require 'health-data-standards' require 'highline/import' require 'open-uri' db_name = ENV['DB_NAME'] || 'test' namespace :bundle do desc 'Activate/Inactivate a measure bundle' task :activate,[:version,:active] => [:environment] do |task, args| bundle = HealthDataStandards::CQM::Bundle.where({version: args.version}) if bundle.count == 0 puts "Cannot find bundle with version number #{args.version}" return end bundle.each do |b| = ( == "true") puts "Bundle #{b.title} - #{b.version} active: #{}" end end desc %{ Download measure/test deck bundle. options nlm_user - the nlm username to authenticate to the server - will prompt is not supplied nlm_passwd - the nlm password for authenticating to the server - will prompt if not supplied version - the version of the bundle to download. This will default to the version example usage: rake bundle:download nlm_name=username nlm_passwd=password version=2.1.0-latest } task :download => :environment do nlm_user = ENV["nlm_user"] nlm_passwd = ENV["nlm_pass"] measures_dir = File.join(Dir.pwd, "bundles") while nlm_user.nil? || nlm_user == "" nlm_user = ask("NLM Username?: "){ |q| q.readline = true } end while nlm_passwd.nil? || nlm_passwd == "" nlm_passwd = ask("NLM Password?: "){ |q| q.echo = false q.readline = true } end bundle_version = ENV["version"] || "latest" @bundle_name = "bundle-#{bundle_version}.zip" puts "Downloading and saving #{@bundle_name} to #{measures_dir}" # Pull down the list of bundles and download the version we're looking for bundle_uri = "{@bundle_name}" bundle = nil tries = 0 max_tries = 10 last_error = nil while bundle.nil? && tries < max_tries do tries = tries + 1 begin bundle = open(bundle_uri, :proxy => ENV["http_proxy"],:http_basic_authentication=>[nlm_user, nlm_passwd] ) rescue OpenURI::HTTPError => oe last_error = oe if oe.message == "401 Unauthorized" puts "Please check your credentials and try again" break end rescue => e last_error = e sleep 0.5 end end if bundle.nil? puts "An error occured while downloading the bundle" raise last_error if last_error end # Save the bundle to the measures directory FileUtils.mkdir_p measures_dir, File.join(measures_dir, @bundle_name)) end desc %{ Download and install the measure/test deck bundle. This is essientally delegating to the bundle_download and bundle:import tasks options nlm_user - the nlm username to authenticate to the server - will prompt is not supplied nlm_passwd - the nlm password for authenticating to the server - will prompt if not supplied version - the version of the bundle to download. This will default to the version delete_existing - delete any existing bundles with the same version and reinstall - default is false - will cause error if same version already exists update_measures - update any existing measures with the same hqmf_id to those contained in this bundle. Will only work for bundle versions greater than that of the installed version - default is false type - type of measures to be installed from bundle. A bundle may have measures of different types such as ep or eh. This will constrain the types installed, defautl is all types example usage: rake budnle:download_and_install nlm_name=username nlm_passwd=password version=2.1.0-latest type=ep } task :download_and_install => [:download] do de = ENV['delete_existing'] || false um = ENV['update_measures'] || false puts "Importing bundle #{@bundle_name} delete_existing: #{de} update_measures: #{um} type: #{ENV['type'] || 'ALL'}" task("bundle:import").invoke("bundles/#{@bundle_name}",de, um , ENV['type'], 'true') end desc 'List bundles' task :list => [:environment] do HealthDataStandards::CQM::Bundle.where({}).each do |b| puts "Bundle #{b.title} - #{b.version} active: #{}" end end desc 'Import a quality bundle into the database.' task :import, [:bundle_path, :delete_existing, :update_measures, :type, :create_indexes, :exclude_results] => :environment do |task, args| raise "The path to the measures zip file must be specified" unless args.bundle_path options = {:delete_existing => (args.delete_existing == "true"), :type => args.type, :update_measures => (args.update_measures == "true"), :exclude_results => (args.exclude_results == "true") } bundle = importer = HealthDataStandards::Import::Bundle::Importer bundle_contents = importer.import(bundle, options) counts = {measures: bundle_contents.measures.count, records: bundle_contents.records.count, extensions: bundle_contents[:extensions].count, value_sets: bundle_contents.value_sets.count} if (args.create_indexes != 'false') ::Rails.application.eager_load! if defined? Rails ::Mongoid::Tasks::Database.create_indexes end puts "Successfully imported bundle at: #{args.bundle_path}" puts "\t Imported into environment: #{Rails.env.upcase}" if defined? Rails puts "\t Loaded #{args.type || 'all'} measures" puts "\t Sub-Measures Loaded: #{counts[:measures]}" puts "\t Test Patients Loaded: #{counts[:records]}" puts "\t Extensions Loaded: #{counts[:extensions]}" puts "\t Value Sets Loaded: #{counts[:value_sets]}" end # this task is most likely temporary. Once Bonnie can handle both EP and EH measures together, this would no longer be required. desc 'Merge two bundles into one.' task :merge, [:bundle_one,:bundle_two] do |t, args| raise "Two bundle zip file paths to be merged must be specified" unless args.bundle_one && args.bundle_two tmpdir = Dir.mktmpdir ['measures','patients','library_functions','results', 'sources', 'value_sets'].each do |dir| FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(tmpdir, 'output', dir)) end begin ({'one'=>args.bundle_one,'two'=>args.bundle_two}).each do |key, source| do |zip_file| zip_file.each do |f| f_path=File.join(tmpdir, key, FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(f_path)) zip_file.extract(f, f_path) unless File.exist?(f_path) end end end ['measures','patients','library_functions', 'sources'].each do |dir| ['one','two'].each do |key|,key,dir,'*')), File.join(tmpdir,'output',dir)) end end ['value_sets'].each do |dir| FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(tmpdir,'output',dir,'json')) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(tmpdir,'output',dir,'xml')) ['one','two'].each do |key| ['json', 'xml'].each do |type|,key,dir,type,'*')), File.join(tmpdir,'output',dir,type)) end end end Dir.glob(File.join(tmpdir,'one','results','*.json')).each do |result_path_one| json_one = JSON.parse( result_filename = json_two = JSON.parse(,'two','results',result_filename)).read),'output','results',result_filename), 'w') {|f| f.write(JSON.pretty_generate(json_one + json_two)) } end json_one = JSON.parse(,'one','bundle.json')).read) json_two = JSON.parse(,'two','bundle.json')).read) json_out = {} json_out.merge! json_one ['measures','patients','extensions'].each do |key| json_out[key] = (json_one[key] + json_two[key]).uniq end version = json_out['version'],'output','bundle.json'), 'w') {|f| f.write(JSON.pretty_generate(json_out)) } date_string ="%Y-%m-%d") out_zip = File.join('tmp','bundles',"bundle-merged-#{date_string}-#{version}.zip") FileUtils.remove_entry_secure out_zip if File.exists?(out_zip), 'w') do |zipfile| path = File.join(tmpdir,'output') Dir[File.join(path,'**','**')].each do |file| zipfile.add(file.sub(path+'/',''),file) end end puts "wrote merged bundle to: #{out_zip}" ensure FileUtils.remove_entry_secure tmpdir end end end