require 'net/http'
require 'uri'
require 'yaml'
# = Defensio
# Adapted from code originally by Technoweenie. Updated to the 1.2 API, and
# refactored.
# = License
# Technoweenie fails to mention the license of his original code, so I assume
# that it is either under MIT or public domain. As such, I release this code
# under the MIT license.
# Copyright (c) 2008, James Herdman
# = Important Note
# * most documentation below is adapted from the Defensio API (v 1.2) manual
# * unless otherwise stated, all arguments are expected to be Strings
module Viking
class Defensio < Base
class << self
attr_accessor :host, :port, :api_version, :standard_headers, :service_type
attr_accessor :proxy_port, :proxy_host
attr_reader :last_response
self.service_type = :blog = ''
self.api_version = '1.2'
self.standard_headers = {
'User-Agent' => "Viking (Ruby Gem) v#{Viking::VERSION::STRING}",
'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
# Create a new instance of the Akismet class
# ==== Arguments
# Arguments are provided in the form of a Hash with the following keys
# (as Symbols) available:
# +api_key+:: your Defensio API key
# +blog+:: the blog associated with your api key
# The following keys are available and are entirely optional. They are
# available incase communication with Akismet's servers requires a
# proxy port and/or host:
# * +proxy_port+
# * +proxy_host+
def initialize(options)
self.verify_options = false
# This action verifies that the key is valid for the owner calling the
# service. A user must have a valid API key in order to use Defensio.
# ==== Returns
# true, false
def verified?
return false if invalid_options?
(@verify_options ||= call_defensio('validate-key'))[:status] == 'success'
# This action should be invoked upon the publication of an article to
# announce its existence. The actual content of the article is sent to
# Defensio for analysis.
# ==== Arguments
# Provided in a Hash with the following keys:
# +owner_url+ (*required*)::
# the URL of the owner using Defensio. Note that this value should be
# provided in your default options for Viking and will be automatically
# inserted into your call.
# +article_author+ (*required*)::
# the name of the author of the article
# +article_author_email+ (*required*)::
# the email address of the article's author
# +article_title+ (*required*)::
# the title of the article
# +article_content+ (*required*)::
# the contents of the article
# +permalink+ (*required*)::
# the permalink of the article
# ==== Returns
# Hash::
# contains server response. Should things go awry, the full response
# will be provided.
# ===== Response structure
# The following are the fields returned from the server and their possible
# values:
# +status+::
# indicates whether or not the key is valid for this blog. Either
# 'success' or 'fail'.
# +message+::
# the message provided by the action, if applicable
# +api_version+::
# the API version used to process the request
def check_article(options={})
return false if invalid_options?
call_defensio 'announce-article', options
# This central action determines not only whether Defensio thinks a
# comment is spam or not, but also a measure of its "spaminess", i.e. its
# relative likelihood of being spam.
# It should be noted that one of Defensio's key features is its ability to
# rank spam according to how "spammy" it appears to be. In order to make
# the most of the Defensio system in their applications, developers should
# take advantage of the spaminess value returned by this function, to
# build interfaces that make it easy for the user to quickly sort through
# and manage their spamboxes.
# ==== Arguments
# Provide arguments in a Hash. The following keys are available:
# +owner_url+ (*required*)::
# the URL of the owner using Defensio. Note that this value should be
# provided in your default options for Viking and will be automatically
# inserted into your call.
# +user_ip+ (*required*)::
# the IP address of whomever is posting the comment
# +article_date+ <~strftime> (*required*)::
# the date the original blog article was posted
# +comment_author+ (*required*)::
# the name of the author of the comment
# +comment_type+ (*required*)::
# the type of comment being posted to the article. This is expected to
# be any of the following: 'comment', 'trackback', 'pingback', 'other'
# +comment_content+::
# the content of the comment in question
# +comment_author_email+::
# the email address of the comment's author
# +permalink+::
# the permalink of the blog post to which the comment is being posted
# +referrer+::
# the URL of the site that brought the commenter to this page
# +user_logged_in+::
# whether or not the user leaving the comment is logged into the client
# platform. Expected to be either +true+ or +false+.
# +trusted_user+::
# whether or not the user is an administrator or modertor or editor of
# the blog. This should only ever be true if the blogging platform can
# guarentee that the user has been authenticated and authorized for this
# role. This is expected to be either +true+ or +false+.
# +openid+::
# the OpenID URL of the currently logged in user. Must be used in
# conjunction with +user_logged_in+ as +true+. OpenID authentication
# must be taken care of by your application.
# +test_force+::
# FOR TESTING PURPOSES ONLY: use this parameter to force the
# outcome of +audit_comment+. Optionally affix (with a comma) a desired
# +spaminess+ return value (in the range 0 to 1) (e.g. "spam,x.xxxx"
# "ham,x.xxxx" )
# ==== Returns
# Hash::
# contains server response. Should things go awry, the full response
# will be provided.
# ===== Response structure
# The following are the fields returned from the server and their possible
# values:
# +status+::
# indicates whether or not the key is valid for this blog. Either
# 'success' or 'fail'.
# +message+::
# the message provided by the action, if applicable
# +api_version+::
# the API version used to process the request
# +signature+::
# this uniquely identifies a message in the Defensio system. This should
# be retained by the client for retraining purposes.
# +spam+::
# whether or not Defensio believes the comment to be spam. This will be
# either +true+ or +false+
# +spaminess+::
# a value indicating the relative likelihood that a comment is spam.
# This should be retained to aid in building spam sorting interfaces.
def check_comment(options={})
return false if invalid_options?
options[:article_date] = options[:article_date].strftime("%Y/%m/%d") # e.g. 2007/05/16
call_defensio 'audit-comment', options
# This action is used to retrain false negatives. That is to say, to
# indicate to the filter that comments originally tagged as "ham" (i.e.
# legitimate) were in fact spam.
# Retraining the filter in this manner contributes to a personalized
# learning effect on the filtering algorithm that will improve accuracy
# for each user over time.
# ==== Arguments
# Provide arguments in a Hash. The following keys are available:
# +owner_url+ (*required*)::
# the URL of the owner using Defensio. Note that this value should be
# provided in your default options for Viking and will be automatically
# inserted into your call.
# +signatures+ (comma separated Strings)(*required*)::
# a comma separated list of signatures (or single entry) to be submitted
# for retraining. The signatures were provided by Defensio when a
# comment was first audited.
# ==== Returns
# Hash::
# contains server response. Should things go awry, the full response
# will be provided.
# ===== Response structure
# The following are the fields returned from the server and their possible
# values:
# +status+::
# indicates whether or not the key is valid for this blog. Either
# 'success' or 'fail'.
# +message+::
# the message provided by the action, if applicable
# +api_version+::
# the API version used to process the request
def mark_as_spam(options={})
return false if invalid_options?
call_defensio 'report-false-negatives', options
# This action is used to retrain false positives. That is to say, to
# indicate to the filter that comments originally tagged as spam were in
# fact "ham" (i.e. legitimate comments).
# Retraining the filter in this manner contributes to a personalized
# learning effect on the filtering algorithm that will improve accuracy
# for each user over time.
# ==== Arguments
# Provide arguments in a Hash. The following keys are available:
# +owner_url+ (*required*)::
# the URL of the owner using Defensio. Note that this value should be
# provided in your default options for Viking and will be automatically
# inserted into your call.
# +signatures+ (comma separated Strings)(*required*)::
# a comma separated list of signatures (or single entry) to be submitted
# for retraining. The signatures were provided by Defensio when a
# comment was first audited.
# ==== Returns
# Hash::
# contains server response. Should things go awry, the full response
# will be provided.
# ===== Response structure
# The following are the fields returned from the server and their possible
# values:
# +status+::
# indicates whether or not the key is valid for this blog. Either
# 'success' or 'fail'.
# +message+::
# the message provided by the action, if applicable
# +api_version+::
# the API version used to process the request
def mark_as_ham(options={})
return false if invalid_options?
call_defensio 'report-false-positives', options
# This action returns basic statistics regarding the performance of
# Defensio since activation
# ==== Returns
# Hash::
# contains server response. Should things go awry, the full response
# will be provided.
# ===== Response structure
# The following are the fields returned from the server and their possible
# values:
# +status+::
# indicates whether or not the key is valid for this blog. Either
# 'success' or 'fail'.
# +message+::
# the message provided by the action, if applicable
# +api_version+::
# the API version used to process the request
# +accuracy+::
# a value between 0 and 1 representing the percentage of comments
# correctly identified as spam or ham by Defensio on this blog
# +spam+::
# the number of spam comments caught by the filter
# +ham+::
# the number of legitimate comments caught by the filter
# +false_positives+::
# the number of times legitimate messages have been retrained (i.e.
# "de-spammed") by the user
# +false_negatives+::
# the number of times a comments had to be marked as spam by the user
# +learning+::
# whether or not Defensio is still in its initial learning phase (either
# +true+ or +false+)
# +learning_status+::
# more reasons on why Defensio is still learning
def stats
return false if invalid_options?
call_defensio 'get-stats'
# Formats a URL for use with the Defensio service.
# ==== Arguments
# +action+ :: the action you wish to call
# ==== Returns
# String
# ==== Example
# > defensio.url('get-stats')
# => '/blog/1.2/get-stats/1234abc.yaml'
def url(action)
'', # ensures opening /
) << '.yaml'
def call_defensio(action, params={})
resp =
log_request(url(action), data, resp)
def defensio_http,
def data(params={})
update('owner-url' => options[:blog] || options[:owner_url]).
attr_accessor :verify_options
def process_response_body(response_body)
data = YAML.load(response_body)
return data['defensio-result'].symbolize_keys
{ :data => data, :status => 'fail' }