module RequestLogAnalyzer module FileFormat def self.included(base) base.send(:attr_reader, :file_format) end # Registers the correct language in the calling class (LogParser, Summarizer) def register_file_format(format_module) # Loads the module constant for built in file formats if format_module.kind_of?(Symbol) require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/file_format/#{format_module}" format_module = RequestLogAnalyzer::FileFormat.const_get(format_module.to_s.split(/[^a-z0-9]/i).map{ |w| w.capitalize }.join('')) end format_module.instance_eval do def line_definitions @line_definitions ||= self::LINE_DEFINITIONS.inject({}) do |hash, (name, definition)| hash.merge!(name =>, definition)) end end # checks whether the file format descriptor is valid def valid? @line_definitions.detect { |(name, ld)| ld.header } && @line_definitions.detect { |(name, ld)| ld.footer } end end # register language specific hooks in base class hook_module = self.class.to_s.split('::').last if format_module.const_defined?(hook_module) && format_module.const_get(hook_module).kind_of?(Module) metaclass = (class << self; self; end) metaclass.send(:include, format_module.const_get(hook_module)) end @file_format = format_module end class LineDefinition attr_reader :name attr_accessor :teaser, :regexp, :captures attr_accessor :header, :footer def initialize(name, definition = {}) @name = name definition.each { |key, value| self.send("#{key.to_s}=".to_sym, value) } end def convert_value(value, type) case type when :integer; value.to_i when :float; value.to_f when :decimal; value.to_f when :symbol; value.to_sym when :sec; value.to_f when :msec; value.to_f / 1000 when :timestamp; value.to_s # TODO: fix me? else value end end def matches(line, lineno = nil, parser = nil) if @teaser.nil? || @teaser =~ line if @regexp =~ line request_info = { :line_type => name, :lineno => lineno } captures_found = $~.captures captures.each_with_index do |param, index| unless captures_found[index].nil? || param == :ignore # there is only one key/value pair in the param hash, each will only be called once param.each { |key, type| request_info[key] = convert_value(captures_found[index], type) } end end return request_info else parser.warn(:teaser_check_failed, "Teaser matched for #{name.inspect}, but full line did not:\n#{line.inspect}") unless @teaser.nil? || parser.nil? return false end else return false end end alias :=~ :matches end end end