require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/helper' require 'date' class HelpersTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_default assert true end describe 'status' do setup do mock_app { get '/' do status 207 nil end } end it 'sets the response status code' do get '/' assert_equal 207, response.status end end describe 'body' do it 'takes a block for defered body generation' do mock_app { get '/' do body { 'Hello World' } end } get '/' assert_equal 'Hello World', body end it 'takes a String, Array, or other object responding to #each' do mock_app { get '/' do body 'Hello World' end } get '/' assert_equal 'Hello World', body end end describe 'redirect' do it 'uses a 302 when only a path is given' do mock_app { get '/' do redirect '/foo' fail 'redirect should halt' end } get '/' assert_equal 302, status assert_equal '', body assert_equal '', response['Location'] end it 'uses the code given when specified' do mock_app { get '/' do redirect '/foo', 301 fail 'redirect should halt' end } get '/' assert_equal 301, status assert_equal '', body assert_equal '', response['Location'] end it 'redirects back to request.referer when passed back' do mock_app { get '/try_redirect' do redirect back end } request = response = request.get('/try_redirect', 'HTTP_REFERER' => '/foo') assert_equal 302, response.status assert_equal '', response['Location'] end it 'redirects using a non-standard HTTP port' do mock_app { get '/' do redirect '/foo' end } request = response = request.get('/', 'SERVER_PORT' => '81') assert_equal '', response['Location'] end it 'redirects using a non-standard HTTPS port' do mock_app { get '/' do redirect '/foo' end } request = response = request.get('/', 'SERVER_PORT' => '444') assert_equal '', response['Location'] end it 'works behind a reverse proxy' do mock_app do get '/' do redirect '/foo' end end request = response = request.get('/', 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST' => '', 'SERVER_PORT' => '8080') assert_equal '', response['Location'] end it 'accepts absolute URIs' do mock_app do get '/' do redirect '' fail 'redirect should halt' end end get '/' assert_equal 302, status assert_equal '', body assert_equal '', response['Location'] end it 'accepts absolute URIs with a different schema' do mock_app do get '/' do redirect '' fail 'redirect should halt' end end get '/' assert_equal 302, status assert_equal '', body assert_equal '', response['Location'] end end describe 'error' do it 'sets a status code and halts' do mock_app { get '/' do error 501 fail 'error should halt' end } get '/' assert_equal 501, status assert_equal '', body end it 'takes an optional body' do mock_app { get '/' do error 501, 'FAIL' fail 'error should halt' end } get '/' assert_equal 501, status assert_equal 'FAIL', body end it 'uses a 500 status code when first argument is a body' do mock_app { get '/' do error 'FAIL' fail 'error should halt' end } get '/' assert_equal 500, status assert_equal 'FAIL', body end end describe 'not_found' do it 'halts with a 404 status' do mock_app { get '/' do not_found fail 'not_found should halt' end } get '/' assert_equal 404, status assert_equal '', body end it 'does not set a X-Cascade header' do mock_app { get '/' do not_found fail 'not_found should halt' end } get '/' assert_equal 404, status assert_equal nil, response.headers['X-Cascade'] end end describe 'headers' do it 'sets headers on the response object when given a Hash' do mock_app { get '/' do headers 'X-Foo' => 'bar', 'X-Baz' => 'bling' 'kthx' end } get '/' assert ok? assert_equal 'bar', response['X-Foo'] assert_equal 'bling', response['X-Baz'] assert_equal 'kthx', body end it 'returns the response headers hash when no hash provided' do mock_app { get '/' do headers['X-Foo'] = 'bar' 'kthx' end } get '/' assert ok? assert_equal 'bar', response['X-Foo'] end end describe 'session' do it 'uses the existing rack.session' do mock_app { get '/' do session[:foo] end } get '/', {}, { 'rack.session' => { :foo => 'bar' } } assert_equal 'bar', body end it 'creates a new session when none provided' do mock_app { enable :sessions get '/' do assert session.empty? session[:foo] = 'bar' redirect '/hi' end get '/hi' do "hi #{session[:foo]}" end } get '/' follow_redirect! assert_equal 'hi bar', body end it 'inserts session middleware' do mock_app do enable :sessions get '/' do assert env['rack.session'] assert env['rack.session.options'] 'ok' end end get '/' assert_body 'ok' end it 'sets a default session secret' do mock_app do enable :sessions get '/' do secret = env['rack.session.options'][:secret] assert secret assert_equal secret, settings.session_secret 'ok' end end get '/' assert_body 'ok' end end describe 'mime_type' do include Sinatra::Helpers it "looks up mime types in Rack's MIME registry" do Rack::Mime::MIME_TYPES['.foo'] = 'application/foo' assert_equal 'application/foo', mime_type('foo') assert_equal 'application/foo', mime_type('.foo') assert_equal 'application/foo', mime_type(:foo) end it 'returns nil when given nil' do assert mime_type(nil).nil? end it 'returns nil when media type not registered' do assert mime_type(:bizzle).nil? end it 'returns the argument when given a media type string' do assert_equal 'text/plain', mime_type('text/plain') end end test 'Base.mime_type registers mime type' do mock_app { mime_type :foo, 'application/foo' get '/' do "foo is #{mime_type(:foo)}" end } get '/' assert_equal 'foo is application/foo', body end describe 'content_type' do it 'sets the Content-Type header' do mock_app { get '/' do content_type 'text/plain' 'Hello World' end } get '/' assert_equal 'text/plain;charset=utf-8', response['Content-Type'] assert_equal 'Hello World', body end it 'takes media type parameters (like charset=)' do mock_app { get '/' do content_type 'text/html', :charset => 'latin1' "

Hello, World

" end } get '/' assert ok? assert_equal 'text/html;charset=latin1', response['Content-Type'] assert_equal "

Hello, World

", body end it "looks up symbols in Rack's mime types dictionary" do Rack::Mime::MIME_TYPES['.foo'] = 'application/foo' mock_app { get '/foo.xml' do content_type :foo "I AM FOO" end } get '/foo.xml' assert ok? assert_equal 'application/foo', response['Content-Type'] assert_equal 'I AM FOO', body end it 'fails when no mime type is registered for the argument provided' do mock_app { get '/foo.xml' do content_type :bizzle "I AM FOO" end } assert_raise(RuntimeError) { get '/foo.xml' } end it 'only sets default charset for specific mime types' do tests_ran = false mock_app do mime_type :foo, 'text/foo' mime_type :bar, 'application/bar' mime_type :baz, 'application/baz' add_charset << mime_type(:baz) get '/' do assert_equal content_type(:txt), 'text/plain;charset=utf-8' assert_equal content_type(:css), 'text/css;charset=utf-8' assert_equal content_type(:html), 'text/html;charset=utf-8' assert_equal content_type(:foo), 'text/foo;charset=utf-8' assert_equal content_type(:xml), 'application/xml;charset=utf-8' assert_equal content_type(:xhtml), 'application/xhtml+xml;charset=utf-8' assert_equal content_type(:js), 'application/javascript;charset=utf-8' assert_equal content_type(:bar), 'application/bar' assert_equal content_type(:png), 'image/png' assert_equal content_type(:baz), 'application/baz;charset=utf-8' tests_ran = true "done" end end get '/' assert tests_ran end it 'handles already present params' do mock_app do get '/' do content_type 'foo/bar;level=1', :charset => 'utf-8' 'ok' end end get '/' assert_equal 'foo/bar;level=1, charset=utf-8', response['Content-Type'] end it 'does not add charset if present' do mock_app do get '/' do content_type 'text/plain;charset=utf-16' 'ok' end end get '/' assert_equal 'text/plain;charset=utf-16', response['Content-Type'] end end describe 'send_file' do setup do @file = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/file.txt', 'wb') { |io| io.write('Hello World') } end def teardown File.unlink @file @file = nil end def send_file_app(opts={}) path = @file mock_app { get '/file.txt' do send_file path, opts end } end it "sends the contents of the file" do send_file_app get '/file.txt' assert ok? assert_equal 'Hello World', body end it 'sets the Content-Type response header if a mime-type can be located' do send_file_app get '/file.txt' assert_equal 'text/plain;charset=utf-8', response['Content-Type'] end it 'sets the Content-Type response header if type option is set to a file extesion' do send_file_app :type => 'html' get '/file.txt' assert_equal 'text/html;charset=utf-8', response['Content-Type'] end it 'sets the Content-Type response header if type option is set to a mime type' do send_file_app :type => 'application/octet-stream' get '/file.txt' assert_equal 'application/octet-stream', response['Content-Type'] end it 'sets the Content-Length response header' do send_file_app get '/file.txt' assert_equal 'Hello World'.length.to_s, response['Content-Length'] end it 'sets the Last-Modified response header' do send_file_app get '/file.txt' assert_equal File.mtime(@file).httpdate, response['Last-Modified'] end it 'allows passing in a differen Last-Modified response header with :last_modified' do time = send_file_app :last_modified => time get '/file.txt' assert_equal time.httpdate, response['Last-Modified'] end it "returns a 404 when not found" do mock_app { get '/' do send_file 'this-file-does-not-exist.txt' end } get '/' assert not_found? end it "does not set the Content-Disposition header by default" do send_file_app get '/file.txt' assert_nil response['Content-Disposition'] end it "sets the Content-Disposition header when :disposition set to 'attachment'" do send_file_app :disposition => 'attachment' get '/file.txt' assert_equal 'attachment; filename="file.txt"', response['Content-Disposition'] end it "sets the Content-Disposition header when :disposition set to 'inline'" do send_file_app :disposition => 'inline' get '/file.txt' assert_equal 'inline', response['Content-Disposition'] end it "sets the Content-Disposition header when :filename provided" do send_file_app :filename => 'foo.txt' get '/file.txt' assert_equal 'attachment; filename="foo.txt"', response['Content-Disposition'] end it "is able to send files with unkown mime type" do @file = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/file.foobar', 'wb') { |io| io.write('Hello World') } send_file_app get '/file.txt' assert_equal 'application/octet-stream', response['Content-Type'] end it "does not override Content-Type if already set and no explicit type is given" do path = @file mock_app do get '/' do content_type :png send_file path end end get '/' assert_equal 'image/png', response['Content-Type'] end it "does override Content-Type even if already set, if explicit type is given" do path = @file mock_app do get '/' do content_type :png send_file path, :type => :gif end end get '/' assert_equal 'image/gif', response['Content-Type'] end end describe 'cache_control' do setup do mock_app do get '/foo' do cache_control :public, :no_cache, :max_age => 60.0 'Hello World' end get '/bar' do cache_control :public, :no_cache 'Hello World' end end end it 'sets the Cache-Control header' do get '/foo' assert_equal ['public', 'no-cache', 'max-age=60'], response['Cache-Control'].split(', ') end it 'last argument does not have to be a hash' do get '/bar' assert_equal ['public', 'no-cache'], response['Cache-Control'].split(', ') end end describe 'expires' do setup do mock_app do get '/foo' do expires 60, :public, :no_cache 'Hello World' end get '/bar' do expires end get '/baz' do expires end end end it 'sets the Cache-Control header' do get '/foo' assert_equal ['public', 'no-cache', 'max-age=60'], response['Cache-Control'].split(', ') end it 'sets the Expires header' do get '/foo' assert_not_nil response['Expires'] end it 'allows passing time objects' do get '/bar' assert_not_nil response['Expires'] end it 'allows passing time objects' do get '/baz' assert_equal 'Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT', response['Expires'] end end describe 'last_modified' do it 'ignores nil' do mock_app do get '/' do last_modified nil; 200; end end get '/' assert ! response['Last-Modified'] end [,,,, ].each do |last_modified_time| describe "with #{}" do setup do mock_app do get '/' do last_modified last_modified_time 'Boo!' end end wrapper = Sinatra::Helpers @last_modified_time = wrapper.send :time_for, last_modified_time end # fixes strange missing test error when running complete test suite. it("does not complain about missing tests") { } context "when there's no If-Modified-Since header" do it 'sets the Last-Modified header to a valid RFC 2616 date value' do get '/' assert_equal @last_modified_time.httpdate, response['Last-Modified'] end it 'conditional GET misses and returns a body' do get '/' assert_equal 200, status assert_equal 'Boo!', body end end context "when there's an invalid If-Modified-Since header" do it 'sets the Last-Modified header to a valid RFC 2616 date value' do get '/', {}, { 'HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE' => 'a really weird date' } assert_equal @last_modified_time.httpdate, response['Last-Modified'] end it 'conditional GET misses and returns a body' do get '/', {}, { 'HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE' => 'a really weird date' } assert_equal 200, status assert_equal 'Boo!', body end end context "when the resource has been modified since the If-Modified-Since header date" do it 'sets the Last-Modified header to a valid RFC 2616 date value' do get '/', {}, { 'HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE' => (@last_modified_time - 1).httpdate } assert_equal @last_modified_time.httpdate, response['Last-Modified'] end it 'conditional GET misses and returns a body' do get '/', {}, { 'HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE' => (@last_modified_time - 1).httpdate } assert_equal 200, status assert_equal 'Boo!', body end it 'does not rely on string comparison' do mock_app do get '/compare' do last_modified "Mon, 18 Oct 2010 20:57:11 GMT" "foo" end end get '/compare', {}, { 'HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE' => 'Sun, 26 Sep 2010 23:43:52 GMT' } assert_equal 200, status assert_equal 'foo', body get '/compare', {}, { 'HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE' => 'Sun, 26 Sep 2100 23:43:52 GMT' } assert_equal 304, status assert_equal '', body end end context "when the resource has been modified on the exact If-Modified-Since header date" do it 'sets the Last-Modified header to a valid RFC 2616 date value' do get '/', {}, { 'HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE' => @last_modified_time.httpdate } assert_equal @last_modified_time.httpdate, response['Last-Modified'] end it 'conditional GET matches and halts' do get '/', {}, { 'HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE' => @last_modified_time.httpdate } assert_equal 304, status assert_equal '', body end end context "when the resource hasn't been modified since the If-Modified-Since header date" do it 'sets the Last-Modified header to a valid RFC 2616 date value' do get '/', {}, { 'HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE' => (@last_modified_time + 1).httpdate } assert_equal @last_modified_time.httpdate, response['Last-Modified'] end it 'conditional GET matches and halts' do get '/', {}, { 'HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE' => (@last_modified_time + 1).httpdate } assert_equal 304, status assert_equal '', body end end end end end describe 'etag' do setup do mock_app { get '/' do body { 'Hello World' } etag 'FOO' 'Boo!' end } end it 'sets the ETag header' do get '/' assert_equal '"FOO"', response['ETag'] end it 'returns a body when conditional get misses' do get '/' assert_equal 200, status assert_equal 'Boo!', body end it 'halts when a conditional GET matches' do get '/', {}, { 'HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH' => '"FOO"' } assert_equal 304, status assert_equal '', body end it 'should handle multiple ETag values in If-None-Match header' do get '/', {}, { 'HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH' => '"BAR", *' } assert_equal 304, status assert_equal '', body end it 'uses a weak etag with the :weak option' do mock_app { get '/' do etag 'FOO', :weak "that's weak, dude." end } get '/' assert_equal 'W/"FOO"', response['ETag'] end end describe 'back' do it "makes redirecting back pretty" do mock_app { get '/foo' do redirect back end } get '/foo', {}, 'HTTP_REFERER' => '' assert redirect? assert_equal "", response.location end end describe 'uri' do it 'generates absolute urls' do mock_app { get('/') { uri }} get '/' assert_equal '', body end it 'includes path_info' do mock_app { get('/:name') { uri }} get '/foo' assert_equal '', body end it 'allows passing an alternative to path_info' do mock_app { get('/:name') { uri '/bar' }} get '/foo' assert_equal '', body end it 'includes script_name' do mock_app { get('/:name') { uri '/bar' }} get '/foo', {}, { "SCRIPT_NAME" => '/foo' } assert_equal '', body end it 'handles absolute URIs' do mock_app { get('/') { uri '' }} get '/' assert_equal '', body end it 'handles different protocols' do mock_app { get('/') { uri '' }} get '/' assert_equal '', body end it 'is aliased to #url' do mock_app { get('/') { url }} get '/' assert_equal '', body end it 'is aliased to #to' do mock_app { get('/') { to }} get '/' assert_equal '', body end end module ::HelperOne; def one; '1'; end; end module ::HelperTwo; def two; '2'; end; end describe 'Adding new helpers' do it 'takes a list of modules to mix into the app' do mock_app { helpers ::HelperOne, ::HelperTwo get '/one' do one end get '/two' do two end } get '/one' assert_equal '1', body get '/two' assert_equal '2', body end it 'takes a block to mix into the app' do mock_app { helpers do def foo 'foo' end end get '/' do foo end } get '/' assert_equal 'foo', body end it 'evaluates the block in class context so that methods can be aliased' do mock_app { helpers do alias_method :h, :escape_html end get '/' do h('42 < 43') end } get '/' assert ok? assert_equal '42 < 43', body end end end