{ "account_id": "RESEARCHER_ACCOUNT_ID", "survey": { "id": null, "title": "Ad Test", "tagline": "Check the video and describe your experience", "prequalification": "", "kind": "media_test", "published": true, "cap_completions": 10, "demographics": [ { "key": "gender", "value": [ "male" ] } ], "credits": { "kind": "stars", "amount": "220.0" }, "questions": [ { "id": "Qa828f7", "kind": "page", "body": { "page": "The following page displays an **advertisement** for few minutes. \n\nYou will be asked to answer questions on that advertisement later on." } }, { "id": "Qbc8435", "kind": "page", "body": { "page": "Please watch the video **until the end**\n\n" } }, { "id": "Qb5faf2", "kind": "multiple_sole", "title": "What is your immediate reaction to the advertisement?", "demographic_key": "gender", "body": { "options": [ { "text": "I found it interesting", "demographic_value": "male" }, { "text": "Somewhat confusing", "demographic_value": "female" }, { "text": "Rather boring", "demographic_value": "trans" }, { "text": "Don’t know", "demographic_value": "other" } ] } }, { "id": "Q9df425", "kind": "multiple_sole", "title": "Which product does the advertisement try to sell?", "body": { "options": [ { "text": "A movie" }, { "text": "A car" }, { "text": "A cheese" }, { "text": "Don’t know" } ] } }, { "id": "Qe776d4", "kind": "multiple_sole", "title": "Do you know the company that created this ad?", "body": { "options": [ { "text": "Yes" }, { "text": "Not sure" }, { "text": "No" } ] } } ] }, "price": { "survey_questions": 5, "survey_demographics": 1, "price_by_question": 0.1, "price_by_demographic": 0.5, "total_price_by_questions": 0.5, "total_price_by_demographics": 0.5, "total": 1.0, "panel_users_count": 1 } }