A class that can be instantiated for access to a RESTful resource, including authentication. Example: resource = RestMan::Resource.new('http://some/resource') jpg = resource.get(:accept => 'image/jpg') With HTTP basic authentication: resource = RestMan::Resource.new('http://protected/resource', :user => 'user', :password => 'password') resource.delete With a timeout (seconds): RestMan::Resource.new('http://slow', :read_timeout => 10) With an open timeout (seconds): RestMan::Resource.new('http://behindfirewall', :open_timeout => 10) You can also use resources to share common headers. For headers keys, symbols are converted to strings. Example: resource = RestMan::Resource.new('http://some/resource', :headers => { :client_version => 1 }) This header will be transported as X-Client-Version (notice the X prefix, capitalization and hyphens) Use the [] syntax to allocate subresources: site = RestMan::Resource.new('http://example.com', :user => 'adam', :password => 'mypasswd') site['posts/1/comments'].post 'Good article.', :content_type => 'text/plain'