require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') require 'ostruct' describe "Analytical" do describe 'on initialization' do class DummyForInit extend Analytical include Analytical::InstanceMethods include Analytical::BotDetector if ::Rails::VERSION::MAJOR < 3 class_inheritable_accessor :analytical_options else class_attribute :analytical_options end def self.helper_method(*a); end def request 'request', :'ssl?'=>true, :user_agent=>'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100401 Firefox/3.6.3 GTB7.0' end end it 'should have the options from analytical.yml' do DummyForInit.analytical d = d.options[:modules].sort_by { |m| m.to_s }.should == [:chartbeat, :clicky, :google, :kiss_metrics] d.options[:true_option].should be_true d.options[:false_option].should be_false d.options[:string_option].should == "string" end it 'should preserve :javascript_helpers option' do options = { :javascript_helpers => false, :modules => [] } DummyForInit.analytical options a = a.options[:javascript_helpers].should be_false end it 'should use the supplied options' do DummyForInit.analytical :modules=>[:google] d = d.options[:modules].should == [:google] end describe 'conditionally disabled' do it 'should set the modules to []' do DummyForInit.analytical :disable_if => lambda { |x| true } d = d.analytical.options[:modules].should == [] end end describe 'with filtered modules' do it 'should set the modules to []' do DummyForInit.analytical :filter_modules => lambda { |x, modules| modules - [:clicky] } d = d.analytical.options[:modules].include?(:clicky).should be_false end end describe 'with a robot request' do it 'should set the modules to []' do DummyForInit.analytical d = d.stub!(:'analytical_is_robot?').and_return(true) d.analytical.options[:modules].should == [] end end it 'should open the initialization file' do File.should_receive(:'exists?').with("#{Rails.root}/config/analytical.yml").and_return(true) DummyForInit.analytical DummyForInit.analytical_options[:google].should == {:key=>'google_12345'} DummyForInit.analytical_options[:kiss_metrics].should == {:key=>'kiss_metrics_12345'} DummyForInit.analytical_options[:clicky].should == {:key=>'clicky_12345'} DummyForInit.analytical_options[:chartbeat].should == {:key=>'chartbeat_12345', :domain => ''} end it 'should allow for module-specific controller overrides' do DummyForInit.analytical :google=>{:key=>'override_google_key'} DummyForInit.analytical_options[:google].should == {:key=>'override_google_key'} end describe 'in production mode' do before(:each) do Rails.env.stub!(:production?).and_return(true) end it 'should start with no modules' do Analytical::Api.should_not_receive(:include) DummyForInit.analytical[:modules] = [] end end describe 'in non-production mode' do before(:each) do Rails.env.stub!(:production?).and_return(false) end it 'should start with no modules' do DummyForInit.analytical[:modules] = [:console] end end describe 'in development mode' do before(:each) do Rails.stub!(:env).and_return(:development) end it 'should start with no modules' do DummyForInit.analytical[:modules] = [] end end end end