module MessageTrain class Conversation < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :messages has_many :ignores has_many :receipts, through: :messages # Scopes default_scope { order('updated_at DESC') } scope :ignored, ->(participant) { where('id IN (?)', ignored_ids_for(participant))} scope :unignored, ->(participant) { where('NOT(id IN (?))', ignored_ids_for(participant))} scope :filter_by_receipt_method_ids, ->(receipt_method, participant) { all.collect { |x| x.receipts.send(receipt_method, participant).conversation_ids }.flatten.uniq } scope :filter_by_receipt_method, ->(receipt_method, participant) { where('id IN (?)', filter_by_receipt_method_ids(receipt_method, participant)) } scope :with_drafts_by, ->(participant) { ids_with_drafts = all.collect { |x| }.flatten.uniq where('id IN (?)', ids_with_drafts) } scope :with_ready_for, ->(participant) { ids_with_ready = all.collect { |x| x.messages.ready.with_receipts_for(participant).conversation_ids }.flatten.uniq where('id IN (?)', ids_with_ready) } def default_recipients_for(sender) recipients = messages.with_receipts_for(sender) .collect { |x| x.receipts.collect { |y| y.recipient } } .flatten .uniq recipients.delete(sender) recipients end def set_ignored(participant) ignores.first_or_create!(participant: participant) end def set_unignored(participant) ignores.where(participant: participant).destroy_all end def is_ignored?(participant) if ignores.empty? false else !ignores.find_all_by_participant(participant).empty? end end def mark(mark, participant) messages.mark(mark, participant) end def includes_drafts_by?(participant) !messages.drafts_by(participant).empty? end def method_missing(method_sym, *arguments, &block) # the first argument is a Symbol, so you need to_s it if you want to pattern match if method_sym.to_s =~ /^includes_(.*_(by|to|for))\?$/ !receipts.send($1.to_sym, arguments.first).empty? else super end end def self.method_missing(method_sym, *arguments, &block) # the first argument is a Symbol, so you need to_s it if you want to pattern match if method_sym.to_s =~ /^with_((.*)_(by|to|for))$/ self.filter_by_receipt_method($1.to_sym, arguments.first) else super end end # It's important to know Object defines respond_to to take two parameters: the method to check, and whether to include private methods # def respond_to?(method_sym, include_private = false) if method_sym.to_s =~ /^includes_((.*)_(by|to|for))\?$/ true else super end end def self.respond_to?(method_sym, include_private = false) if method_sym.to_s =~ /^(.*)_(by|to|for)$/ true else super end end private def self.ignored_ids_for(participant) MessageTrain::Ignore.find_all_by_participant(participant).conversation_ids end end end