# frozen_string_literal: true
module Nokogiri
module HTML4
class DocumentFragment < Nokogiri::XML::DocumentFragment
# :call-seq:
# parse(input) { |options| ... } → HTML4::DocumentFragment
# parse(input, encoding:, options:) { |options| ... } → HTML4::DocumentFragment
# Parse \HTML4 fragment input from a String, and return a new HTML4::DocumentFragment. This
# method creates a new, empty HTML4::Document to contain the fragment.
# [Required Parameters]
# - +input+ (String | IO) The content to be parsed.
# [Optional Keyword Arguments]
# - +encoding:+ (String) The name of the encoding that should be used when processing the
# document. When not provided, the encoding will be determined based on the document
# content.
# - +options:+ (Nokogiri::XML::ParseOptions) Configuration object that determines some
# behaviors during parsing. See ParseOptions for more information. The default value is
# +ParseOptions::DEFAULT_HTML+.
# [Yields]
# If a block is given, a Nokogiri::XML::ParseOptions object is yielded to the block which
# can be configured before parsing. See ParseOptions for more information.
# [Returns] HTML4::DocumentFragment
# *Example:* Parsing a string
# fragment = HTML4::DocumentFragment.parse("
Hello World") do |options|
# options.huge.pedantic
# end
def self.parse(
encoding_ = nil, options_ = XML::ParseOptions::DEFAULT_HTML,
encoding: encoding_, options: options_,
# TODO: this method should take a context node.
doc = HTML4::Document.new
if input.respond_to?(:read)
# Handle IO-like objects (IO, File, StringIO, etc.)
# The _read_ method of these objects doesn't accept an +encoding+ parameter.
# Encoding is usually set when the IO object is created or opened,
# or by using the _set_encoding_ method.
# 1. If +encoding+ is provided and the object supports _set_encoding_,
# set the encoding before reading.
# 2. Read the content from the IO-like object.
# Note: After reading, the content's encoding will be:
# - The encoding set by _set_encoding_ if it was called
# - The default encoding of the IO object otherwise
# For StringIO specifically, _set_encoding_ affects only the internal string,
# not how the data is read out.
input.set_encoding(encoding) if encoding && input.respond_to?(:set_encoding)
input = input.read
encoding ||= if input.respond_to?(:encoding)
encoding = input.encoding
if encoding == ::Encoding::ASCII_8BIT
doc.encoding = encoding
new(doc, input, options: options, &block)
# :call-seq:
# new(document) { |options| ... } → HTML4::DocumentFragment
# new(document, input) { |options| ... } → HTML4::DocumentFragment
# new(document, input, context:, options:) { |options| ... } → HTML4::DocumentFragment
# Parse \HTML4 fragment input from a String, and return a new HTML4::DocumentFragment.
# 💡 It's recommended to use either HTML4::DocumentFragment.parse or XML::Node#parse rather
# than call this method directly.
# [Required Parameters]
# - +document+ (HTML4::Document) The parent document to associate the returned fragment with.
# [Optional Parameters]
# - +input+ (String) The content to be parsed.
# [Optional Keyword Arguments]
# - +context:+ (Nokogiri::XML::Node) The
context node for the subtree created. See
# below for more information.
# - +options:+ (Nokogiri::XML::ParseOptions) Configuration object that determines some
# behaviors during parsing. See ParseOptions for more information. The default value is
# +ParseOptions::DEFAULT_HTML+.
# [Yields]
# If a block is given, a Nokogiri::XML::ParseOptions object is yielded to the block which
# can be configured before parsing. See ParseOptions for more information.
# [Returns] HTML4::DocumentFragment
# === Context \Node
# If a context node is specified using +context:+, then the fragment will be created by
# calling XML::Node#parse on that node, so the parser will behave as if that Node is the
# parent of the fragment subtree.
def initialize(
document, input = nil,
context_ = nil, options_ = XML::ParseOptions::DEFAULT_HTML,
context: context_, options: options_
) # rubocop:disable Lint/MissingSuper
return self unless input
options = Nokogiri::XML::ParseOptions.new(options) if Integer === options
@parse_options = options
yield options if block_given?
if context
preexisting_errors = document.errors.dup
node_set = context.parse("
", options)
node_set.first.children.each { |child| child.parent = self } unless node_set.empty?
self.errors = document.errors - preexisting_errors
# This is a horrible hack, but I don't care
path = if /^\s*?#{input}", nil, document.encoding, options)
temp_doc.xpath(path).each { |child| child.parent = self }
self.errors = temp_doc.errors