# Copyright (c) 2021-2023 Andy Maleh # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. require 'glimmer/libui/control_proxy' require 'glimmer/libui/control_proxy/area_proxy' require 'glimmer/libui/parent' require 'glimmer/libui/control_proxy/transformable' module Glimmer module LibUI class ControlProxy # Proxy for LibUI text objects # # Follows the Proxy Design Pattern class TextProxy < ControlProxy include Parent include PerfectShaped prepend Transformable def initialize(keyword, parent, args, &block) @keyword = keyword @parent_proxy = parent @args = args @block = block post_add_content if @block.nil? end def post_add_content super if @parent_proxy.nil? && AreaProxy.current_area_draw_params draw(AreaProxy.current_area_draw_params) destroy end end def draw(area_draw_params) reset_attributed_string children.dup.each {|child| child.draw(area_draw_params)} build_control ::LibUI.draw_text(area_draw_params[:context], @libui, x, y) ::LibUI.draw_free_text_layout(@libui) ::LibUI.free_attributed_string(@attributed_string) end def destroy return if ControlProxy.main_window_proxy&.destroying? deregister_all_custom_listeners @parent_proxy&.children&.delete(self) ControlProxy.control_proxies.delete(self) end def redraw @parent_proxy&.queue_redraw_all end def x(value = nil) if value.nil? @x ||= args[0] || 0 else @x = value end end alias x= x alias set_x x def y(value = nil) if value.nil? @y ||= args[1] || 0 else @y = value end end alias y= y alias set_y y def width(value = nil) if value.nil? @width ||= args[2] || (AreaProxy.current_area_draw_params && (AreaProxy.current_area_draw_params[:area_width] - 2*x)) else @width = value redraw end end alias width= width alias set_width width def attributed_string @attributed_string ||= reset_attributed_string end def reset_attributed_string @attributed_string = ::LibUI.new_attributed_string('') end def default_font(value = nil) if value.nil? @default_font ||= { family: 'Helvetica', size: 12.0, weight: :normal, italic: :normal, stretch: :normal, } else @default_font = value redraw end end alias default_font= default_font alias set_default_font default_font def default_font_descriptor @default_font_descriptor ||= ::LibUI::FFI::FontDescriptor.malloc @default_font_descriptor.Family = default_font[:family] || 'Helvetica' @default_font_descriptor.Size = default_font[:size] || 12.0 @default_font_descriptor.Weight = Glimmer::LibUI.enum_symbol_to_value(:text_weight, default_font[:weight], default_symbol: :normal) @default_font_descriptor.Italic = Glimmer::LibUI.enum_symbol_to_value(:text_italic, default_font[:italic], default_symbol: :normal) @default_font_descriptor.Stretch = Glimmer::LibUI.enum_symbol_to_value(:text_stretch, default_font[:stretch], default_symbol: :normal) @default_font_descriptor end def align(value = nil) if value.nil? @align else @align = value redraw end end alias align= align alias set_align align def draw_text_layout_params @draw_text_layout_params ||= ::LibUI::FFI::DrawTextLayoutParams.malloc @draw_text_layout_params.String = attributed_string @draw_text_layout_params.DefaultFont = default_font_descriptor @draw_text_layout_params.Width = width @draw_text_layout_params.Align = Glimmer::LibUI.enum_symbol_to_value(:draw_text_align, align, default_symbol: :left) @draw_text_layout_params end def area_proxy # TODO eventually reuse this method from Shape find_parent_in_ancestors { |parent| parent.nil? || parent.is_a?(ControlProxy::AreaProxy) } end def find_parent_in_ancestors(&condition) # TODO eventually reuse this method from Shape found = self until condition.call(found) # TODO in the future, support nesting under composite shape where there is parent instead of parent_proxy # found = found.respond_to?(:parent_proxy) ? found.parent_proxy : found.parent found = found.parent_proxy end found end def can_handle_listener?(listener_name) area_proxy.can_handle_listener?(listener_name) end def handle_listener(listener_name, &listener) area_proxy.handle_listener(listener_name) do |event| listener.call(event) if include?(event[:x], event[:y]) end end def perfect_shape the_perfect_shape_dependencies = perfect_shape_dependencies if the_perfect_shape_dependencies != @perfect_shape_dependencies absolute_x, absolute_y, width, height = @perfect_shape_dependencies = the_perfect_shape_dependencies @perfect_shape = PerfectShape::Rectangle.new(x: absolute_x, y: absolute_y, width: width, height: height) end @perfect_shape end def perfect_shape_dependencies # TODO support absolute_x and absolute_y with relative positioning in the future absolute_x = x absolute_y = y [absolute_x, absolute_y, extent_width, extent_height] end def extent_width if @extent_width.to_f > 0 @extent_width else width end end def extent_height if @extent_height.to_f > 0 @extent_height else children_max_size = children.map(&:font).map {|font| font[:size] if font.respond_to?(:[]) }.compact.max if children_max_size.to_f > 0 children_max_size else @default_font[:size] end end end private def build_control @libui = ::LibUI.draw_new_text_layout(draw_text_layout_params) end def init_draw_brush(draw_brush, draw_brush_args) draw_brush.Type = Glimmer::LibUI.enum_symbol_to_value(:draw_brush_type, draw_brush_args[:type]) draw_brush.R = (draw_brush_args[:r] || draw_brush_args[:red]).to_f / 255.0 draw_brush.G = (draw_brush_args[:g] || draw_brush_args[:green]).to_f / 255.0 draw_brush.B = (draw_brush_args[:b] || draw_brush_args[:blue]).to_f / 255.0 draw_brush.A = (draw_brush_args[:a] || draw_brush_args[:alpha]) end def calculate_extents # TODO fix implementation once libui binding project responds about this # as it always returns 0,0 right now extent_width = Fiddle::Pointer.malloc(Fiddle::SIZEOF_DOUBLE*8) extent_height = Fiddle::Pointer.malloc(Fiddle::SIZEOF_DOUBLE*8) ::LibUI.draw_text_layout_extents(@libui, extent_width, extent_height) @extent_width = extent_width[0, Fiddle::SIZEOF_DOUBLE*8].unpack1('i') @extent_height = extent_height[0, Fiddle::SIZEOF_DOUBLE*8].unpack1('i') end end end end end