{ "version": "2.0", "operations": { "CreateAssociation": "
Associates the specified configuration document with the specified instance.
When you associate a configuration document with an instance, the configuration agent on the instance processes the configuration document and configures the instance as specified.
If you associate a configuration document with an instance that already has an associated configuration document, we replace the current configuration document with the new configuration document.
", "CreateAssociationBatch": "Associates the specified configuration documents with the specified instances.
When you associate a configuration document with an instance, the configuration agent on the instance processes the configuration document and configures the instance as specified.
If you associate a configuration document with an instance that already has an associated configuration document, we replace the current configuration document with the new configuration document.
", "CreateDocument": "Creates a configuration document.
After you create a configuration document, you can use CreateAssociation to associate it with one or more running instances.
", "DeleteAssociation": "Disassociates the specified configuration document from the specified instance.
When you disassociate a configuration document from an instance, it does not change the configuration of the instance. To change the configuration state of an instance after you disassociate a configuration document, you must create a new configuration document with the desired configuration and associate it with the instance.
", "DeleteDocument": "Deletes the specified configuration document.
You must use DeleteAssociation to disassociate all instances that are associated with the configuration document before you can delete it.
", "DescribeAssociation": "Describes the associations for the specified configuration document or instance.
", "DescribeDocument": "Describes the specified configuration document.
", "GetDocument": "Gets the contents of the specified configuration document.
", "ListAssociations": "Lists the associations for the specified configuration document or instance.
", "ListDocuments": "Describes one or more of your configuration documents.
", "UpdateAssociationStatus": "Updates the status of the configuration document associated with the specified instance.
" }, "service": "AWS Simple Systems Management enables you to configure and manage your EC2 instances. You can create a configuration document and then associate it with one or more running instances.
You can use a configuration document to automate the following tasks for your Windows instances:
Install, repair, or uninstall software using an MSI package
Run PowerShell scripts
Join an AWS Directory
Configure CloudWatch Logs to monitor applications and systems
Note that configuration documents are not supported on Linux instances.
", "shapes": { "AssociatedInstances": { "base": "You must disassociate a configuration document from all instances before you can delete it.
", "refs": { } }, "Association": { "base": "Describes an association of a configuration document and an instance.
", "refs": { "AssociationList$member": null } }, "AssociationAlreadyExists": { "base": "The specified association already exists.
", "refs": { } }, "AssociationDescription": { "base": "Describes an association.
", "refs": { "AssociationDescriptionList$member": null, "CreateAssociationResult$AssociationDescription": "Information about the association.
", "DescribeAssociationResult$AssociationDescription": "Information about the association.
", "UpdateAssociationStatusResult$AssociationDescription": "Information about the association.
" } }, "AssociationDescriptionList": { "base": null, "refs": { "CreateAssociationBatchResult$Successful": "Information about the associations that succeeded.
" } }, "AssociationDoesNotExist": { "base": "The specified association does not exist.
", "refs": { } }, "AssociationFilter": { "base": "Describes a filter.
", "refs": { "AssociationFilterList$member": null } }, "AssociationFilterKey": { "base": null, "refs": { "AssociationFilter$key": "The name of the filter.
" } }, "AssociationFilterList": { "base": null, "refs": { "ListAssociationsRequest$AssociationFilterList": "One or more filters. Use a filter to return a more specific list of results.
" } }, "AssociationFilterValue": { "base": null, "refs": { "AssociationFilter$value": "The filter value.
" } }, "AssociationLimitExceeded": { "base": "You can have at most 2,000 active associations.
", "refs": { } }, "AssociationList": { "base": null, "refs": { "ListAssociationsResult$Associations": "The associations.
" } }, "AssociationStatus": { "base": "Describes an association status.
", "refs": { "AssociationDescription$Status": "The association status.
", "UpdateAssociationStatusRequest$AssociationStatus": "The association status.
" } }, "AssociationStatusName": { "base": null, "refs": { "AssociationStatus$Name": "The status.
" } }, "BatchErrorMessage": { "base": null, "refs": { "FailedCreateAssociation$Message": "A description of the failure.
" } }, "CreateAssociationBatchRequest": { "base": null, "refs": { } }, "CreateAssociationBatchRequestEntries": { "base": null, "refs": { "CreateAssociationBatchRequest$Entries": "One or more associations.
" } }, "CreateAssociationBatchRequestEntry": { "base": "Describes the association of a configuration document and an instance.
", "refs": { "CreateAssociationBatchRequestEntries$member": null, "FailedCreateAssociation$Entry": "The association.
" } }, "CreateAssociationBatchResult": { "base": null, "refs": { } }, "CreateAssociationRequest": { "base": null, "refs": { } }, "CreateAssociationResult": { "base": null, "refs": { } }, "CreateDocumentRequest": { "base": null, "refs": { } }, "CreateDocumentResult": { "base": null, "refs": { } }, "DateTime": { "base": null, "refs": { "AssociationDescription$Date": "The date when the association was made.
", "AssociationStatus$Date": "The date when the status changed.
", "DocumentDescription$CreatedDate": "The date when the configuration document was created.
" } }, "DeleteAssociationRequest": { "base": null, "refs": { } }, "DeleteAssociationResult": { "base": null, "refs": { } }, "DeleteDocumentRequest": { "base": null, "refs": { } }, "DeleteDocumentResult": { "base": null, "refs": { } }, "DescribeAssociationRequest": { "base": null, "refs": { } }, "DescribeAssociationResult": { "base": null, "refs": { } }, "DescribeDocumentRequest": { "base": null, "refs": { } }, "DescribeDocumentResult": { "base": null, "refs": { } }, "DocumentAlreadyExists": { "base": "The specified configuration document already exists.
", "refs": { } }, "DocumentContent": { "base": null, "refs": { "CreateDocumentRequest$Content": "A valid JSON file. For more information about the contents of this file, see Configuration Document.
", "GetDocumentResult$Content": "The contents of the configuration document.
" } }, "DocumentDescription": { "base": "Describes a configuration document.
", "refs": { "CreateDocumentResult$DocumentDescription": "Information about the configuration document.
", "DescribeDocumentResult$Document": "Information about the configuration document.
" } }, "DocumentFilter": { "base": "Describes a filter.
", "refs": { "DocumentFilterList$member": null } }, "DocumentFilterKey": { "base": null, "refs": { "DocumentFilter$key": "The name of the filter.
" } }, "DocumentFilterList": { "base": null, "refs": { "ListDocumentsRequest$DocumentFilterList": "One or more filters. Use a filter to return a more specific list of results.
" } }, "DocumentFilterValue": { "base": null, "refs": { "DocumentFilter$value": "The value of the filter.
" } }, "DocumentIdentifier": { "base": "Describes the name of a configuration document.
", "refs": { "DocumentIdentifierList$member": null } }, "DocumentIdentifierList": { "base": null, "refs": { "ListDocumentsResult$DocumentIdentifiers": "The names of the configuration documents.
" } }, "DocumentLimitExceeded": { "base": "You can have at most 100 active configuration documents.
", "refs": { } }, "DocumentName": { "base": null, "refs": { "Association$Name": "The name of the configuration document.
", "AssociationDescription$Name": "The name of the configuration document.
", "CreateAssociationBatchRequestEntry$Name": "The name of the configuration document.
", "CreateAssociationRequest$Name": "The name of the configuration document.
", "CreateDocumentRequest$Name": "A name for the configuration document.
", "DeleteAssociationRequest$Name": "The name of the configuration document.
", "DeleteDocumentRequest$Name": "The name of the configuration document.
", "DescribeAssociationRequest$Name": "The name of the configuration document.
", "DescribeDocumentRequest$Name": "The name of the configuration document.
", "DocumentDescription$Name": "The name of the configuration document.
", "DocumentIdentifier$Name": "The name of the configuration document.
", "GetDocumentRequest$Name": "The name of the configuration document.
", "GetDocumentResult$Name": "The name of the configuration document.
", "UpdateAssociationStatusRequest$Name": "The name of the configuration document.
" } }, "DocumentSha1": { "base": null, "refs": { "DocumentDescription$Sha1": "The SHA1 hash of the document, which you can use for verification purposes.
" } }, "DocumentStatus": { "base": null, "refs": { "DocumentDescription$Status": "The status of the configuration document.
" } }, "DuplicateInstanceId": { "base": "You cannot specify an instance ID in more than one association.
", "refs": { } }, "FailedCreateAssociation": { "base": "Describes a failed association.
", "refs": { "FailedCreateAssociationList$member": null } }, "FailedCreateAssociationList": { "base": null, "refs": { "CreateAssociationBatchResult$Failed": "Information about the associations that failed.
" } }, "Fault": { "base": null, "refs": { "FailedCreateAssociation$Fault": "The source of the failure.
" } }, "GetDocumentRequest": { "base": null, "refs": { } }, "GetDocumentResult": { "base": null, "refs": { } }, "InstanceId": { "base": null, "refs": { "Association$InstanceId": "The ID of the instance.
", "AssociationDescription$InstanceId": "The ID of the instance.
", "CreateAssociationBatchRequestEntry$InstanceId": "The ID of the instance.
", "CreateAssociationRequest$InstanceId": "The ID of the instance.
", "DeleteAssociationRequest$InstanceId": "The ID of the instance.
", "DescribeAssociationRequest$InstanceId": "The ID of the instance.
", "UpdateAssociationStatusRequest$InstanceId": "The ID of the instance.
" } }, "InternalServerError": { "base": "An error occurred on the server side.
", "refs": { } }, "InvalidDocument": { "base": "The configuration document is not valid.
", "refs": { } }, "InvalidDocumentContent": { "base": "The content for the configuration document is not valid.
", "refs": { } }, "InvalidInstanceId": { "base": "You must specify the ID of a running instance.
", "refs": { } }, "InvalidNextToken": { "base": "The specified token is not valid.
", "refs": { } }, "ListAssociationsRequest": { "base": null, "refs": { } }, "ListAssociationsResult": { "base": null, "refs": { } }, "ListDocumentsRequest": { "base": null, "refs": { } }, "ListDocumentsResult": { "base": null, "refs": { } }, "MaxDocumentSizeExceeded": { "base": "The size limit of a configuration document is 64 KB.
", "refs": { } }, "MaxResults": { "base": null, "refs": { "ListAssociationsRequest$MaxResults": "The maximum number of items to return for this call. The call also returns a token that you can specify in a subsequent call to get the next set of results.
", "ListDocumentsRequest$MaxResults": "The maximum number of items to return for this call. The call also returns a token that you can specify in a subsequent call to get the next set of results.
" } }, "NextToken": { "base": null, "refs": { "ListAssociationsRequest$NextToken": "The token for the next set of items to return. (You received this token from a previous call.)
", "ListAssociationsResult$NextToken": "The token to use when requesting the next set of items. If there are no additional items to return, the string is empty.
", "ListDocumentsRequest$NextToken": "The token for the next set of items to return. (You received this token from a previous call.)
", "ListDocumentsResult$NextToken": "The token to use when requesting the next set of items. If there are no additional items to return, the string is empty.
" } }, "StatusAdditionalInfo": { "base": null, "refs": { "AssociationStatus$AdditionalInfo": "A user-defined string.
" } }, "StatusMessage": { "base": null, "refs": { "AssociationStatus$Message": "The reason for the status.
" } }, "StatusUnchanged": { "base": "The updated status is the same as the current status.
", "refs": { } }, "String": { "base": null, "refs": { "InvalidDocumentContent$message": "A description of the validation error.
" } }, "TooManyUpdates": { "base": "There are concurrent updates for a resource that supports one update at a time.
", "refs": { } }, "UpdateAssociationStatusRequest": { "base": null, "refs": { } }, "UpdateAssociationStatusResult": { "base": null, "refs": { } } } }