/* ================================================================= Copyright (C) 2012 2013 BizStation Corp All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ================================================================= */ #include "dbManager.h" #include <bzs/netsvc/server/IAppModule.h> //for result value macro. #include <bzs/rtl/exception.h> #include <time.h> #include "mysqlThd.h" namespace bzs { namespace db { namespace engine { namespace mysql { class smartDbsReopen { THD* m_thd; std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<database> >& m_dbs; public: static std::string removeName; smartDbsReopen(THD* thd, std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<database> >& dbs) : m_thd(thd), m_dbs(dbs) { for (size_t i = 0; i < m_dbs.size(); i++) { if (m_dbs[i]) { m_dbs[i]->use(); m_dbs[i]->unUseTables(false); m_dbs[i]->closeForReopen(); } } attachThd(m_thd); } ~smartDbsReopen() { for (size_t i = 0; i < m_dbs.size(); i++) { if (m_dbs[i]) { if (removeName != m_dbs[i]->name()) { m_dbs[i]->use(); m_dbs[i]->reopen(); } } } attachThd(m_thd); } }; std::string smartDbsReopen::removeName = ""; dbManager::dbManager() : m_autoHandle(0), m_authChecked(false) { } dbManager::~dbManager() { } bool dbManager::isShutDown() const { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lck(m_mutex); #if defined(MARIADB_BASE_VERSION) killed_state st = NOT_KILLED; #else THD::killed_state st = THD::NOT_KILLED; #endif for (size_t i = 0; i < m_dbs.size(); i++) if ((m_dbs[i] != NULL) && (m_dbs[i]->thd()->killed != st)) return true; return false; } void dbManager::checkNewHandle(int newHandle) const { for (size_t i = 0; i < m_handles.size(); i++) if (m_handles[i].id == newHandle) THROW_BZS_ERROR_WITH_CODEMSG(1, "Allready exits handle."); } // Lock for isSutdown(), called by another thread void dbManager::releaseDatabase(short cid) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lck(m_mutex); int index = -1; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_dbs.size(); i++) { if ((m_dbs[i] != NULL) && (cid == m_dbs[i]->clientID())) { index = (int)i; break; } } if (index == -1) return; // close tables release thd m_dbs[index].reset(); // erase handles for (int i = (int)m_handles.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (m_handles[i].db == index) m_handles.erase(m_handles.begin() + i); } database* dbManager::useDataBase(int id) const { if (id >= (int)m_dbs.size()) THROW_BZS_ERROR_WITH_CODEMSG(1, "Invalid database id."); if (m_dbs[id] == NULL) THROW_BZS_ERROR_WITH_CODEMSG(1, "Invalid database id."); m_dbs[id]->use(); return m_dbs[id].get(); } database* dbManager::createDatabase(const char* dbname, short cid) const { database* db = new database(dbname, cid); if (m_authChecked) { if (m_host != "") db->setGrant(m_host.c_str(), m_user.c_str()); } return db; } handle* dbManager::getHandle(int handle) const { for (size_t i = 0; i < m_handles.size(); i++) { if (m_handles[i].id == handle) return &m_handles[i]; } char tmp[256]; sprintf(tmp, "Invalid handle. handle = %d", handle); THROW_BZS_ERROR_WITH_CODEMSG(1, tmp); } int dbManager::getDatabaseID(short cid) const { for (size_t i = 0; i < m_dbs.size(); i++) { if (m_dbs[i] != NULL && (m_dbs[i]->clientID() == cid)) return (int)i; } return -1; } database* dbManager::getDatabaseCid(short cid) const { int id = getDatabaseID(cid); if (id == -1) { char tmp[256]; sprintf(tmp, "Can not get database object. cid = %d", cid); THROW_BZS_ERROR_WITH_CODEMSG(1, tmp); } return useDataBase(id); } database* dbManager::getDatabase(const char* dbname, short cid, bool& created) const { created = false; int id = getDatabaseID(cid); if (id == -1) { boost::shared_ptr<database> db(createDatabase(dbname, cid)); if (db == NULL) THROW_BZS_ERROR_WITH_CODEMSG(1, "Can not create database object."); id = (int)m_dbs.size(); boost::mutex::scoped_lock lck(m_mutex); m_dbs.push_back(db); created = true; } return useDataBase(id); } table* dbManager::getTable(int hdl, enum_sql_command cmd, engine::mysql::rowLockMode* lck) const { handle* h = getHandle(hdl); if ((h->db < (int)m_dbs.size())) return useDataBase(h->db)->useTable(h->tb, cmd, lck); char tmp[256]; sprintf(tmp, "Invalid handle. handle = %d db = %d tb = %d", hdl, h->db, h->tb); THROW_BZS_ERROR_WITH_CODEMSG(1, tmp); } int dbManager::addHandle(int dbid, int tableid, int assignid) { ++m_autoHandle; if (assignid == -1) assignid = m_autoHandle; m_handles.push_back(handle(assignid, (short)dbid, (short)tableid)); return assignid; } int dbManager::ddl_execSql(THD* thd, const std::string& sql_stmt) { smartDbsReopen reopen(thd, m_dbs); thd->clear_error(); int result = cp_query_command(thd, (char*)sql_stmt.c_str()); //if (!thd->cp_isOk()) // result = 1; if (thd->is_error()) result = errorCode(thd->cp_get_sql_error()); cp_lex_clear(thd); // reset values for insert return result; } int dbManager::ddl_createDataBase(THD* thd, const std::string& dbname) { std::string cmd = "create database `" + dbname + "`"; return ddl_execSql(thd, cmd); } int dbManager::ddl_dropDataBase(THD* thd, const std::string& dbname, const std::string& dbSqlname) { std::string cmd = "drop database `" + dbSqlname + "`"; smartDbsReopen::removeName = dbname; int ret = ddl_execSql(thd, cmd); smartDbsReopen::removeName = ""; boost::mutex::scoped_lock lck(m_mutex); for (int i = (int)m_dbs.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (m_dbs[i] && (m_dbs[i]->name() == dbname)) m_dbs.erase(m_dbs.begin() + i); } return ret; } int dbManager::ddl_useDataBase(THD* thd, const std::string& dbSqlname) { std::string cmd = "use `" + dbSqlname + "`"; return ddl_execSql(thd, cmd); } int dbManager::closeCacheTable(database* db, const std::string& tbname) { if (database::tableRef.count(db->name(), tbname)) return DBM_ERROR_TABLE_USED; TABLE_LIST tables; tables.init_one_table(db->name().c_str(), db->name().size(), tbname.c_str(), tbname.size(), tbname.c_str(), TL_READ); if (close_cached_tables(db->thd(), &tables, true, 50000000L)) return HA_ERR_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT; return 0; } int dbManager::ddl_dropTable(database* db, const std::string& tbname, const std::string& dbSqlname, const std::string& tbSqlname) { db->closeTable(tbname.c_str(), true); int ret = closeCacheTable(db, tbname); if (ret) return ret; db->thd()->variables.lock_wait_timeout = 0; std::string cmd = "drop table `" + dbSqlname + "`.`" + tbSqlname + "`"; return ddl_execSql(db->thd(), cmd); } int dbManager::ddl_addIndex(database* db, const std::string& tbname, const std::string& cmd) { std::string c = "ALTER TABLE `" + db->name() + "`." + cmd; return ddl_execSql(db->thd(), c); } int dbManager::ddl_renameTable(database* db, const std::string& oldName, const std::string& dbSqlName, const std::string& oldSqlName, const std::string& newSqlName) { db->closeTable(oldName.c_str(), true); int ret = closeCacheTable(db, oldName); if (ret) return ret; std::string cmd = "rename table `" + dbSqlName + "`.`" + oldSqlName + "` to `" + dbSqlName + "`.`" + newSqlName + "`"; return ddl_execSql(db->thd(), cmd); } int dbManager::ddl_replaceTable(database* db, const std::string& name1, const std::string& name2, const std::string& dbSqlName, const std::string& nameSql1, const std::string& nameSql2) { // rename name1 to name2. db->closeTable(name1.c_str(), true); db->closeTable(name2.c_str(), true); char nameSql3[255]; time_t timer_ = time(NULL); struct tm* t = localtime(&timer_); sprintf(nameSql3, "%s_trsctd_%4d%02d%02d_%02d%02d%02d", nameSql1.c_str(), t->tm_year + 1900, t->tm_mon + 1, t->tm_mday, t->tm_hour, t->tm_min, t->tm_sec); int ret = closeCacheTable(db, name2); if (ret) return ret; std::string cmd = "rename table `" + dbSqlName + "`.`" + nameSql2 + "` to `" + dbSqlName + "`.`" + nameSql3 + "`,`" + dbSqlName + "`.`" + nameSql1 + "` to `" + dbSqlName + "`.`" + nameSql2 + "`"; ret = ddl_execSql(db->thd(), cmd); if (ret == 0) { std::string cmd = "drop table `" + dbSqlName + "`.`" + nameSql3 + "`"; return ddl_execSql(db->thd(), cmd); } return ret; } std::string dbManager::makeSQLChangeTableComment(const std::string& dbSqlName, const std::string& tableSqlName, const char* comment) { std::string s = "alter table `" + dbSqlName + "`.`" + tableSqlName + "` comment \"" + comment + "\""; return s; } /** Key name of multi byte charctord is not supported. Use only ascii. */ std::string dbManager::makeSQLDropIndex(const std::string& dbSqlName, const std::string& tbSqlName, const char* name) { std::string s = "drop index `" + std::string(name) + "` on `" + dbSqlName + "`.`" + tbSqlName + "`"; return s; } void dbManager::clenupNoException() { try { if (m_tb) m_tb->unUse(); } catch (...) { } } } // namespace mysql } // namespace engine } // namespace db } // namespace bzs