module Rich module I18n module Core module String module Internationalization def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods base.send :include, InstanceMethods base.class_eval do cattr_accessor :i18n_translations end end module ClassMethods def clear_translations i18n_translations.clear end end module InstanceMethods def t(options = {}) self.split(" ").inject([]) do |array, string| key = string.include?(".") ? string.dup : "word.#{string}" default = key.split(".").last translating_word = key.starts_with?("word.") key.downcase! unless string.match(/^(label|seatholder)\./) options[:pluralize] = "".respond_to?(:pl) && (options[:pluralize].nil? || options[:pluralize]) options[:translate_callback] ||= LOGGER_PROC if RAILS_ENV == "development" if options.include? :default options[:default] = [options[:default]].flatten << default.humanize s = i18n_t key, options s = s[:_base] if s.is_a?(Hash) value = s.dup else s = i18n_t key, options.merge({:default => translating_word ? "" : default.humanize}) value = s.dup if translating_word unless (translated = !s.empty?) or !"".respond_to?(:pl) key.singularize! s = i18n_t key, options.merge({:default => ""}) value = s.dup end if s.empty? s = default.humanize value = s.dup else s =[:count]) unless !options[:pluralize] or (options[:count].nil? and default.dup.pluralize!) end end end unless s.gsub!(/^=\s+/, "") || options[:as].to_s == "html" s.cp_case! options[:capitalize] ? default.capitalize : default end array << " " unless array.empty? array <<, options.reject{|k, v| !%w(html as).include? k.to_s}.merge({:key => key, :value => value, :locale => I18n.locale, :derivative_key => string})) end.join end private RICH_I18N_OPTIONS = [:count, :pluralize, :capitalize, :translate_callback, :html, :as] LOGGER_PROC ={|translation, key, options| puts "== RICH-I18N: I18n.t #{key.inspect}, #{options.inspect}"} @@i18n_translations = {} def i18n_t(key, opts = {}) options = opts.inject({}) do |hash, (k, v)| # FIXME: this code is to handle interpolated translations... however, this needs to be refactored hash[k] = v.is_a?(String) && v.include?("<i18n") ? v.gsub(/(\<i18n[^\>]+\>)|(\<\/i18n\>)/, "") : v unless RICH_I18N_OPTIONS.include?(k) hash end k = "#{I18n.locale} #{key.inspect}, #{options.inspect}" translation = if Engine.cache_translations ((@@i18n_translations[I18n.locale.to_s.downcase] ||= {})[k] ||= I18n.t(key, options)).try :dup else I18n.t key, options end opts[:translate_callback].try :call, translation, key, options translation end end end end end end end