require 'open-uri' require 'set' require 'fileutils' require 'json' require 'yaml' require 'AWS' # aka amazon-ec2 require 'etc' require 'active_support' require 'active_support/version' %w{ active_support/core_ext/string active_support/core_ext/class/inheritable_attributes active_support/inflector/inflections active_support/core_ext/string/inflections active_support/core_ext/hash/keys active_support/core_ext/array/wrap }.each do |active_support_3_requirement| require active_support_3_requirement end if ActiveSupport::VERSION::MAJOR == 3 require 'engine_yard_cloud_instance' class Hash # def recursive_symbolize_keys! symbolize_keys! { |v| v.is_a?(Hash) }.each do |hsh| hsh.recursive_symbolize_keys! end # burst thru at least one level of arrays { |v| v.is_a?(Array) }.each do |ary| ary.each do |v| v.recursive_symbolize_keys! if v.is_a?(Hash) end end self end XML_ITEM_KEYS = [ :item, 'item' ] # :sam => { :item => [{ :foo => :bar }] } # into # :sam => [{:foo => :bar}] def kill_xml_item_keys! if keys.length == 1 and XML_ITEM_KEYS.include?(keys.first) raise ArgumentError, "You need to call kill_xml_item_keys! on { :foo => { :items => [...] } } not on { :items => [...] }" end keys.each do |key| if self[key].is_a?(Hash) and self[key].keys.length == 1 and XML_ITEM_KEYS.include?(self[key].keys.first) # self[:sam] = self[:sam]["item"] (using values.first because we don't know if it's :item or "item") self[key] = delete(key).values.first end end self end def recursive_kill_xml_item_keys! kill_xml_item_keys! { |v| v.is_a?(Hash) }.each do |hsh| hsh.recursive_kill_xml_item_keys! end # burst thru at least one level of arrays { |v| v.is_a?(Array) }.each do |ary| ary.each do |v| v.recursive_kill_xml_item_keys! if v.is_a?(Hash) end end self end def deep_copy Marshal.load Marshal.dump(self) end end