3.1.11 ======== * Patched rico_corner.js to no longer touch Object.prototype.extend which was causing the new version of Prototype (1.5.0) to choke on making Ajax requests, quite unfortunate. * Changed usage of m.template for asset copying to m.file 3.1.10 ======== * Fixed bug with :class_name attribute being ignored 3.1.9 ========= * Fixed bug where generator was looking for images that are no longer used (error.gif, warning.gif, information.gif) 3.1.8 ========= * Fixed sorting bug (include AjaxScaffold::Common was missing from AjaxScaffold::Controller) 3.1.7 ========= * Fixed image files that were corrupt in the previous release (add.gif, indicator.gif, indicator-small.gif) 3.1.6 ========= * Added two attributes to scaffold_column :sanitize => Should the output of the column be sanitized of HTML elements (default: true) :class_name => Class added to all TD and TH elements for this column * Fixed bug that was causing short circuiting format_column and not doing standard formatting of dates and times * Fixed bug with CSS image paths not working when the containing application was deployed in a subdirectory 3.1.5 ========= * Updated the functional and unit tests to patch some variable issues: <%= class_name %> used instead of <%= singular_name %>. (Nic Williams) 3.1.4 ========= * Removed some vestigal CSS styling of textarea's that was setting the height * Added unit and functional tests (Nic Williams) * Fixed bug with CamelCased model names not being converted to underscored names correctly 3.1.3 ========= * Fixed the generated test code so that it doesn't fail (even though there aren't any tests in there) * Fixed a problem with a column sort direction not resetting when you select a new column to sort * Fixed the "parenthesize method" warning messages * Changed component.rhtml to rely on a variable for determining whether to display the scaffold wrapper elements instead of simply using request.xhr? * ScaffoldColumns will escape column data (If you set :eval then it is your responsibility to wrap it in h() if necessary). * Added the disabling of the add/edit forms on submit * Moved calls to update_params up into a before_filter 3.1.2 ========= * Fixed bug with default sort not working for non-standard (overridden) table names. * Fixed bug that allowed models to be generated in the plural form and in subdirectories. * Fixed bug with edit/delete links not working for non-standard primary keys. * Removed test methods from the controller functional test since they were all outdated and broken anyways. * Changed the helper methods for column header and element row id's to be more properly namespaced. * Changed controller actions to explicitly call RJS templates so there aren't any errors with conflicting RHTML templates. 3.1.1 ========= * Fixed two bugs with :eval and :sort_sql introspection in ScaffoldColumn. Should fix problems people have been having with underscored table names. * Made the code that gets the @sort_by for a component more robust so that invalid values in the session doesn't continue to hose scaffolds. 3.1.0 ========= * Added support for defining your own scaffold columns in models by assigning an array of ScaffoldColumn's to @scaffold_columns. If @scaffold_columns is not defined it will be created defaulting to columns for model.content_columns. See more about ScaffoldColumns in lib/ajax_scaffold.rb or by reading the documentation on the site. Model classes now must "require 'ajax_scaffold'" to support this new functionality. * Added cancel as an action. There was enough inline code in _new_edit.rhtml that I thought, for consistency, it should be refactored into a server-side method. * Refactoring: All common server side code has been moved into lib/ajax_scaffold.rb. This replaces the previous helpers/ajax_scaffold_helper.rb with an include in the helpers to AjaxScaffold::Helper * Changed CSS styling of sorted columns to a more subtle darker blue from the yellow 3.0.4 ========= * Pagination loading indicator was not being namespaced using the scaffold_id. Caused all pagination loaders to show when any pagination links were clicked. * Fixed more issues related to controllers in subdirectories. Relative path controller names caused problems as well so all url hashes now have a leading / on all controller names 3.0.3 ========= * Fixed a bug where destroy.rjs was throwing element not found errors 3.0.2 ========= * Added loading indicators for sorting and pagination * Fixed a major bug that was causing problems with scaffolds generated with :: seperated controller names (eg Admin::Widgets) * Refactored the default page size into AjaxScaffoldUtil library 3.0.1 ========= * Removed hardcoded controller value from ajax_scaffold_helper.rb that was left in there by accident. 3.0.0 ========== * Generated scaffold uses RJS templates. This should make adding and changing behavior much easier, but this also means that Rails 1.1+ is now required. * Sorting & Pagination support. 2.2.1 ========== * Bug Fix : Generated scaffolds using controllers in modules no longer throw RoutingErrors. 2.2.0 ========== * Graceful degredation in the absence of Javascript support. 2.1.0 ========== * Safari: no longer crashes browser when editing the last row. * Row colors always alternate instead of being overwritten by Effect.Highlight. * Works when you generate with different controller and model parameters. * Creating a new places that new element where its create form previously was, not at the top as it was previously. * Now have the option to enable or disable highlighting via the generated scaffold 2.0.0 ========== * Initial release of overhauled generator