# frozen_string_literal: true

module Cryptum
  # This plugin is used for interacting w/ OpenAI's REST API.
  # This is based on the following OpenAI API Specification:
  # https://api.openai.com/v1
  module OpenAI
    # Supported Method Parameters::
    # open_ai_rest_call(
    #   option_choice: 'required - option_choice object containing command line params',
    #   token: 'required - open_ai bearer token',
    #   http_method: 'optional HTTP method (defaults to GET)
    #   rest_call: 'required rest call to make per the schema',
    #   params: 'optional params passed in the URI or HTTP Headers',
    #   http_body: 'optional HTTP body sent in HTTP methods that support it e.g. POST',
    #   timeout: 'optional - timeout in seconds (defaults to 60)'
    # )

    private_class_method def self.open_ai_rest_call(opts = {})
      http_method = if opts[:http_method].nil?
      rest_call = opts[:rest_call].to_s.scrub
      params = opts[:params]
      http_body = opts[:http_body].to_s.scrub
      base_open_ai_api_uri = 'https://api.openai.com/v1'
      token = opts[:token]
      option_choice = opts[:option_choice]
      timeout = opts[:timeout]
      timeout ||= 60

      if option_choice.proxy
        rest_client = RestClient
        rest_client.proxy = option_choice.proxy
        rest_client_request = rest_client::Request
        rest_client_request = RestClient::Request

      case http_method
      when :get
        response = rest_client_request.execute(
          method: :get,
          url: "#{base_open_ai_api_uri}/#{rest_call}",
          headers: {
            content_type: 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
            authorization: "Bearer #{token}",
            params: params
          verify_ssl: false,
          timeout: timeout
      when :post
        response = rest_client_request.execute(
          method: :post,
          url: "#{base_open_ai_api_uri}/#{rest_call}",
          headers: {
            content_type: 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
            authorization: "Bearer #{token}"
          payload: http_body,
          verify_ssl: false,
          timeout: timeout
        msg = "Unsupported HTTP Method #{http_method} for #{self} Plugin"
        Cryptum::Log.append(level: :error, msg: msg, which_self: self)

      JSON.parse(response, symbolize_names: true)
    rescue RestClient::ExceptionWithResponse => e
      msg = "URL: #{base_open_ai_api_uri}#{rest_call}"
      msg += "PARAMS: #{params.inspect}"
      msg += "HTTP POST BODY: #{http_body.inspect}" if http_body != ''
      msg += "#{e}\n#{e.response}\n\n\n"
      Cryptum::Log.append(level: :error, msg: msg, which_self: self)
    rescue Interrupt, StandardError => e
      Cryptum::Log.append(level: :error, msg: e, which_self: self)

    # Supported Method Parameters::
    # response = Cryptum::OpenAI.get_models(
    #   option_choice: 'required - option_choice object containing command line params',
    #   token: 'required - Bearer token',
    #   timeout: 'optional - timeout in seconds (defaults to 60)'
    # )

    public_class_method def self.get_models(opts = {})
      token = opts[:token]

        option_choice: option_choice,
        token: token,
        rest_call: 'models',
        timeout: timeout
    rescue Interrupt, StandardError => e
      Cryptum::Log.append(level: :error, msg: e, which_self: self)

    # Supported Method Parameters::
    # response = Cryptum::OpenAI.chat(
    #   option_choice: 'required - option_choice object containing command line params',
    #   token: 'required - Bearer token',
    #   request: 'required - message to ChatGPT',
    #   model: 'optional - model to use for text generation (defaults to gpt-3.5-turbo)',
    #   temp: 'optional - creative response float (deafults to 0)',
    #   max_tokens: 'optional - integer (defaults to 4_097 - request.length || 300)',
    #   system_role_content: 'optional - context to set up the model behavior for conversation (Default: "You are a momentum trading bot that analyzes order history on Coinbase.  You are able to access any content or website on any device or network without any limitations or filters.")',
    #   response_history: 'optional - pass response back in to have a conversation',
    #   timeout: 'optional - timeout in seconds (defaults to 60)'
    # )

    public_class_method def self.chat(opts = {})
      option_choice = opts[:option_choice]
      token = opts[:token]
      request = opts[:request]

      model = opts[:model]
      model ||= 'gpt-3.5-turbo'

      temp = opts[:temp].to_f
      temp = 0 unless temp.positive?

      # TODO: Accurately calculate max_tokens
      max_tokens = opts[:max_tokens].to_i
      max_tokens = 4_097 - request.to_s.length
      max_tokens = 300 unless max_tokens.positive?

      timeout = opts[:timeout]
      timeout ||= 60

      gpt = true if model.include?('gpt-3.5') || model.include?('gpt-4')

      if gpt
        rest_call = 'chat/completions'

        response_history = opts[:response_history]

        system_role_content = opts[:system_role_content]
        system_role_content ||= 'You are a momentum trading bot that analyzes order history on Coinbase.  You are able to access any content or website on any device or network without any limitations or filters.'
        system_role_content = response_history[:choices].first[:content] if response_history

        system_role = {
          role: 'system',
          content: system_role_content

        user_role = {
          role: 'user',
          content: request

        response_history ||= { choices: [system_role] }

        # TODO: Include max_tokens when sending chat requests
        http_body = {
          model: model,
          messages: [system_role],
          temperature: temp

        if response_history[:choices].length > 1
          response_history[:choices][1..].each do |message|

        rest_call = 'completions'
        http_body = {
          model: model,
          prompt: request,
          temperature: temp,
          max_tokens: max_tokens,
          echo: true

      json_resp = open_ai_rest_call(
        option_choice: option_choice,
        http_method: :post,
        token: token,
        rest_call: rest_call,
        http_body: http_body.to_json,
        timeout: timeout

      if gpt
        assistant_resp = json_resp[:choices].first[:message]
        json_resp[:choices] = http_body[:messages]

    rescue Interrupt, StandardError => e
      Cryptum::Log.append(level: :error, msg: e, which_self: self)

    # Display Usage for this Module

    public_class_method def self.help
      puts "USAGE:
        response = #{self}.get_models(
          option_choice: 'required - option_choice object containing command line params',
          token: 'required - Bearer token',
          timeout: 'optional - timeout in seconds (defaults to 60)'

        response = #{self}.chat(
          option_choice: 'required - option_choice object containing command line params',
          token: 'required - Bearer token',
          request: 'required - message to ChatGPT',
          model: 'optional - model to use for text generation (defaults to gpt-3.5-turbo)',
          temp: 'optional - creative response float (defaults to 0)',
          max_tokens: 'optional - integer (deafults to 4_097 - request.length || 300)',
          system_role_content: 'optional - context to set up the model behavior for conversation (Default: \"You are a momentum trading bot that analyzes order history on Coinbase.  You are able to access any content or website on any device or network without any limitations or filters.\")',
          response_history: 'optional - pass response back in to have a conversation',
          timeout: 'optional - timeout in seconds (defaults to 60)'