= Rubyvis * http://rubyvis.rubyforge.org/ == DESCRIPTION: Ruby port of Protovis[http://vis.stanford.edu/protovis/], a Javascript visualization toolkit. == FEATURES/PROBLEMS: This library implements almost completely core API of protovis, including all static marks, SVG builder class and data classes. Spec coverage is near 90% Implemented: * Marks: All, except transient and transitions. * Layout: Arc, Cluster, Grid, Horizon, Indent, Matrix, Pack, Partition, Stack, Tree and Treemap. To implement: Bullet, Force, and Rollup. Using protovis examples[http://vis.stanford.edu/protovis/ex/] as reference * Conventional: All working * Custom: * Backer's Barley * Burtin's Antibiotics: Scatterplot matrix * Cars: Parallel Coordinates * Crimea war: Grouped bar chart and line chart * Hierarchies: * Treemap * Bubble Charts * Circle Packing * Dendogram * Icicle * Indent * Node-Link Tree * Sunburst * Treemap * Networks: * Arc * Matrix I try to maintain, when posible, complete compatibility with Javascript API, including camel case naming of functions. Johnson [http://github.com/jbarnette/johnson] - the lovely Javascript wrapper inside Ruby embrace - is our friend to test implementation of basic object. User could use +pv+ freely, cause is defined as a global method which call Rubyvis. == CURRENT PROGRESS * pv.js * pv-internals.js * color/Color.js * color/Colors.js * data/Arrays.js * data/Flatten.js * data/Histogram.js * data/Numbers.js * data/LinearScale.js * data/LogScale.js (incomplete) * data/Nest.js * data/QuantitativeScale.js * data/OrdinalScale.js * data/Scale.js * layout/Arc.js * layout/Cluster.js * layout/Grid.js * layout/Hierarchy.js * layout/Horizon.js * layout/Indent.js * layout/Layout.js * layout/Matrix.js * layout/Network.js * layout/Pack.js * layout/Partition.js * layout/Stack.js * layout/Tree.js * layout/Treemap.js * mark/Anchor.js * mark/Area.js * mark/Bar.js * mark/Dot.js * mark/Label.js * mark/Line.js * mark/Mark.js * mark/Panel.js * mark/Rule.js * mark/Wedge.js * scene/SvgBar.js * scene/SvgLabel.js * scene/SvgLine.js * scene/SvgPanel.js * scene/SvgRule.js * scene/SvgScene.js * scene/SvgWedge.js * text/Format.js (incomplete) * text/NumberFormat.js (incomplete) == SYNOPSIS: The primary API, based on Gregory Brown's Ruby Best Practices, uses blocks and name of marks as methods require 'rubyvis' vis = Rubyvis::Panel.new do width 150 height 150 bar do data [1, 1.2, 1.7, 1.5, 0.7, 0.3] width 20 height {|d| d * 80} bottom(0) left {index * 25} end end vis.render puts vis.to_svg The library allows you to use chain methods API, like original protovis require 'rubyvis' vis = Rubyvis::Panel.new.width(150).height(150); vis.add(pv.Bar). data([1, 1.2, 1.7, 1.5, 0.7, 0.3]). width(20). height(lambda {|d| d * 80}). bottom(0). left(lambda {self.index * 25}); vis.render puts vis.to_svg See examples directory for original protovis examples adaptations and others graphics == THE MOST FREQUENT QUESTION (MFQ) ¿Why use a server-side technology if I can use a client-side, which is faster and more economic for developer? If you want to present graphs: (a) complex and/or dynamically generated, (b) only on the web and (c) on modern browsers, Protovis[http://vis.stanford.edu/protovis/] is an excellent option. For simpler charts, Protovis is overkill. I recomend jqPlot[http://www.jqplot.com/] Rubyvis is designed mainly for off-line operation, like batch creation of graphs for use on printed documents (rtf-pdf), with possibility of use easily the script for on-line use. == REQUIREMENTS: Tested on Ruby 1.8.7, 1.9.1, 1.9.2-p0 and ruby-head (future 1.9.3) == INSTALL: $ gem install rubyvis == LICENSE: GPL-2