Helptext.update( :rwdhypernote_generalhelp => "This program is a hierarchical notes editor text notes can be entered and saved in a Notes directory Notes can be saved in a hierarchical structure in directories Links can be recorded connecting Notes -similar to wikiwiki There are tabs to enter notes and links and edit configurations 'View/Edit Note' - to create a note or edit and existing note 'View/Edit Links' - to edit links 'Note Utilities' - to rename or delete notes 'Edit Configuration' - to change the configuration of rwdhypernote .", :hypernoteedit_help => "You can create or edit notes click the bottom button 'list notes' to see a lists of the notes you already have. 'save changes' to save your edits 'clear' to clear the screen 'Create New Note' to start a new note After creating a new note, you must click 'Load New Title' to select it, or it will NOT be SAVED", :hypernoteutility_help => "You can change the file rename delete copy name ", :hypernotelinks_help => " You can edit links for note pages If you have selected a note on the 'View/Edit Note' tab the name should be in the Note Record box You can open the link file if you have one already You can see the list of link files by clicking 'List Local Link Files' You can open one of those file If you do not have a link file, you can create one with 'create link file' button ", :rwdhypernote_configuration => " click on 'Edit Configuration' You can view the configuration file You can edit the configuration Remember to reload the configuration variables if you want your changes used.", :rwdhypernote_sync => "Sync for multiple computers If you are like me, you have more than one system I use rwdTinker at home on my Linux laptop at work I use it on XP on the go I use rwdtinker on my Zaurus PDA So I am adding notes on different machines. There is a function to help sync the separate systems in 'Selection Panel' click on 'Open HyperNote Sync Window' First you need your ftp details set in the configuration/rwdhypernote.cnf file you can upload your notes from your local Notes directory to the ftp site you can download Notes from the ftp site to your local updates directory " )