#!/bin/bash # This file was generated on 2022-09-08T12:42:04+01:00 from the rspec-dev repo. # DO NOT modify it by hand as your changes will get lost the next time it is generated. set -e source script/functions.sh if is_ruby_31_plus; then echo "Installing rubygems 3.3.6 / bundler 2.3.6" yes | gem update --system '3.3.6' yes | gem install bundler -v '2.3.6' elif is_ruby_23_plus; then echo "Installing rubygems 3.2.22 / bundler 2.2.22" yes | gem update --system '3.2.22' yes | gem install bundler -v '2.2.22' else echo "Warning installing older versions of Rubygems / Bundler" gem update --system '2.7.8' gem install bundler -v '1.17.3' fi