module JumpStart class Base # Accessor methods to make testing input or output easier. attr_accessor :input, :output # Monkeypatch gets to make testing easier. def gets(*args) @input.gets(*args) end # Monkeypatch puts to make testing easier. def puts(*args) @output.puts(*args) end # TODO write a method to set :jumpstart_templates_path when the gem is run for the first time. def initialize(args) # setup for testing input @input = $stdin # setup for testing output @output = $stdout # set the name of the project from the first argument passed, or from the module instance variable JumpStart.default_template_name if no argument passed. @project_name = args.shift.dup if args[0] != nil if args[0] != nil @template_name = args.shift.dup elsif !JumpStart.default_template_name.nil? || !JumpStart.default_template_name.empty? @template_name = JumpStart.default_template_name end # set instance variable @template_path as the directory to read templates from. @template_path = FileUtils.join_paths(JumpStart.templates_path, @template_name) end # TODO Ensure that if jumpstart is launched with two arguments they are parsed as @project_name and @template_name, and the command is launched without any menu display. # TODO Ensure that if jumpstart is launched with one argument it is parsed as @project_name, and if JumpStart.default_template_name exists then the command is launched without any menu display. # TODO Write integration tests. # TODO Document methods for RDOC # Finish README etc for github # Look into moving @install_path or refactoring to make setting this variable easier. def set_config_file_options if File.exists?(FileUtils.join_paths(JumpStart.templates_path, @template_name, "/jumpstart_config/", "#{@template_name}.yml")) @config_file = YAML.load_file(FileUtils.join_paths(JumpStart.templates_path, @template_name, "/jumpstart_config/", "#{@template_name}.yml")) @install_command ||= @config_file[:install_command] @install_command_args ||= @config_file[:install_command_args] @replace_strings ||= @config_file[:replace_strings].each {|x| x} @install_path ||= FileUtils.join_paths(@config_file[:install_path]) else jumpstart_menu end end def check_setup set_config_file_options lookup_existing_templates check_project_name check_template_name check_template_path check_install_path end # set up instance variable containing an array that will be populated with existing jumpstart templates def lookup_existing_templates @existing_templates = [] template_dirs = Dir.entries(JumpStart.templates_path) - IGNORE_DIRS template_dirs.each do |x| if, x)) if Dir.entries(FileUtils.join_paths(JumpStart.templates_path, x)).include? "jumpstart_config" if File.exists?(FileUtils.join_paths(JumpStart.templates_path, x, '/jumpstart_config/', "#{x}.yml")) @existing_templates << x end end end end end def start puts "\n******************************************************************************************************************************************\n\n" puts " JumpStarting....\n".purple check_setup execute_install_command run_scripts_from_yaml(:run_after_install_command) parse_template_dir create_dirs populate_files_from_whole_templates populate_files_from_append_templates populate_files_from_line_templates remove_unwanted_files run_scripts_from_yaml(:run_after_jumpstart) check_for_strings_to_replace check_local_nginx_configuration exit_with_success end def check_replace_string_pairs_for_project_name_sub(hash) unless @project_name.nil? hash.each do |key, value| if key == :project_name hash[key] = @project_name end end end hash end private def check_project_name if @project_name.nil? || @project_name.empty? puts "\n Enter a name for your project.".yellow @project_name = gets.chomp.strip check_project_name elsif @project_name.length < 3 puts "\n The name #{@project_name} is too short. Please enter a name at least 3 characters long.".red @project_name = gets.chomp.strip check_project_name elsif @project_name.match(/^\W/) puts "\n #{@project_name} begins with an invalid character. Please enter a name thats starts with a letter or a number.".red @project_name = gets.chomp.strip check_project_name else @project_name end end def check_template_name if @template_name.nil? || @template_name.empty? jumpstart_menu end end def check_template_path begin Dir.chdir(@template_path) rescue puts "\nThe directory #{} could not be found, or you do not have the correct permissions to access it." exit_normal end end # TODO test check_install_path setting @install_path = FileUtils.pwd from prompt. def check_install_path @install_path = FileUtils.pwd if @install_path.nil? || @install_path.empty? if, @project_name)) puts "\nThe directory #{FileUtils.join_paths(@install_path, @project_name).red} already exists.\nAs this is the location you have specified for creating your new project jumpstart will now exit to avoid overwriting anything." exit_normal end true end def create_template if, @template_name)) puts "\nThe directory #{FileUtils.join_paths(JumpStart.templates_path, @template_name).red} already exists. The template will not be created." exit_normal else FileUtils.mkdir_p(FileUtils.join_paths(JumpStart.templates_path, @template_name, "/jumpstart_config")) yaml =, "/source_templates/template_config.yml")), @template_name, "/jumpstart_config", "#{@template_name}.yml"), 'w') do |file| file.puts yaml end puts "The template #{} has been generated.\n" end end def jumpstart_menu puts "\n\n******************************************************************************************************************************************\n\n" puts " JUMPSTART MENU\n".purple puts " Here are your options:\n\n" puts " 1".yellow + " Create a new project from an existing template.\n" puts " 2".yellow + " Create a new template.\n" puts " 3".yellow + " Set the default template.\n" puts " 4".yellow + " Set the templates directory.\n\n" puts " x".yellow + " Exit jumpstart\n\n" puts "******************************************************************************************************************************************\n\n" jumpstart_menu_options end def jumpstart_menu_options lookup_existing_templates input = gets.chomp.strip case when input == "1" new_project_from_template_menu when input == "2" new_template_menu when input == "3" set_default_template_menu when input == "4" templates_dir_menu when input == "x" exit_normal else puts "That command hasn't been understood. Try again!".red jumpstart_menu_options end end def new_project_from_template_menu puts "\n\n******************************************************************************************************************************************\n\n" puts " CREATE A NEW JUMPSTART PROJECT FROM AN EXISTING TEMPLATE\n\n".purple puts " Type a number for the template that you want.\n\n" count = 0 unless @existing_templates.nil? || @existing_templates.empty? @existing_templates.each do |t| count += 1 puts " #{count.to_s.yellow} #{t}" end end puts "\n b".yellow + " Back to main menu." puts "\n x".yellow + " Exit jumpstart\n\n" puts "******************************************************************************************************************************************\n\n" new_project_from_template_options end def new_project_from_template_options input = gets.chomp.strip case when input.to_i <= @existing_templates.count && input.to_i > 0 @template_name = @existing_templates[(input.to_i - 1)] check_project_name project =[@project_name, @template_name]) project.check_setup project.start when input == "b" jumpstart_menu when input == "x" exit_normal else puts "That command hasn't been understood. Try again!".red end end def new_template_menu puts "\n\n******************************************************************************************************************************************\n\n" puts " CREATE A NEW JUMPSTART TEMPLATE\n".purple puts " Existing templates:\n" lookup_existing_templates @existing_templates.each do |x| puts " #{}\n" end new_template_options end # TODO add functionality for duplicating an existing template def new_template_options puts "\n Enter a unique name for the new template.\n".yellow input = gets.chomp.strip case when @existing_templates.include?(input) puts " A template of the name ".red + input.red_bold + " already exists.".red new_template_options when input.length < 3 puts " The template name ".red + input.red_bold + " is too short. Please enter a name that is at least 3 characters long.".red new_template_options when input.match(/^\W/) puts " The template name ".red + input.red_bold + " begins with an invalid character. Please enter a name that begins with a letter or a number.".red new_template_options else FileUtils.mkdir_p(FileUtils.join_paths(JumpStart.templates_path, input, "jumpstart_config")) FileUtils.cp(FileUtils.join_paths(ROOT_PATH, "source_templates/template_config.yml"), FileUtils.join_paths(JumpStart.templates_path, input, "jumpstart_config", "#{input}.yml")) puts " The template ".green + input.green_bold + " has been created in your default jumpstart template directory ".green + JumpStart.templates_path.green_bold + " ready for editing.".green jumpstart_menu end end def set_default_template_menu puts "\n\n******************************************************************************************************************************************\n\n" puts " JUMPSTART DEFAULT TEMPLATE OPTIONS\n\n".purple count = 0 @existing_templates.each do |t| count += 1 puts " #{count.to_s.yellow} #{t}" end puts "\n b".yellow + " Back to main menu.\n\n" puts " x".yellow + " Exit jumpstart\n\n" puts "******************************************************************************************************************************************\n\n" set_default_template_options end # Sets the default template to be used by JumpStart. def set_default_template_options input = gets.chomp.strip case when input.to_i <= @existing_templates.count && input.to_i > 0 JumpStart.default_template_name = @existing_templates[(input.to_i - 1)] JumpStart::Setup.dump_global_yaml puts " The default jumpstart template has been set to: #{}" jumpstart_menu when input == "b" jumpstart_menu when input == "x" exit_normal else puts "That command hasn't been understood. Try again!".red set_default_template_options end end def templates_dir_menu puts "\n\n******************************************************************************************************************************************\n\n" puts " JUMPSTART TEMPLATES DIRECTORY OPTIONS\n\n".purple puts " 1".yellow + " Set templates directory.\n" puts " 2".yellow + " Reset templates directory to default\n\n" puts " b".yellow + " Back to main menu.\n\n" puts " x".yellow + " Exit jumpstart\n\n" puts "******************************************************************************************************************************************\n\n" templates_dir_options end def templates_dir_options input = gets.chomp.strip case when input == "1" set_templates_dir when input == "2" reset_templates_dir_to_default_check when input == "b" jumpstart_menu when input == "x" exit_normal else puts "That command hasn't been understood. Try again!".red templates_dir_options end end # Sets the path for templates to be used by JumpStart. def set_templates_dir puts "Please enter the absolute path for the directory that you would like to contain your jumpstart templates." input = gets.chomp.strip root_path = input.sub(/\/\w*\/*$/, '') case when puts "A directory of that name already exists, please choose a directory that does not exist." set_templates_dir when begin Dir.chdir(root_path) Dir.mkdir(input) files_and_dirs = FileUtils.sort_contained_files_and_dirs(JumpStart.templates_path) puts "\nCopying existing templates to #{input}" files_and_dirs[:dirs].each {|x| FileUtils.mkdir_p(FileUtils.join_paths(input, x))} files_and_dirs[:files].each {|x| FileUtils.cp(FileUtils.join_paths(JumpStart.templates_path, x), FileUtils.join_paths(input, x)) } JumpStart.templates_path = input.to_s JumpStart::Setup.dump_global_yaml puts "\nTransfer complete!".green jumpstart_menu rescue puts "It looks like you do not have the correct permissions to create a directory in #{}" end end end # Checks to see if the JumpStart template directory should be reset to the default location. (within the gem.) def reset_templates_dir_to_default_check if JumpStart.templates_path == "#{ROOT_PATH}/jumpstart_templates" puts " You do not need to reset the jumpstart templates directory, it is already set to: #{ROOT_PATH}/jumpstart_templates\n\n".red templates_dir_menu else puts " Resetting the jumpstart templates directory to the default: #{ROOT_PATH}/jumpstart_templates\n\n" @current_files_and_dirs = FileUtils.sort_contained_files_and_dirs(JumpStart.templates_path) puts " Moving your jumpstart templates back to the default directory will delete any templates that are currently there. Proceed?\n".yellow puts " Type yes (" + "y".yellow + ") or no (" + "n".yellow + ")\n\n" reset_templates_dir_to_default_set end end # Resets the JumpStart template directory to the default location. (within the gem.) def reset_templates_dir_to_default_set input = gets.chomp.strip if input == "yes" || input == "y" FileUtils.delete_dir_contents(FileUtils.join_paths(ROOT_PATH, '/jumpstart_templates')) FileUtils.touch(FileUtils.join_paths(ROOT_PATH, '.gitignore')) @current_files_and_dirs[:dirs].each {|x| FileUtils.mkdir_p(FileUtils.join_paths(ROOT_PATH, '/jumpstart_templates', x))} @current_files_and_dirs[:files].each {|x| FileUtils.cp(FileUtils.join_paths(JumpStart.templates_path, x), FileUtils.join_paths(ROOT_PATH, '/jumpstart_templates', x)) } JumpStart.templates_path = FileUtils.join_paths(ROOT_PATH, '/jumpstart_templates') JumpStart::Setup.dump_global_yaml puts "\n SUCCESS! the jumpstart templates directory has been set to the default: #{ROOT_PATH}/jumpstart_templates".green templates_dir_menu elsif input == "no" || input == "n" puts "\n You have chosen not to move the jumpstart templates directory, nothing has been changed." templates_dir_menu else puts "\n The command you entered could not be understood, please enter yes '" + "y".yellow + "' or no '" + "n".yellow + "'" reset_templates_dir_to_default_set end end def execute_install_command Dir.chdir(@install_path) unless @install_command.nil? || @install_command.empty? puts "Executing command: #{} #{} #{}" system "#{@install_command} #{@project_name} #{@install_command_args}" end end def parse_template_dir @dir_list = [] file_list = [] @append_templates = [] @line_templates = [] @whole_templates = [] Find.find(@template_path) do |x| case when File.file?(x) && x !~ /\/jumpstart_config/ then file_list << x.sub!(@template_path, '') when && x !~ /\/jumpstart_config/ then @dir_list << x.sub!(@template_path, '') when File.file?(x) && x =~ /\/jumpstart_config\/nginx.local.conf/ then @nginx_local_template = x when File.file?(x) && x =~ /\/jumpstart_config\/nginx.remote.conf/ then @nginx_remote_template = x end end file_list.each do |file| if file =~ /_([lL]?)\._{1}\w*/ @append_templates << file elsif file =~ /_(\d+)\._{1}\w*/ @line_templates << file else @whole_templates << file end end end # makes folders for the project def create_dirs @dir_list.each {|dir| FileUtils.mkdir_p(FileUtils.join_paths(@install_path, @project_name, dir)) } unless @dir_list.nil? end # create files from whole templates def populate_files_from_whole_templates @whole_templates.each {|x| FileUtils.cp(FileUtils.join_paths(@template_path, x), FileUtils.join_paths(@install_path, @project_name, x)) } unless @whole_templates.nil? end def populate_files_from_append_templates @append_templates.each do |x| new_name = x.sub(/_([lL]?)\._{1}/, '') FileUtils.touch(FileUtils.join_paths(@install_path, @project_name, new_name)) FileUtils.append_to_end_of_file(FileUtils.join_paths(@template_path, x), FileUtils.join_paths(@install_path, @project_name, new_name), JumpStart::Base.remove_last_line?(x)) end end def populate_files_from_line_templates @line_templates.each do |x| new_name = x.sub(/_(\d+)\._{1}/, '') FileUtils.touch(FileUtils.join_paths(@install_path, @project_name, new_name)) FileUtils.insert_text_at_line_number(FileUtils.join_paths(@template_path, x), FileUtils.join_paths(@install_path, @project_name, new_name), JumpStart::Base.get_line_number(x)) end end def check_local_nginx_configuration if @nginx_local_template.nil? || @config_file[:local_nginx_conf].nil? puts " \nNginx will not be configured as options have not been set for this." else FileUtils.config_nginx(@nginx_local_template, @config_file[:local_nginx_conf], @project_name) FileUtils.config_hosts("/etc/hosts", @project_name) end end def remove_unwanted_files file_array = [] root_path = FileUtils.join_paths(@install_path, @project_name) @config_file[:remove_files].each do |file| file_array << FileUtils.join_paths(root_path, file) end FileUtils.remove_files(file_array) end def run_scripts_from_yaml(script_name) unless @config_file[script_name].nil? || @config_file[script_name].empty? begin Dir.chdir(FileUtils.join_paths(@install_path, @project_name)) @config_file[script_name].each do |x| puts "\nExecuting command: #{}" system "#{x}" end rescue puts "\nCould not access the directory #{FileUtils.join_paths(@install_path, @project_name).red}.\nIn the interest of safety JumpStart will NOT run any YAML scripts from #{script_name.to_s.red_bold} until it can change into the new projects home directory." end end end def check_for_strings_to_replace if @replace_strings.nil? || @replace_strings.empty? false else puts "\nChecking for strings to replace inside files...\n\n" @replace_strings.each do |file| puts "Target file: #{file[:target_path].green}\n" puts "Strings to replace:\n\n" check_replace_string_pairs_for_project_name_sub(file[:symbols]) file[:symbols].each do |x,y| puts "Key: #{}" puts "Value: #{}\n\n" end puts "\n" path = FileUtils.join_paths(@install_path, @project_name, file[:target_path]) FileUtils.replace_strings(path, file[:symbols]) end end end def exit_with_success puts "\n\n Exiting JumpStart...".purple puts "\n Success! ".green + @project_name.green_bold + " has been created at: ".green + FileUtils.join_paths(@install_path, @project_name).green_bold + "\n\n".green puts "******************************************************************************************************************************************\n" exit end def exit_normal puts "\n\n Exiting JumpStart...".purple puts "\n Goodbye!\n\n" puts "******************************************************************************************************************************************\n" exit end class << self def get_line_number(file_name) if file_name.match(/_(\d+)\._\w*/) number = file_name.match(/_(\d+)\._\w*/)[1] number.to_i else false end end def remove_last_line?(file_name) if file_name.match(/_([lL]{1})\._{1}\w*/) true else false end end end end end