require "state_machines-mongoid" module Workflow class CannotDeletePublishedPublication < RuntimeError; end extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do validate :not_editing_published_item before_destroy :check_can_delete_and_notify after_destroy :notify_siblings_of_published_edition before_save :denormalise_users! after_create :notify_siblings_of_new_edition field :state, type: String, default: "draft" belongs_to :assigned_to, class_name: "User" state_machine initial: :draft do after_transition on: :request_amendments do |edition, transition| edition.mark_as_rejected end before_transition on: :schedule_for_publishing do |edition, transition| edition.publish_at = transition.args.first end before_transition on: [:publish, :cancel_scheduled_publishing] do |edition, transition| edition.publish_at = nil end before_transition on: [:approve_review, :skip_review, :request_amendments] do |edition, _transition| edition.reviewer = nil end after_transition on: :publish do |edition, transition| edition.was_published end before_transition on: :request_review do |edition, transition| edition.review_requested_at = end event :request_review do transition [:draft, :amends_needed] => :in_review end event :approve_review do transition in_review: :ready end event :approve_fact_check do transition fact_check_received: :ready end event :request_amendments do transition [:fact_check_received, :in_review, :ready, :fact_check] => :amends_needed end event :skip_review do transition in_review: :ready end # Editions can optionally be sent out for fact check event :send_fact_check do transition [:ready, :fact_check_received] => :fact_check end # If no response is received to a fact check request we can skip # that fact check and return the edition to the 'ready' state event :skip_fact_check do transition fact_check: :ready end # Where a fact check response has been received the item is moved # into a special state so that the fact check responses can be # reviewed event :receive_fact_check do transition fact_check: :fact_check_received end event :schedule_for_publishing do transition ready: :scheduled_for_publishing end event :cancel_scheduled_publishing do transition scheduled_for_publishing: :ready end event :publish do transition [:ready, :scheduled_for_publishing] => :published end event :archive do transition all => :archived, :unless => :archived? end state :in_review do validates_presence_of :review_requested_at end state :scheduled_for_publishing do validates_presence_of :publish_at validate :publish_at_is_in_the_future end end end def fact_checked? (self.actions.where(request_type: Action::APPROVE_FACT_CHECK).count > 0) end def status_text text = human_state_name.capitalize text += ' on ' + publish_at.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M") if scheduled_for_publishing? text end def denormalise_users! new_assignee = assigned_to.try(:name) set(assignee: new_assignee) unless new_assignee == assignee update_user_action("creator", [Action::CREATE, Action::NEW_VERSION]) update_user_action("publisher", [Action::PUBLISH]) update_user_action("archiver", [Action::ARCHIVE]) self end def can_destroy? ! scheduled_for_publishing? && ! published? && ! archived? end def check_can_delete_and_notify raise CannotDeletePublishedPublication unless can_destroy? end def mark_as_rejected 1) end def previous_edition self.previous_published_edition || false end def notify_siblings_of_new_edition siblings.update_all(sibling_in_progress: self.version_number) end def in_progress? ! ["archived", "published"].include? self.state end def locked_for_edits? scheduled_for_publishing? || published? end def error_description published? ? 'Published editions' : 'Editions scheduled for publishing' end def perform_event_without_validations(event) # # pass false to transition state without performing state machine actions public_send(event, false) save(validate: false) end def important_note action = actions.where( => [Action::IMPORTANT_NOTE, Action::IMPORTANT_NOTE_RESOLVED]).last action if action.try(:request_type) == Action::IMPORTANT_NOTE end private def notify_siblings_of_published_edition siblings.update_all(sibling_in_progress: nil) end def update_sibling_in_progress(version_number_or_nil) update_attribute(:sibling_in_progress, version_number_or_nil) end def update_user_action(property, statuses) actions.where( => statuses).limit(1).each do |action| # This can be invoked by Panopticon when it updates an artefact and associated # editions. The problem is that Panopticon and Publisher users live in different # collections, but share a model and relationships with eg actions. # Therefore, Panopticon might not find a user for an action. if action.requester set(property => end end end def publish_at_is_in_the_future errors.add(:publish_at, "can't be a time in the past") if publish_at.present? && publish_at < end def not_editing_published_item return if changes.none? || state_changed? errors.add(:base, "Archived editions can't be edited") if archived? return unless locked_for_edits? errors.add(:base, "#{error_description} can't be edited") if disallowable_change? end def disallowable_change? allowed_to_change = %w(slug publish_at) (changes.keys - allowed_to_change).present? end end