module Economy class Money include Comparable attr_reader :amount, :currency delegate :to_d, :to_i, :to_f, to: :amount def initialize(amount, currency) if amount.is_a?(BigDecimal) @amount = amount else @amount = BigDecimal(amount.to_s) end @currency = normalize_currency(currency) end def coerce(other) [self, other] end def abs amount.abs, currency end alias_method :magnitude, :abs def -@ -amount, currency end def positive? amount > 0 end def negative? amount < 0 end def zero? amount == 0 end def nonzero? amount != 0 end def ===(other) if other.is_a?(Money) amount == other.amount && currency == other.currency else raise "Can't compare #{} with Money" end end def <=>(other) if other.is_a?(Numeric) && other == 0 amount <=> other elsif other.is_a?(Money) other = other.exchange_to(currency) amount <=> other.amount else raise "Can't compare #{} with Money" end end def +(other) if other.is_a?(Money) other = other.exchange_to(currency) (amount + other.amount), currency else raise "Can't add #{} to Money" end end def -(other) if other.is_a?(Money) other = other.exchange_to(currency) (amount - other.amount), currency else raise "Can't subtract #{} from Money" end end def *(value) case value when Money amount * value.exchange_to(currency).amount when Numeric (amount * value), currency else raise "Can't multiply Money by #{}" end end def /(value) case value when Money amount / value.exchange_to(currency).amount when Numeric (amount / value), currency else raise "Can't divide Money by #{}" end end alias_method :div, :/ def divmod(value) case value when Money quotient, modulo = amount.divmod(value.exchange_to(currency).amount) [quotient,, currency)] when Numeric quotient, modulo = amount.divmod(value) [, currency),, currency)] else raise "Can't divide Money by #{}" end end def %(value) divmod(value)[1] end alias_method :modulo, :% def remainder(value) case value when Money amount.remainder(value.exchange_to(currency).amount), currency when Numeric amount.remainder(value), currency else raise "Can't divide Money by #{}" end end def exchange_to(new_currency) new_currency = normalize_currency(new_currency) if currency != new_currency if rate = Economy.rate(currency, new_currency) (amount * BigDecimal(rate)), new_currency else raise "Rate #{currency.iso_code} => #{new_currency.iso_code} not found" end else self end end def to_json(options={}) "%.#{currency.decimals}f" % amount end alias_method :as_json, :to_json def to_s(precision=nil) ActiveSupport::NumberHelper.number_to_currency( amount, unit: currency.symbol, precision: (precision || currency.decimals) ) end private def normalize_currency(value) if value.is_a?(Currency) value else Economy.currencies.find value end end end end