/netcdf" rescue LoadError eputs "Error: No NetCDF: data analysis for gs2 not possible" end class CodeRunner # This is a customised subclass of CodeRunner::Run which allows CodeRunner to submit and analyse simulations from the gyrokinetic flux tube code GS2, which is principally used for simulating plasmas in magnetic confinement fusion. # # It performs two distinct roles: submitting simulations and analysing the data. # # = Submitting Simulations # # This principally involves generating the input file, which is a very nontrivial task. In order to do this, it maintains a complete record of every possible input parameter for GS2, as well as what datatype that parameter is, and sometimes what values it is allowed to take. This allows that not only to generate the input file, but to check that the input file makes sense. However, although generating the input file works beautifully, the set of sanity checks that it makes is not exhaustive: intelligent use is still required! # # In tandem with this, it maintains a whole set of tools for manipulating its database of input parameters. This includes updating their allowed values and also editing and accessing help for every input parameter. # # = Analysing Simulations # # The amount of analysis possible on GS2 data is enormous, and CodeRunner hasn't got close to getting there. What it can do is: # # * Check if the run is complete by comparing the number of completed timesteps against nstep # * Calculate growth rates for linear runs. # * Check if non-linear runs have saturated and calculate fluxes for those runs. # * Automatically plot a huge variety of different graphs, ranging from simple plots of heat flux versus time to three-dimensional plots of the spectrum and potential. class Gs2 < Run::FortranNamelist #GS2_CRMOD_VERSION = Version.new(Gem.loaded_specs['gs2crmod'].version.to_s) GS2_CRMOD_VERSION = Version.new('0.5.0') def agk? false end def spectrogk? false end def gryfx? false end CODE_SCRIPT_FOLDER = MODULE_FOLDER = File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)) # Include the other files @code_module_folder = folder = File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)) # i.e. the directory this file is in setup_namelists(folder) require folder + '/graphs.rb' require folder + '/gsl_data.rb' require folder + '/gsl_data_3d.rb' require folder + '/check_convergence.rb' require folder + '/calculations.rb' require folder + '/ingen.rb' require folder + '/properties.rb' require folder + '/test_gs2.rb' require folder + '/read_netcdf.rb' NaN = GSL::NAN # GSL::Neg def code_run_environment case CodeRunner::SYS when /iridis/ < :to_h, :real_frequencies => :to_h, # :ky_list => :to_h, # :kx_list => :to_h, :growth_rates_by_ky => :to_s, :real_frequencies_by_ky => :to_s, :max_growth_rate => :to_f, :fastest_growing_mode => :to_f, :freq_of_max_growth_rate => :to_f, :ky => :to_f, :gamma_r => :to_f, :gamma_i => :to_f, :run_time => :to_f # :theta_list => :to_h } ############################################################### @uses_mpi = true @modlet_required = false @use_graphs = false Phi = Struct.new("Phi", :phi, :ri, :theta_index, :kx_index, :ky_index) @naming_pars = [] # def self.finish_setting_up_class # @@variables += [ # end # This method, as its name suggests, is called whenever CodeRunner is asked to analyse a run directory.this happens if the run status is not :Complete, or if the user has specified recalc_all(-A on the command line) or reprocess_all (-a on the command line). # # the structure of this function is very simple: first it calls get_status to determine the directory status, i.e. :Complete, :Incomplete, :NotStarted or :Failed, then it gets the time, which is the GS2 time at the end of the run, and it also gets the run_time, which is the wall clock time of the run. Finally,if non-linear mode is switched off, it calls calculate_growth_rates_and_frequencies, and if the non-linear mode is switched on, it calls calculate_time_averaged_fluxes. def process_directory_code_specific run_namelist_backwards_compatibility unless @status == :Queueing get_status end eputs "Run #@status: #@run_name" if [:Complete,:Failed].include? @status try_to_get_error_file @sys = @@successful_trial_system return if @status == :NotStarted or @status == :Failed or @status == :Queueing begin percent_complete = get_completed_timesteps/@nstep @percent_of_total_time = percent_complete rescue get_time @percent_of_total_time = @time / (@delt*@nstep) * 100.0 rescue 0.0 end return if @status == :Incomplete get_run_time calculate_results end def calculate_results return if ENV['CODE_RUNNER_NO_ANALYSIS'] =~ /true/ eputs "Analysing run" if @nonlinear_mode == "off" calculate_growth_rates_and_frequencies calculate_transient_amplifications elsif @nonlinear_mode == "on" calculate_saturation_time_index calculate_time_averaged_fluxes begin calculate_spectral_checks calculate_vspace_checks rescue end end @growth_rates ||={} @real_frequencies ||={} end # Try to read the runtime in minutes from the GS2 standard out. def get_run_time logf(:get_run_time) output = @output_file || try_to_get_output_file return nil unless output begin Regexp.new("total from timer is:\\s*#{LongRegexen::NUMBER}", Regexp::IGNORECASE).match FileUtils.tail(output, 300) logi $~ @run_time = $~[:number].to_f rescue @run_time = nil end end # Output useful information from the NetCDF file. If no names are provided, output a list of all variables in the NetCDF file. names can either be a symbol or an array of symbols, in which case information will be output for the variables with those names. If values are provided, for example :dims,:get, :ndims, this information is retrieved from the file for every variable named. # ncdump # ncdump(:hflux) # ncdump([:hflux, :phi]) # ncdump([:hflux, :phi], :dims) def ncdump(names=nil, values=nil, extension = '.out.nc') names = [names] unless !names or names.class == Array names.map!{|name| name.to_s} if names pp NumRu::NetCDF.open(@run_name + extension).vars(names).to_a.sort{|var1, var2| var1.name <=> var2.name}.map{|var| values ? [var.name, var.send(values)] : var.name.to_sym} end # def generate_component_runs @component_runs = [] logf(:generate_component_runs) return if @grid_option == "single" and @scan_type == "none" begin list(:ky) # This will fail unless the run has output the netcdf file rescue return end return unless @status == :Complete #and @converged log(@run_name) if @grid_option == "box" and @nonlinear_mode == "off" @ky = nil # raise CRFatal.new("no @ky_list") unless @ky_list # log list(:ky) list(:ky).each do |id, ky| component_run = create_component #self.dup component_run.ky = ky component_run.gamma_r = @growth_rates[ky] component_run.gamma_i = @real_frequencies[ky] log @runner.component_ids # log('@runner.class', @runner.class) # @runner.add_component_run(component_run) end elsif (not gryfx?) and @scan_type and @scan_type != "none" t = gsl_vector('t') scan_vals = gsl_vector('scan_parameter_value') current = scan_vals[0] start = 0 for i in 0...t.size if scan_vals[i] != current component = create_component component.scan_index_window = [start+1, i] #remember indexes are elements + 1 #ep 'scan_index_window', component.scan_index_window component.scan_parameter_value = current component.growth_rate_at_ky = nil component.growth_rate_at_kx = nil component.growth_rate_at_ky_at_kx = nil component.calculate_results current = scan_vals[i] start = i end end end end def get_time begin lt = list(:t) return lt.values.max if lt.size>0 rescue end time = nil # eputs File.readlines(@run_name +".out").slice(-4..-1).reverse.join( "\n"); gets raise CRFatal.new("Couldn't find outfile #{@run_name}.out") unless FileTest.exist?(@run_name + ".out") tail = FileUtils.tail("#@run_name.out", 4) #File.readlines(@run_name +".out").slice(-4..-1).reverse.join( "\n") tail.sub(LongRegexen::FLOAT) do # eputs $~.inspect time = $~[:float].to_f end #if FileTest.exist? (@run_name +".out") #raise CRFatal.new("couldn't get the time from #{tail}") unless time @time = time end def get_completed_timesteps #raise CRFatal.new("Couldn't find outfile #{@run_name}.out") unless FileTest.exist?(@run_name + ".out") #p 'try to get completed_timesteps', Dir.pwd, 'nwrite', @nwrite, 'delt', @delt @completed_timesteps = (list(:t).size - 1) * (@nwrite || 1) #p 'tried to get completed_timesteps' #rescue #`grep time= #@run_name.out`.split.size # File.read("#@run_name.out").scan(/^\s+time\s*=\s+/).size * @nwrite end def incomplete return (not 100 == percent_complete) end def parameter_transition(run) end # @@executable_location = nil # def executable_location # return "~/gs2_newterm" #(@@executable_location || ($gs2_new_term ? "~/gs2_newterm" : "~/gs2")) # end # # def executable_name # "gs2" # end @code_long = "GS2 Gyrokinetic Flux Tube Code" @excluded_sub_folders =[] attr_accessor :theta_list, :ky_list, :ky_graphs, :eigenfunctions, :ky_list, :t_list attr_accessor :scan_index_window, :scan_parameter_value class << self aliold(:check_and_update) def check_and_update old_check_and_update @readout_list = (@variables + @results - [:growth_rates_by_ky, :growth_rates, :real_frequencies, :real_frequencies_by_ky, :ky_list, :kx_list, :theta_list, :t_list]) end end def data_string logf(:data_string) return "" unless @converged unless @grid_option == 'single' logi(@ky, @growth_rates, @real_frequencies) # log(:@@readout_list, @@readout_list) return rcp.readout_list.inject(""){|str,(var,_)| str+"#{(send(var) || "0")}\t"} + "\n" # @ky ? (@@variables + @@results - ).inject(""){|str,(var,type_co)| str+"#{(send(var) || "0")}\t"} + sprintf("%e\t%e\t%e\n", @ky, @growth_rates[@ky], @real_frequencies[@ky]) : (@@variables + @@results).inject(""){|str,(var,type_co)| str+"#{(send(var) || "0")}\t"} + sprintf("%e\t%e\t%e\n", @fastest_growing_mode, @max_growth_rate, @freq_of_max_growth_rate) end def percent_complete @completed_timesteps ? @completed_timesteps.to_f / @nstep.to_f * 100.0 : @percent_of_total_time end def print_out_line logf(:print_out_line) name = @run_name name += " (res: #@restart_id)" if @restart_id name += " real_id: #@real_id" if @real_id beginning = sprintf("%2d:%d %-60s %1s:%2.1f(%s) %3s%1s %1s", @id, @job_no, name, @status.to_s[0,1], @run_time.to_f / 60.0, @nprocs.to_s, percent_complete, "%", @converged.to_s) if @ky beginning += sprintf("%3s %4s %4s", @ky, @growth_rates[@ky], @real_frequencies[@ky]) elsif @nonlinear_mode == "off" beginning += sprintf("%3s %4s %4s", @fastest_growing_mode, @max_growth_rate, @freq_of_max_growth_rate) elsif @nonlinear_mode == "on" # p @hflux_tot_stav beginning += " sat:#{saturated.to_s[0]}" beginning += sprintf(" hflux:%1.2e", @hflux_tot_stav) if @hflux_tot_stav beginning += sprintf("+/-%1.2e", @hflux_tot_stav_error) if @hflux_tot_stav_error beginning += sprintf(" momflux:%1.2e", @es_mom_flux_stav.values.sum) if @es_mom_flux_stav and @es_mom_flux_stav.values[0] beginning += ' SC:' + @spectrum_check.map{|c| c.to_s}.join(',') if @spectrum_check beginning += ' VC:' + @vspace_check.map{|c| sprintf("%d", ((c*10.0).to_i rescue -1))}.join(',') if @vspace_check end beginning += " ---#{@comment}" if @comment beginning end def get_list_of(*args) #args can be any list of e.g. :ky, :kx, :theta, :t ... logf(:get_list_of) refresh = args[-1] == true ? true : false args.pop if args[-1] == true logd Dir.chdir(@directory) do args.each do |var| # eputs "Loading #{var}" list_name = var + :_list log list_name # self.class.send(:attr_accessor, list_name) next if (cache[list_name] and [:Failed, :Complete].include? status and not refresh) cache[list_name] = {} if netcdf_file.var(var.to_s) netcdf_file.var(var.to_s).get.to_a.each_with_index do |value, element| # print '.' cache[list_name][element+1]=value end else netcdf_file.dim(var.to_s).length.times.each do |element| cache[list_name][element+1]='unknown' end end # eputs send(var+:_list) end end logfc :get_list_of return cache[args[0] + :_list] if args.size == 1 end alias :list :get_list_of def visually_check_growth_rate(ky=nil) logf :visually_check_growth_rate phi_vec = gsl_vector(:phi2_by_ky_over_time, {ky: ky}) t_vec = gsl_vector(:t) constant, growth_rate = GSL::Fit::linear(t_vec, 0.5*GSL::Sf::log(phi_vec)).slice(0..1) eputs growth_rate graph = @@phi2tot_vs_time_template.graph(["#{constant} * exp (2 * #{growth_rate} * x)"], [[[t_vec, phi_vec], "u 1:2 title 'phi2tot #{@run_name}' w p"]], {"set_show_commands" => "\nset log y\n", "point_size"=>'1.0'}) # eputs graph.inline_data.inspect graph.show gets graph.kill end def show_graph thegraph = special_graph('phi2tot_vs_time_all_kys') thegraph.title += " for g_exb = #{@g_exb.to_f.to_s}" thegraph.show sleep 1.5 # @decaying = Feedback.get_boolean("Is the graph decaying?") thegraph.kill end # @@phi2tot_vs_time_template = {title: "Phi^2 Total vs Time", xlabel: " Time ", ylabel: "Phi^2 Total"}) def restart(new_run) #new_run = self.dup (rcp.variables).each{|v| new_run.set(v, send(v)) if send(v)} @naming_pars.delete(:preamble) SUBMIT_OPTIONS.each{|v| new_run.set(v, self.send(v)) unless new_run.send(v)} #(rcp.results + rcp.gs2_run_info).each{|result| new_run.set(result, nil)} new_run.is_a_restart = true new_run.ginit_option = "many" new_run.delt_option = "check_restart" #if Dir.entries(@directory).include? "nc" #old_restart_run_name = (@restart_run_name or Dir.entries(@directory + '/nc').grep(/\.nc/)[0].sub(/\.nc\.\d+$/, '')) #new_run.restart_file = File.expand_path("#@directory/nc/#{old_restart_run_name}.nc") #else #new_run.restart_file = File.expand_path("#@directory/#@run_name.nc") #end new_run.restart_id = @id new_run.restart_run_name = @run_name @runner.nprocs = @nprocs if @runner.nprocs == "1" # 1 is the default so this means the user probably didn't specify nprocs raise "Restart must be on the same number of processors as the previous run: new is #{new_run.nprocs.inspect} and old is #{@nprocs.inspect}" if !new_run.nprocs or new_run.nprocs != @nprocs # @runner.parameters.each{|var, value| new_run.set(var,value)} if @runner.parameters # ep @runner.parameters new_run.run_name = nil new_run.naming_pars = @naming_pars new_run.update_submission_parameters(new_run.parameter_hash_string, false) if new_run.parameter_hash new_run.naming_pars.delete(:restart_id) new_run.generate_run_name eputs 'Copying Restart files', '' FileUtils.makedirs(new_run.directory + '/nc') #old_dir = File.dirname(@restart_file) new_run.restart_file = "#@run_name.nc" #+ File.basename(@restart_file) #.sub(/\.nc/, '') new_run.restart_dir = "nc" #files = Dir.entries(old_dir).grep(/\.nc(?:\.\d|_ene)/) #files = Dir.entries(old_dir).grep(/^\.\d+$/) if files.size == 0 files = list_of_restart_files.map do |file| @directory + "/" + file end files.each_with_index do |file , index| eputs "\033[2A" # Terminal jargon - go back one line eputs "#{index+1} out of #{files.size}" num = file.scan(/(?:\.\d+|_ene)$/)[0] #FileUtils.cp("#{old_dir}/#{file}", "nc/#@restart_file#{num}") FileUtils.cp(file, new_run.directory + "/nc/#{new_run.restart_file}#{num}") end #@runner.submit(new_run) new_run end # Return a list of restart file paths (relative to the run directory). def list_of_restart_files Dir.chdir(@directory) do files = Dir.entries.grep(/^\.\d+$/) files = Dir.entries.grep(/\.nc(?:\.\d|_ene)/) if files.size == 0 if files.size == 0 (Dir.entries.find_all{|dir| FileTest.directory? dir} - ['.', '..']).each do |dir| files = Dir.entries(dir).grep(/\.nc(?:\.\d|_ene)/).map{|file| dir + "/" + file} break if files.size == 0 end end #if files.size == 0 # This just finds a .nc file (w/o a number) in the nc folder if using single restart file if files.size == 0 files = Dir.entries('nc').grep(/\.nc/).map{|file| 'nc' + "/" + file} end #if files.size == 0 return files end # Dir.chdir(@directory) do end alias :lorf :list_of_restart_files # Put restart files in the conventional location, i.e. nc/run_name.proc def standardize_restart_files Dir.chdir(@directory) do FileUtils.makedirs('nc') list_of_restart_files.each do |file| proc_id = file.scan(/\.\d+$|_ene$/)[0] #p 'proc_id', proc_id FileUtils.mv(file, "nc/#@run_name.nc#{proc_id}") end end end # Delete all the restart files (irreversible!) # def delete_restart_files(options={}) puts 'You are about to delete the restart files for:' puts @run_name return unless Feedback.get_boolean("This action cannot be reversed. Do you wish to continue?") unless options[:no_confirm] list_of_restart_files.each{|file| FileUtils.rm file} end def species_letter species_type(1).downcase[0,1] end def species_type(index) if rcp.variables.include? :type_1 type = send(:type_ + index.to_sym) else types = rcp.variables.find_all{|var| var.to_s =~ /^type/}.map{|var| send(var)} type = types[index.to_i - 1] end type end # Returns true if this run has not been restarted, false if it has. This allows one to get data from the final run of a series of restarts. def no_restarts raise NoRunnerError unless @runner !(@runner.runs.find{|run| run.restart_id == @id}) end def restart_chain if @restart_id return @runner.run_list[@restart_id].restart_chain end chain = [] currid = @id loop do chain.push currid break unless (restrt = @runner.runs.find{|run| run.restart_id == currid}) currid = restrt.id end return chain end def get_status # eputs 'Checking Status' logf(:get_status) Dir.chdir(@directory) do if @running if FileTest.exist?(@run_name + ".out") and FileUtils.tail(@run_name + ".out", 5).split(/\n/).size > 4 and FileUtils.tail(@run_name + ".out", 200) =~ /t\=/ @status = :Incomplete else @status = :NotStarted end else if FileTest.exist?(@run_name + ".out") and FileUtils.tail(@run_name + ".out", 5).split(/\n/).size > 4 #eputs "HERE", @scan_type if @nonlinear_mode == "off" and FileUtils.tail(@run_name + ".out",200) =~ /omega converged/ eputs 'Omega converged...' @status = :Complete elsif @scan_type and @scan_type != "none" and FileUtils.tail(@run_name + ".par_scan",200) =~ /scan\s+is\s+complete/i eputs 'Scan complete...' @status = :Complete elsif @nonlinear_mode == "on" or !@omegatol or @omegatol < 0.0 or (@exit_when_converged and @exit_when_converged.fortran_false?) eputs 'No omegatol' if FileTest.exist?(@run_name + ".out.nc") #p ['pwd', Dir.pwd, netcdf_file, netcdf_file.dim('t'), netcdf_file.dims] if netcdf_file.dim('t').length > 0 get_completed_timesteps else @status = :Failed return end else eputs "Warning: no netcdf file #@run_name.out.nc" @status = :Failed return end #ep "completed_timesteps", @completed_timesteps eputs "#{percent_complete}% of Timesteps Complete" if percent_complete >= 100.0 @status = :Complete elsif percent_complete > 5 and FileUtils.tail(output_file, 200) =~ /total from timer is/ @status = :Complete else @status = :Failed end else @status = :Failed end else @status=:Failed end end end end def self.modify_job_script(runner, runs_in, script) if CODE_OPTIONS[:gs2] and CODE_OPTIONS[:gs2][:list] if (list_size = CODE_OPTIONS[:gs2][:list]).kind_of? Integer raise "The total number of runs must be a multiple of the list size!" unless runs_in.size % list_size == 0 pieces = runs_in.pieces(runs_in.size/list_size) else pieces = [runs_in] end script = "" pieces.each do |runs| #ep 'there is a list' FileUtils.makedirs('job_lists') jid = "#{runs[0].id}-#{runs[-1].id}" list_file = "job_lists/gs2_list_#{jid}.list" File.open(list_file,'w') do |file| file.puts runs.size file.puts runs.map{|r| "#{r.relative_directory}/#{r.run_name}"}.join("\n") end raise "runs must all have the same nprocs" unless runs.map{|r| r.nprocs}.uniq.size == 1 runs.each do |r| # Make sure the restart file name includes the relative directory for # list runs reldir = r.relative_directory rdir = r.restart_dir #puts rdir[0...reldir.size] == reldir, rdir[0...reldir.size], reldir #raise "" if rdir r.restart_dir = reldir + '/' + rdir if not rdir[0...reldir.size] == reldir else r.restart_dir = reldir end Dir.chdir(r.directory){r.write_input_file} end np = runs[0].nprocs.split('x').map{|n| n.to_i} np[0] *= runs.size nprocs = np.map{|n| n.to_s}.join('x') @runner.nprocs = nprocs ls = ListSubmitter.new(@runner, nprocs, list_file, jid) script << ls.run_command end end return script end class ListSubmitter include CodeRunner::SYSTEM_MODULE @uses_mpi = true attr_reader :executable_location, :executable_name, :parameter_string attr_reader :job_identifier def initialize(runner, nprocs, list_file, jid) @executable_location = runner.executable_location @executable_name = runner.executable_name @parameter_string = list_file @job_identifier = jid @nprocs = nprocs end def rcp self.class.rcp end def self.rcp @rcp ||= CodeRunner::Run::RunClassPropertyFetcher.new(self) end end #class ListSubmitter def recheck logf(:recheck) Dir.chdir(@directory) do logi('@runner.object_id', @runner.object_id) log('@runner.class', @runner.class) #runner = @runner instance_variables.each{|var| instance_variable_set(var, nil) unless var == :@runner} begin File.delete(".code_runner_run_data") rescue Errno::ENOENT end begin File.delete("code_runner_results.rb") rescue Errno::ENOENT end logi(:@checked_converged, @checked_converged) logi('@runner.object_id after reset', @runner.object_id) log('@runner.class', @runner.class) process_directory end end def generate_input_file(&block) raise CRFatal("No Input Module File Given or Module Corrupted") unless methods.include? (:input_file_text) run_namelist_backwards_compatibility if @restart_id and (not @is_a_restart or @resubmit_id) # The second test checks that the restart function has not been called manually earlier (e.g. in Trinity), but we must check that it is not in fact a resubmitted run @runner.run_list[@restart_id].restart(self) elsif @save_for_restart and @save_for_restart.fortran_true? and (not @is_a_restart or @resubmit_id) @restart_dir = "nc" #if CODE_OPTIONS[:gs2] and CODE_OPTIONS[:gs2][:list] #FileUtils.makedirs "#{@runner.root_folder}/#@restart_dir" #else FileUtils.makedirs @restart_dir #end @restart_file = "#@run_name.nc" end # Let Gs2 know how much wall clock time is available. avail_cpu_time is a GS2 input parameter. @avail_cpu_time = @wall_mins * 60 if @wall_mins # Automatically set the number of nodes to be the maximum possible without parallelising over x, if the user has left the number of nodes unspecified. set_nprocs if block ##### Allow the user to define their own pre-flight checks and changes instance_eval(&block) else ######### Check for errors and inconsistencies check_parameters ######### end write_input_file ######### Generate a report using the ingen tool if possible ingen unless block ######## end def write_input_file File.open(@run_name + ".in", 'w'){|file| file.puts input_file_text} end def set_nprocs if (nprocs_in = @nprocs) =~ /^x/ max = max_nprocs_no_x nodes = 0 @nprocs = "#{nodes}#{nprocs_in}" loop do nodes += 1 @nprocs = "#{nodes}#{nprocs_in}" if actual_number_of_processors > max nodes -= 1 @nprocs = "#{nodes}#{nprocs_in}" break end end end end def actual_number_of_processors raise "Please specify the processor layout using the -n or (n:) option" unless @nprocs @nprocs.split('x').map{|n| n.to_i}.inject(1){|ntot, n| ntot*n} end alias :anop :actual_number_of_processors def approximate_grid_size case @grid_option when "box" (2*(@nx-1)/3+1).to_i * (@naky||(@ny-1)/3+1).to_i * @ntheta * (2 * @ngauss + @ntheta/2).to_i * @negrid * 2 * @nspec else @ntheta * (2 * @ngauss + @ntheta/2).to_i * @negrid * 2 * @nspec end end alias :agridsze :approximate_grid_size # Gives a guess as to the maximum number of meshpoints which # can be parallelized (i.e. excluding ntheta) # def parallelizable_meshpoints approximate_grid_size / ntheta end # Gives a guess as to the maximum number of nodes which can be # can be utilized on the current system # def estimated_nodes parallelizable_meshpoints / max_ppn end alias :estnod :estimated_nodes def parameter_string return "#{@run_name}.in" end def self.list_code_commands puts (methods - Run.methods).sort end def self.add_variable_to_namelist(namelist, var, value) var = :stir_ + var if namelist == :stir super(namelist, var, value) end def input_file_header run_namelist_backwards_compatibility < 1 input_file = infiles[0] ep 'asdf' @nprocs ||= "1" @executable ||= "/dev/null" make_info_file(input_file, false) end @source_code_subfolders = ['utils', 'geo', 'diagnostics'] attr_accessor :iphi00, :saturation_time #Necessary for back. comp. due to an old bug folder = File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)) # i.e. the directory this file is in SPECIES_DEPENDENT_NAMELISTS = eval(File.read(folder + '/species_dependent_namelists.rb'), binding, folder + '/species_dependent_namelists.rb') # SPECIES_DEPENDENT_VARIABLES_WITH_HELP = SPECIES_DEPENDENT_NAMELISTS.values.inject({}) do |hash, namelist_hash| namelist_hash[:variables].each do |var, var_hash| hash[var] = var_hash[:help] end hash end SPECIES_DEPENDENT_VARIABLES = SPECIES_DEPENDENT_VARIABLES_WITH_HELP.keys SPECIES_DEPENDENT_VARIABLES.each{|var| attr_accessor var} # for backwards compatibility ['i', 'e'].each do |n| SPECIES_DEPENDENT_VARIABLES_WITH_HELP.each do |name, help| attr_accessor name + "_#{n}".to_sym #for backwards compatibility end end old_vars = %w[ :TiTe :Rmaj :R_geo :invLp_input :D_hypervisc :D_hyperres :D_hyper :C_par :C_perp ].map{|n| n.to_s.sub(/^:/, '').to_sym} old_vars.each do |var| alias_method(var, var.to_s.downcase.to_sym) alias_method("#{var}=".to_sym, "#{var.downcase}=".to_sym) end def run_namelist_backwards_compatibility SPECIES_DEPENDENT_VARIABLES.each do |var| set(var + "_1".to_sym, (send(var + "_1".to_sym) or send(var + "_i".to_sym) or send(var))) set(var + "_2".to_sym, (send(var + "_2".to_sym) or send(var + "_e".to_sym))) end end def stop `touch #@directory/#@run_name.stop` end def vim_output system "vim -Ro #{output_file} #{error_file} #@directory/#@run_name.error #@directory/#@run_name.out " end alias :vo :vim_output def vim_stdout system "vim -Ro #{output_file} " end alias :vo1 :vim_stdout def plot_efit_file Dir.chdir(@directory) do text = File.read(@eqfile) text_lines = text.split("\n") first_line = text_lines[0].split(/\s+/) second_line = text_lines[1].split(/\s+/) nr = first_line[-2].to_i nz = first_line[-1].to_i rwidth = second_line[1].to_f zwidth = second_line[2].to_f rmag = second_line[3].to_f nlines = (nr.to_f/5.0).ceil nlines_psi = ((nr*nz).to_f/5.0).ceil start = 5 f = text_lines[start...(start+=nlines)].join(" ").split(nil).map{|s| s.to_f}.to_gslv pres = text_lines[(start)...(start += nlines)].join(" ").split(nil).map{|s| s.to_f}.to_gslv _ = text_lines[(start)...(start += nlines)].join(" ").split(nil).map{|s| s.to_f}.to_gslv _ffprime = text_lines[(start)...(start+= nlines)].join(" ").split(nil).map{|s| s.to_f}.to_gslv psi = text_lines[(start)...(start += nlines_psi)].join(" ") q = text_lines[(start)...(start += nlines)].join(" ").split(nil).map{|s| s.to_f}.to_gslv nbound = text_lines[start...start+=1].join(" ").to_i rz = text_lines[(start)...(start += nbound*2)].join(" ").split(/\s+/) rz.shift rbound, zbound, _ = rz.inject([[], [], true]){|arr,val| arr[2] ? [arr[0].push(val), arr[1], false] : [arr[0], arr[1].push(val), true]} #rbound.shift psi = psi.split(/\s+/) psi.shift psi.map!{|v| v.to_f} psi_arr = SparseTensor.new(2) k = 0 for i in 0...nz for j in 0...nr psi_arr[j,i] = psi[k] k+=1 end end kit = GraphKit.quick_create([((0...nr).to_a.to_gslv - nr/2 - 1 )/(nr-1)*rwidth+rmag, ((0...nz).to_a.to_gslv-nz/2 + 1)/(nz-1) * zwidth, psi_arr], [rbound, zbound, rbound.map{|r| 0}]) kit.gp.contour = "" kit.gp.view = "map" #kit.gp.nosurface = "" kit.gp.cntrparam = "levels 20" kit.data[0].gp.with = 'l' kit.data[1].gp.with = 'l lw 2 nocontours' kit.gnuplot kit2 = GraphKit.quick_create([pres/pres.max],[f/f.max],[q/q.max]) kit2.data[0].title = 'Pressure/Max Pressure' kit2.data[1].title = 'Poloidal current function/Max poloidal current function' kit2.data[2].title = 'Safety factor/Max Safety factor' kit2.gnuplot #p ['f', f, 'p', pres, 'ffprime', ffprime, 'nlines', nlines, 'psi', psi, 'q', q, 'nbound', nbound, 'rbound', rbound, 'zbound', zbound] end end #This function will handle running the correlation analysis and writing the results to a NetCDF file. #Cases need to be handled differently since perp, par and full are just subsets of the full correlation function #but the time correlation calculation needs to deal with each radial location separately. Time correlation #uses the zonal flows in the toroidal direction to calculate the correlation time. # #This function takes in the same options as field_real_space_standard_representation, along with the following #new options dealing with interpolation and binning: # # correlation_type: determines which subset of correlation function should be calculated (perp/par/full/time) # nbins_array: array giving number of bins to use in the binning procedure. Index order (x, y, z ,t) # nt_reg: Most of the time you have many more time points than you need for spatial correlations. This sets # number of new interpolation points in time. # # Using this function: Since this can only be single threaded, this can be a very expensive calculation when # trying to do the full correlation function, so this is not recommended for highly resolved nonlinear runs. This is # why the perp/par/full splitting is implemented, allowing one dimension to be taken out essentially. def correlation_analysis(options={}) #Sanity checks: #Cannot only have one bin since require difference between bins for index calculation if options[:nbins_array].include?1 raise('Cannot have only one bin in nbins_array. Minuimum is two.') end #Thetamin shouldn't be equal to thetamax to avoid possibili # case options[:correlation_type] when 'perp', 'par', 'full' gsl_tensor = field_correlation_gsl_tensor(options) shape = gsl_tensor.shape #Set up dimensions file = NumRu::NetCDF.create(@run_name + "_correlation_analysis_#{options[:correlation_type]}.nc") ydim = file.def_dim('x',shape[0]) xdim = file.def_dim('y',shape[1]) zdim = file.def_dim('z',shape[2]) tdim = file.def_dim('t',shape[3]) correlation_var = file.def_var("correlation", 'sfloat', [xdim, ydim, zdim, tdim]) file.enddef #Write out array correlation_var.put(NArray.to_na(gsl_tensor.to_a)) file.close when 'time' nakx_actual = NumRu::NetCDF.open(@run_name + ".out.nc").var('kx').get kx_len = nakx_actual.length if options[:nakx] == nil radial_pts = kx_len elsif options[:nakx] <= kx_len radial_pts = options[:nakx] else raise('nakx exceeds the total number of kx\'s in simulation') end #Check whether t_index_window is specified, if not, set to entire t range if options[:t_index_window] == nil options[:t_index_window] = [1, -1] end #Now loop through the radial locations and calculate the correlation function in y and t. for x in 0...radial_pts options[:xmin] = x options[:xmax] = x gsl_tensor = field_correlation_gsl_tensor(options) shape = gsl_tensor.shape if x == 0 #Write dimensions to NetCDF file file = NumRu::NetCDF.create(@run_name + "_correlation_analysis_#{options[:correlation_type]}.nc") ydim = file.def_dim('x',shape[0]) xdim = file.def_dim('y',shape[1]) zdim = file.def_dim('z',shape[2]) tdim = file.def_dim('t',shape[3]) end file.redef correlation_var = file.def_var("correlation_x_#{x}", 'sfloat', [xdim, ydim, zdim, tdim]) file.enddef #Write out array correlation_var.put(NArray.to_na(gsl_tensor.to_a)) end file.close #only close after loop over radial points else raise 'Please specify correlation_type as perp/par/time/full' end end def input_file_extension '.in' end #This function will interpolate and output either phi or density at the outboard midplane #on a 40x40 grid appropriate to analyse as experimental data. It called as a run_command #e.g. rc 'bes_output(options)', j:. It will call field_real_space_poloidal_plane_graphkit #for every time step, interpolate at outboard midplane, and write fields and grids out to NetCDF file. # #Options: Same as field_real_space_poloidal_plane, field name must also be specified for generality. New options: # # no_flux_tube_copies: ensures only one flux tube is printed out with zeroes everywhere else. # amin: Minor radius (to which R,Z are normalized) so that grid is in right units # output_box_size: Array of sizes of output box (in units of amin) either side of middle of fluxtube at outboard midplane # in R direction and either side of outboard midplane in Z direction. # output_box_points: Array of number of points in output box (R,Z). Default will be 50x50. # #The interpolation routine used will only interpolate correctly inside the fluxtube and produce garbage outside. Regular points are checked #for being inside or outside the fluxtube and values of the field outside the fluxtube are set to zero. def bes_output(options={}) #****************** # Read in options * #****************** #In order to interpolate on constant grids, ensure constant_torphi is set to some value (default 0.0) if options[:constant_torphi] == nil p 'constant_torphi not set! Setting it to 0.0.' options[:constant_torphi] = 0.0 end #Check whether t_index_window is specified, if not, set to entire t range if options[:t_index_window] == nil t_index_beg = 1 t_index_end = gsl_vector(:t).length else t_index_beg = options[:t_index_window][0] t_index_end = options[:t_index_window][1] end if options[:amin] amin = options[:amin] end if options[:v_ref] # velocity of reference species v_ref = options[:v_ref] end if options[:omega] # angular velocity of plasma omega = options[:omega] end if options[:omega] and (options[:v_ref] == nil or options[:amin] == nil) raise 'Need to specify amin AND v_ref options when specifying omega to move to LAB frame!' end if options[:output_box_size] and options[:output_box_size].kind_of?Array _r_box_size = options[:output_box_size][0] # EGH These variables are marked as unused... are they used anywhere? _z_box_size = options[:output_box_size][1] #else # raise 'Option output_box_size must be specified (in units of amin) and must be an Array.' end if options[:output_box_points] and options[:output_box_points].kind_of?Array r_box_pts = options[:output_box_points][0] z_box_pts = options[:output_box_points][1] else r_box_pts = 50 z_box_pts = 50 end #Call at first time step to set up arrays and grids options[:t_index] = t_index_beg kit = field_real_space_poloidal_plane_graphkit(options) x = kit.data[0].x.data _y = kit.data[0].y.data z = kit.data[0].z.data #Set up NetCDf file file = NumRu::NetCDF.create(@run_name + "_bes_output.nc") xdim = file.def_dim('y', x.shape[0]) zdim = file.def_dim('z', z.shape[1]) tdim = file.def_dim('t', 0) #zero means unlimited x_var = file.def_var("x", 'sfloat', [xdim, zdim]) z_var = file.def_var("z", 'sfloat', [xdim, zdim]) t_var = file.def_var("t", 'sfloat', [tdim]) field_var = file.def_var("field", 'sfloat', [xdim, zdim, tdim]) file.enddef #Write dimensions to file x_var.put(NArray.to_na(x.to_a)) z_var.put(NArray.to_na(z.to_a)) #Loop over time, load field as function of space at each time index, write to file for i in t_index_beg...t_index_end #inclusive of end Terminal.erewind(1) #go back one line in terminal eputs sprintf("Writing time index = %d of %d#{Terminal::CLEAR_LINE}", i, t_index_end-t_index_beg+1) #clear line and print time index options[:t_index] = i #Need to test whether omega is specified to change torphi at each time step. If not, do nothing since torphi must be #set to a value to call the graphkit below if options[:omega] options[:torphi] = omega * (gsl_vector(:t)[i] - gsl_vector(:t)[0]) * (amin/v_ref) end kit = field_real_space_poloidal_plane_graphkit(options) t_var.put(gsl_vector(:t)[i], 'index'=>[i-t_index_beg]) #Write time to unlimited time NetCDF variable field_var.put(NArray.to_na((kit.data[0].f.data).to_a), 'start'=>[0,0,i-t_index_beg], 'end'=>[-1,-1,i-t_index_beg]) end file.close #Ignore this until interpolation issue is sorted =begin #************************** # Set up new regular grid * #************************** th_grid_size = x.shape[1] flux_tube_midpt = x[0, (th_grid_size-1)/2] + (x[-1, (th_grid_size-1)/2] - x[1, (th_grid_size-1)/2])/2 x_vec_reg = GSL::Vector.linspace(flux_tube_midpt - r_box_size, flux_tube_midpt + r_box_size, r_box_pts) z_vec_reg = GSL::Vector.linspace(-z_box_size, z_box_size, z_box_pts) x_reg = GSL::Matrix.alloc(r_box_pts, z_box_pts) z_reg = GSL::Matrix.alloc(r_box_pts, z_box_pts) field_reg = GSL::Matrix.alloc(r_box_pts, z_box_pts) for i in 0...r_box_pts for j in 0...z_box_pts x_reg[i,j] = x_vec_reg[i] z_reg[i,j] = z_vec_reg[j] end end #************************************************ # Find the field at every point on regular grid * #************************************************ #To evaluate field on a regular grid given the field on an irregular grid, need to interpolate. The rubygem #gsl_extras contains an interpolation routine called ScatterInterp which does exactly this based on a #'Radial Basis Function' method. #Have R, Z, and field on an irregular grid in the form of matrices. ScatterInterp only takes in GSL vectors #so simply convert these matrices to vectors (of size row*col) since the order of the pts don't matter. x_vec = GSL::Vector.alloc(x.shape[0]*x.shape[1]) z_vec = GSL::Vector.alloc(x.shape[0]*x.shape[1]) field_vec = GSL::Vector.alloc(x.shape[0]*x.shape[1]) for i in 0...x.shape[0] for j in 0...x.shape[1] x_vec[x.shape[1]*i + j] = x[i,j] z_vec[x.shape[1]*i + j] = z[i,j] field_vec[x.shape[1]*i + j] = field[i,j] end end #Now pass these vectors to ScatterInterp. This creates an object with instance method 'eval' which can be given an x,z coord #at which to evaluate the interpolated function. p 'Interpolating' interp = GSL::ScatterInterp.alloc(:linear, [x_vec, z_vec, field_vec], false, r0=0.1) p 'Finished interpolating' for i in 0...x_vec_reg.size for j in 0...z_vec_reg.size field_reg[i,j] = interp.eval(x_vec_reg[i], z_vec_reg[j]) end end kit = GraphKit.quick_create([x_vec_reg, z_vec_reg, field_reg]) #kit2 = GraphKit.quick_create([x_vec, z_vec, field_vec]) =end end #This section defines a selection of graphs which are written to a latex file when the CR function write_report is called. To add your own, simply copy one a similar looking graph and modify it to your needs. # The requirements to use the latex report writing is further specified in CodeRunner. def latex_graphs #will have a different set of graphs to look at depending on whether linear or nonlinear if @nonlinear_mode == "off" #make up a list of graphs that are to be included. The order of the arguments is [code to generate graphkit, LaTeX description and ] graphs = [ #[(kit = phi2_by_mode_vs_time({kx_index:1, ky_index:1}); kit.xlabel=%[TEST]; kit.gp.term = "post eps color enhanced size 3.5in,2.33in"; kit.gp.output = "test.eps"; kit), "This is a test graph written into a \LaTeX file. \n\n \\myfigure{test.eps}"] [(kit = phi2tot_vs_time_graphkit; kit.data[0].title=""; kit.gp.logscale="y"; kit.file_name = "phi2tot.eps"; kit), "Total $\\phi^2$ versus time."], [(kit = growth_rate_vs_ky_graphkit; kit.data[0].title=""; kit.file_name = "growth_rate_vs_ky.eps"; kit), "Growth rate $\\gamma_E$ as a function of $k_y$ averaged over $k_x$ (if applicable)."], if @grid_option=="range" then [(kit = graphkit('efnmag', {norm:true, kx_index:1, ky_index: :all}); kit.data.each{|dk| dk.title=""}; kit.gp.logscale="y"; kit.file_name = "efnmag.eps"; kit.data.shift; kit), "Normalized magnitude of the eigenfunction as a function of $\\theta$ for all $k_y$'s in the simulation."] end, if @grid_option=="single" then [(kit = graphkit('efnmag', {norm:true, kx_index:1, ky_index:1}); kit.data.each{|dk| dk.title=""}; kit.gp.logscale="y"; kit.file_name = "efnmag.eps"; kit), "Normalized magnitude of the eigenfunction as a function of $\\theta$ for all $k_y$'s in the simulation."] end, ].compact else graphs = [ [(kit = ky_spectrum_graphkit; kit.gp.logscale="y"; kit.file_name = "ky_spectrum.eps"; kit), "$k_y$ spectrum at the final time step averaged over $k_x$."], [(kit = kx_spectrum_graphkit; kit.gp.logscale="y"; kit.file_name = "kx_spectrum.eps"; kit), "$k_x$ spectrum at the final time step averaged over $k_y$."], [(kit = spectrum_graphkit(no_zonal:true); kit.gp.view="map"; kit.gp.logscale="z"; kit.file_name = "spectrum.eps"; kit), "2D spectrum versus $k_x$ and $k_y$ without zonal flows."], [(kit = hflux_tot_vs_time_graphkit; kit.file_name = "hflux_tot_vs_time.eps"; kit), "Total heat flux $Q_{tot}$ as a function of time."], [(kit = es_heat_flux_vs_time_graphkit(species_index:1); kit.file_name = "es_heat_1_vs_time.eps"; kit), "Heat flux of species 1 versus time."], if @nspec > 1 then [(kit = es_heat_flux_vs_time_graphkit(species_index:2); kit.file_name = "es_heat_2_vs_time.eps"; kit), "Heat flux of species 2 versus time."] end, [(kit = es_heat_vs_ky_graphkit(species_index:1); kit.gp.logscale="y" ; kit.file_name = "es_heat_1_vs_ky.eps"; kit), "Heat flux of species 1 as a function of $k_y$."], if @nspec > 1 then [(kit = es_heat_vs_ky_graphkit(species_index:2); kit.gp.logscale="y" ; kit.file_name = "es_heat_2_vs_ky.eps"; kit), "Heat flux of species 2 as a function of $k_y$."] end, [(kit = es_heat_vs_ky_vs_kx_graphkit; kit.gp.view="map" ; kit.file_name = "es_heat_vs_ky_vs_kx.eps"; kit), "2D total heat flux spectrum as a function of $k_x$ and $k_y$."], [(kit = phi_real_space_graphkit(n0:1, thetamin:get_list_of(:theta).length/2, thetamax:get_list_of(:theta).length/2, gs2_coordinate_factor:1.0); kit.gp.view="map" ; kit.file_name = "phi_real_space.eps"; kit), "Potential fluctuations at the final time step vs GS2 $x$ and $y$ at the outboard midplane."], [(kit = density_real_space_graphkit(n0:1, species_index:1, thetamin:get_list_of(:theta).length/2, thetamax:get_list_of(:theta).length/2, gs2_coordinate_factor:1.0); kit.gp.view="map" ; kit.file_name = "density_real_space.eps"; kit), "Density fluctuations for species 1 at the final time step vs GS2 $x$ and $y$ at the outboard midplane."], if @nspec > 1 then [(kit = density_real_space_graphkit(n0:1, species_index:2, thetamin:get_list_of(:theta).length/2, thetamax:get_list_of(:theta).length/2, gs2_coordinate_factor:1.0); kit.gp.view="map" ; kit.file_name = "density_real_space.eps"; kit), "Density fluctuations for species 2 at the final time step vs GS2 $x$ and $y$ at the outboard midplane."] end, [(kit = es_mom_flux_vs_time_graphkit(species_index:1); kit.file_name = "es_mom_flux_1_vs_time.eps"; kit), "Momentum flux for species 1 as a function of time."], if @nspec > 1 then [(kit = es_mom_flux_vs_time_graphkit(species_index:2); kit.file_name = "es_mom_flux_2_vs_time.eps"; kit), "Momentum flux for species 2 as a function of time."] end, [(kit = zonal_spectrum_graphkit; kit.gp.logscale="y"; kit.file_name = "zonal_spectrum.eps"; kit), "Zonal spectrum at the final time step."], ].compact end end end # class GS2 # For backwards compatibility Gs2BoxNtRun = Gs2CycloneRun = Gs2BoxCollisionalRun = Gs2Jet42982Run = Gs2ArtunRun = Gs2LinskerRun = Gs2BarnesLinskerRun = Gs2BoxMovieRun = Gs2Run = Gs2 end # class CodeRunner # ep CodeRunner::Gs2CycloneRun.ancestors class Float def <=>(other) # necessary because of netcdf quirks d = (self - other) if d.abs / (self.abs + 1) < 1e-10 return 0 else return (d / d.abs).to_i end end def ==(other) return false unless other.kind_of? Numeric return (self - other).abs < 1e-14 end end class Hash # puts self def convert_to_index(run, *names) if self[:strongest_non_zonal_mode] ky_element, kx_element = run.gsl_matrix('spectrum_over_ky_over_kx', no_zonal: true).max_index p self[:kx_index] = kx_element + 1 p self[:ky_index] = ky_element + 1 self[:strongest_non_zonal_mode] = false end raise "No names specified" if names.size == 0 # ep run names.each do |name| if name == :kx if lkx = self[:lagrangian_kx] self[:lagrangian_kx_index] = list(:kx).key(lkx) end if lkxi = self[:lagrangian_kx_index] ||= self[:lkx_index] self[:kx_index] = run.eulerian_kx_index(kx_index: lkxi, ky_index: self[:ky_index], t_index: self[:t_index]) end end #ep 'name', name self[:ky_index] = 1 if name == :ky and run.grid_option == "single" self[:kx_index] = 1 if name == :kx and run.grid_option == "single" # ep run.list(name) self[name + :_index] ||= run.list(name).key(self[name]) || (raise ("#{name} not specified")) end end def setup_time_window self[:t_index_window] ||= [self[:t_index],self[:t_index]] if self[:t_index] self[:begin_element], self[:end_element] = (self[:t_index_window] ? self[:t_index_window].map{|ind| ind - 1} : [0, -1]) end end