module Pay module Stripe class Subscription attr_reader :pay_subscription delegate :active?, :canceled?, :ends_at, :name, :on_trial?, :owner, :processor_id, :processor_plan, :processor_subscription, :prorate, :prorate?, :quantity, :quantity?, :stripe_account, :trial_ends_at, to: :pay_subscription def self.sync(subscription_id, object: nil, name: Pay.default_product_name) # Skip loading the latest subscription details from the API if we already have it object ||= ::Stripe::Subscription.retrieve(id: subscription_id, expand: ["pending_setup_intent", "latest_invoice.payment_intent"]) owner = Pay.find_billable(processor: :stripe, processor_id: object.customer) return unless owner attributes = { application_fee_percent: object.application_fee_percent, processor_plan:, quantity: object.quantity, name: name, status: object.status, stripe_account: owner.stripe_account, trial_ends_at: (object.trial_end ? : nil) } # Subscriptions cancelling in the future attributes[:ends_at] = if object.cancel_at_period_end # Fully cancelled subscription attributes[:ends_at] = if object.ended_at # Update or create the subscription pay_subscription = owner.subscriptions.find_or_initialize_by(processor: :stripe, processor_id: pay_subscription.update(attributes) pay_subscription end def initialize(pay_subscription) @pay_subscription = pay_subscription end def subscription(**options) ::Stripe::Subscription.retrieve(options.merge(id: processor_id)) end def cancel stripe_sub = ::Stripe::Subscription.update(processor_id, {cancel_at_period_end: true}, {stripe_account: stripe_account}) pay_subscription.update(ends_at: (on_trial? ? trial_ends_at : rescue ::Stripe::StripeError => e raise Pay::Stripe::Error, e end def cancel_now! ::Stripe::Subscription.delete(processor_id, {stripe_account: stripe_account}) pay_subscription.update(ends_at: Time.current, status: :canceled) rescue ::Stripe::StripeError => e raise Pay::Stripe::Error, e end def change_quantity(quantity) ::Stripe::Subscription.update(processor_id, quantity: quantity) rescue ::Stripe::StripeError => e raise Pay::Stripe::Error, e end def on_grace_period? canceled? && < ends_at end def paused? false end def pause raise NotImplementedError, "Stripe does not support pausing subscriptions" end def resume unless on_grace_period? raise StandardError, "You can only resume subscriptions within their grace period." end ::Stripe::Subscription.update( processor_id, { plan: processor_plan, trial_end: (on_trial? ? trial_ends_at.to_i : "now"), cancel_at_period_end: false }, {stripe_account: stripe_account} ) rescue ::Stripe::StripeError => e raise Pay::Stripe::Error, e end def swap(plan) ::Stripe::Subscription.update( processor_id, { cancel_at_period_end: false, plan: plan, proration_behavior: (prorate ? "create_prorations" : "none"), trial_end: (on_trial? ? trial_ends_at.to_i : "now"), quantity: quantity }, {stripe_account: stripe_account} ) rescue ::Stripe::StripeError => e raise Pay::Stripe::Error, e end end end end