require 'thor' require 'thor/actions' module Soca class CLI < ::Thor include Thor::Actions attr_accessor :appdir, :config_file, :debug class_option "appdir", :type => :string, :banner => "set the application directory to work with. assumes the current directory" class_option "config", :aliases => '-c', :type => :string, :banner => "use a specific soca config.js" class_option "debug", :type => :boolean, :default => false, :aliases => '-d', :banner => "set log level to debug" class_option "version", :type => :boolean, :aliases => '-v', :banner => "print version and exit" default_task :help def initialize(*) super if options[:version] say "soca #{Soca::VERSION}", :red exit end self.appdir = options[:appdir] || File.expand_path(Dir.pwd) self.config_file = options[:config] self.debug = options[:debug] if debug Soca.debug = true logger.level = Logger::DEBUG end self.source_paths << File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'templates')) end method_option "appname", :type => :string, :banner => "set the name of the application for templating. defaults to the basename of the appdir" desc 'init [APPDIR]', 'turns any directory into a soca app, generating a config.js' def init(to = nil) self.appdir = to if to self.destination_root = appdir @dir_mappings = {} Dir[appdir + '*'].each do |filename| basename = File.basename(filename) @dir_mappings[basename] = "_attachments/#{basename}" end template('config.js.erb', 'config.js') template('couchapprc.erb', '.couchapprc') end method_option "appname", :type => :string, :banner => "set the name of the application for templating. defaults to the basename of the appdir" desc 'generate [APPDIR]', 'generates the basic soca app structure' def generate(to = nil) self.appdir = to if to self.destination_root = appdir directory('hooks') directory('js') directory('css') directory('db') template('Jimfile') template('index.html.erb', 'index.html') @dir_mappings = { "config.js" => "", "index.html" => "_attachments/index.html", "css" => "_attachments/css", "images" => "_attachments/images", "sass" => false, "js" => "_attachments/js", "templates" => "_attachments/templates", "db" => "", "Jimfile" => false, "hooks" => false } template('config.js.erb', 'config.js') template('couchapprc.erb', '.couchapprc') end desc 'url [ENV]', 'outputs the app url for the ENV' def url(env = 'default') say pusher(env).app_url end desc 'open [ENV]', 'attempts to open the url for the current app in a browser' def open(env = 'default') `open #{pusher(env).app_url}` end desc 'push [ENV]', 'builds and pushes the current app to couchdb' def push(env = 'default') pusher(env).push! end desc 'build [ENV]', 'builds the app as a ruby hash and outputs it to stdout' def build(env = 'default') require 'pp' pp pusher(env).build end desc 'compact [ENV]', 'runs a DB compact against the couchdb for ENV' def compact(env = 'default') pusher(env).compact! end desc 'json [ENV]', 'builds and then outputs the design doc JSON for the app' def json(env = 'default') say pusher(env).json end method_option '--compact', :type => :numeric, :default => 5, :banner => 'run a compact operation every [n] pushes (default 5)' desc 'autopush [ENV]', 'watches the current directory for changes, building and pushing to couchdb' def autopush(env = 'default') push = pusher(env) files = {} compact = options[:compact] times = 0 loop do changed = false Dir.glob(push.app_dir + '**/**') do |file| ctime = File.ctime(file).to_i if ctime != files[file] files[file] = ctime changed = true break end end if changed say "Running push at #{}", :yellow begin push.push! rescue => e say "Error running push #{e}", :red end Dir.glob(push.app_dir + '**/**') do |file| ctime = File.ctime(file).to_i if ctime != files[file] files[file] = ctime end end times += 1 if compact && times % compact == 0 say "pushed #{times} times, running a compact", :yellow push.compact! end say "Waiting for a file change", :green say "-------------------------" end sleep 1 end end private def appname @appname = options[:name] || File.basename(appdir) end def logger Soca.logger end def pusher(env), env, config_file) rescue => e say e.message, :red exit end end end