module Qa::Authorities class Local::TableBasedAuthority < Base def self.check_for_index conn = ActiveRecord::Base.connection if table_or_view_exists? && !conn.indexes('local_authority_entries').find { |i| == 'index_local_authority_entries_on_lower_label' } Rails.logger.error "You've installed local authority tables, but you haven't indexed the label. Rails doesn't support functional indexes in migrations, so you'll have to add this manually:\n" \ "CREATE INDEX \"index_qa_local_authority_entries_on_lower_label\" ON \"qa_local_authority_entries\" (local_authority_id, lower(label))\n" \ " OR on Sqlite: \n" \ "CREATE INDEX \"index_qa_local_authority_entries_on_lower_label\" ON \"qa_local_authority_entries\" (local_authority_id, label collate nocase)\n" \ " OR for MySQL use the MSQLTableBasedAuthority instead, since mysql does not support functional indexes." end end attr_reader :subauthority def initialize(subauthority) @subauthority = subauthority end def search(q) return [] if q.blank? output_set(base_relation.where('lower(label) like ?', "#{q.downcase}%").limit(25)) end def all output_set(base_relation.limit(1000)) end def find(uri) record = base_relation.find_by(uri: uri) return unless record output(record) end private def self.table_or_view_exists? conn = ActiveRecord::Base.connection if conn.respond_to?(:data_source_exists?) conn.data_source_exists?('qa_local_authority_entries') else conn.table_exists?('qa_local_authority_entries') end end def base_relation Qa::LocalAuthorityEntry.where(local_authority: local_authority) end def output_set(set) { |item| output(item) } end def output(item) { id: item[:uri], label: item[:label] }.with_indifferent_access end def local_authority Qa::LocalAuthority.find_by_name(subauthority) end end end