require 'minitest/spec' # # Cookbook Name:: spec_examples # Spec:: default # # Copyright 2012, Opscode, Inc. # describe_recipe 'spec_examples::default' do # It's often convenient to load these includes in a separate helper along with # your own helper methods, but here we just include them directly: include MiniTest::Chef::Assertions include MiniTest::Chef::Context include MiniTest::Chef::Resources describe "files" do # = Testing that a file exists = # # The simplest assertion is that a file exists following the Chef run: it "creates the config file" do file("/etc/fstab").must_exist end # All of the matchers starting with 'must_' also have a negative 'wont_'. # So conversely we can also check that a file does not exist: it "ensures that the foobar file is removed if present" do file("/etc/foobar").wont_exist end # = Testing for behaviour = # # Chef has multiple resource types that create files. We use file to test # all of them. # # This is not valid: # # cookbook_file(file_path).must_exist # # Testing the behaviour - is the file is created with the right content? # - is preferable to testing how the file gets there. This way if your # recipe switches from using a cookbook_file resource to a template resource # your tests should still work. # Let's go beyond just checking for existence to testing the other file # attributes. # = Other file attributes = # Use .with on a resource and specify the attribute and expected value: it "has the expected ownership and permissions" do file("/etc/fstab").must_exist.with(:owner, "root") end # You can also use .must_have: it "only root can modify the config file" do file("/etc/fstab").must_have(:mode, "644") end # And you can chain attributes together if you are asserting several. # You don't want to get too carried away doing this but it can be useful. it "only root can modify the config file" do file("/etc/fstab").must_have(:mode, "644").with(:owner, "root").and(:group, "root") end # Alternatively you could express it like this so each assertion is nicely # self-contained: describe "only root can modify the config file - alternate syntax" do let(:config) { file("/etc/fstab") } it { config.must_have(:mode, "644") } it { config.must_have(:owner, "root") } it { config.must_have(:group, "root") } end # = Checking file content = # You can check if a config file contains a string: it "sets phasers to stun" do file('/tmp/foo').must_include 'phaser_setting=stun' end # Or if a file matches a regular expression: it "sets phasers to off or stun" do file('/tmp/foo').must_match /^phaser_setting=(off|stun)$/ file('/tmp/foo').wont_match /^phaser_setting=kill$/ end # = Checking file timestamps = it "touches the config to force a reload" do file("/tmp/foo").must_be_modified_after(run_status.start_time) end it "leaves the hosts file alone" do file("/etc/hosts").wont_be_modified_after(run_status.start_time) end # = Directories = # The file existence and permissions matchers are also valid for # directories: it { directory("/etc/").must_exist.with(:owner, "root") } # = Links = it "symlinks the foo in" do link("/tmp/foo-symbolic").must_exist.with( :link_type, :symbolic).and(:to, "/tmp/foo") end end describe "packages" do # = Checking for package install = it "installs my favorite pager" do package("less").must_be_installed end it "doesn't install emacs" do package("emacs").wont_be_installed end # = Package names = # # When writing cookbooks intended for use on multiple different operating # systems or flavors you will often need to supply a different package # name based on the node.platform. # # If you choose to test for package installation in your tests then you # will also need to provide the right package name, which can lead to # duplication. it "installs my favorite pager" do package(node['spec_examples']['pager']).must_be_installed end # = Package versions = it "installs the package with the right version" do package("less").must_be_installed.with(:version, "436-1") end end describe "services" do # You can assert that a service must be running following the converge: it "runs as a daemon" do service("chef-client").must_be_running end # And that it will start when the server boots: it "boots on startup" do service("chef-client").must_be_enabled end end describe "users and groups" do # = Users = # Check if a user has been created: it "creates a user for the daemon to run as" do user("sshd").must_exist end # You can also use .with here to test attributes: it "creates the user with the expected properties" do user("sshd").must_exist.with(:home, '/var/run/sshd') end it "has an informative comment against the user" do user("list").must_have(:comment, 'Mailing List Manager') end it "has the expected uid" do user("root").must_have(:uid, 0) end # = Groups = it "creates the users group" do group("chipmunks").must_exist end # Check for group membership, you can pass a single user or an array of # users: it "grants group membership to the expected users" do group("chipmunks").must_include('alvin') group("chipmunks").must_include(['alvin', 'simon']) group("chipmunks").wont_include('michelangelo') end # Alternatively rather than checking if the group includes specific users # you can test that the group is made up of exactly the users you specify: it "grants group membership only to specific users" do group("chipmunks").must_have(:members, ['alvin', 'simon', 'theodore']) end end describe "cron entries" do it "creates a crontab entry" do cron("noop").must_exist.with(:hour, "5").and(:minute, "0").and(:day, "*") end it "removes the self-destruct countdown" do cron("self-destruct").wont_exist end end # Note that the syntax for testing the mount resource is slightly different. # You need to specify the device in the call to mount. describe "mount" do it { mount("/mnt", :device => "/dev/null").must_be_mounted } it { mount("/mnt", :device => "/dev/null").must_be_enabled.with(:fstype, "tmpfs") } it { mount("/mnt", :device => "/dev/olympus").wont_be_mounted } end describe "networking" do # = Test network interface settings = describe "ifconfig" do it "has the expected network interfaces configured" do ifconfig(node['ipaddress'], :device => "eth0").must_exist ifconfig(node['ipaddress'], :device => "eth1").wont_exist end end end end