# # = bio/db/gff.rb - GFF format class # # Copyright:: Copyright (C) 2003, 2005 # Toshiaki Katayama # 2006 Jan Aerts # 2008 Naohisa Goto # License:: The Ruby License # # $Id:$ # require 'uri' require 'strscan' require 'enumerator' require 'bio/db/fasta' module Bio # == DESCRIPTION # The Bio::GFF and Bio::GFF::Record classes describe data contained in a # GFF-formatted file. For information on the GFF format, see # http://www.sanger.ac.uk/Software/formats/GFF/. Data are represented in tab- # delimited format, including # * seqname # * source # * feature # * start # * end # * score # * strand # * frame # * attributes (optional) # # For example: # SEQ1 EMBL atg 103 105 . + 0 # SEQ1 EMBL exon 103 172 . + 0 # SEQ1 EMBL splice5 172 173 . + . # SEQ1 netgene splice5 172 173 0.94 + . # SEQ1 genie sp5-20 163 182 2.3 + . # SEQ1 genie sp5-10 168 177 2.1 + . # SEQ1 grail ATG 17 19 2.1 - 0 # # The Bio::GFF object is a container for Bio::GFF::Record objects, each # representing a single line in the GFF file. class GFF # Creates a Bio::GFF object by building a collection of Bio::GFF::Record # objects. # # Create a Bio::GFF object the hard way # this_gff = "SEQ1\tEMBL\tatg\t103\t105\t.\t+\t0\n" # this_gff << "SEQ1\tEMBL\texon\t103\t172\t.\t+\t0\n" # this_gff << "SEQ1\tEMBL\tsplice5\t172\t173\t.\t+\t.\n" # this_gff << "SEQ1\tnetgene\tsplice5\t172\t173\t0.94\t+\t.\n" # this_gff << "SEQ1\tgenie\tsp5-20\t163\t182\t2.3\t+\t.\n" # this_gff << "SEQ1\tgenie\tsp5-10\t168\t177\t2.1\t+\t.\n" # this_gff << "SEQ1\tgrail\tATG\t17\t19\t2.1\t-\t0\n" # p Bio::GFF.new(this_gff) # # or create one based on a GFF-formatted file: # p Bio::GFF.new(File.open('my_data.gff') # --- # *Arguments*: # * _str_: string in GFF format # *Returns*:: Bio::GFF object def initialize(str = '') @records = Array.new str.each_line do |line| @records << Record.new(line) end end # An array of Bio::GFF::Record objects. attr_accessor :records # Represents a single line of a GFF-formatted file. See Bio::GFF for more # information. class Record # Name of the reference sequence attr_accessor :seqname # Name of the source of the feature (e.g. program that did prediction) attr_accessor :source # Name of the feature attr_accessor :feature # Start position of feature on reference sequence attr_accessor :start # End position of feature on reference sequence attr_accessor :end # Score of annotation (e.g. e-value for BLAST search) attr_accessor :score # Strand that feature is located on attr_accessor :strand # For features of type 'exon': indicates where feature begins in the reading frame attr_accessor :frame # List of tag=value pairs (e.g. to store name of the feature: ID=my_id) attr_accessor :attributes # Comments for the GFF record attr_accessor :comment # "comments" is deprecated. Instead, use "comment". def comments #warn "#{self.class.to_s}#comments is deprecated. Instead, use \"comment\"." if $VERBOSE self.comment end # "comments=" is deprecated. Instead, use "comment=". def comments=(str) #warn "#{self.class.to_s}#comments= is deprecated. Instead, use \"comment=\"." if $VERBOSE self.comment = str end # Creates a Bio::GFF::Record object. Is typically not called directly, but # is called automatically when creating a Bio::GFF object. # --- # *Arguments*: # * _str_: a tab-delimited line in GFF format def initialize(str) @comment = str.chomp[/#.*/] return if /^#/.match(str) @seqname, @source, @feature, @start, @end, @score, @strand, @frame, attributes, = str.chomp.split("\t") @attributes = parse_attributes(attributes) if attributes end private def parse_attributes(attributes) hash = Hash.new sc = StringScanner.new(attributes) attrs = [] token = '' while !sc.eos? if sc.scan(/[^\\\;\"]+/) then token.concat sc.matched elsif sc.scan(/\;/) then attrs.push token unless token.empty? token = '' elsif sc.scan(/\"/) then origtext = sc.matched while !sc.eos? if sc.scan(/[^\\\"]+/) then origtext.concat sc.matched elsif sc.scan(/\"/) then origtext.concat sc.matched break elsif sc.scan(/\\([\"\\])/) then origtext.concat sc.matched elsif sc.scan(/\\/) then origtext.concat sc.matched else raise 'Bug: should not reach here' end end token.concat origtext elsif sc.scan(/\\\;/) then token.concat sc.matched elsif sc.scan(/\\/) then token.concat sc.matched else raise 'Bug: should not reach here' end #if end #while attrs.push token unless token.empty? attrs.each do |x| key, value = x.split(' ', 2) key.strip! value.strip! if value hash[key] = value end hash end end #Class Record # = DESCRIPTION # Represents version 2 of GFF specification. # Its behavior is somehow different from Bio::GFF, # especially for attributes. # class GFF2 < GFF VERSION = 2 # string representation of the whole entry. def to_s ver = @gff_version || VERSION.to_s ver = ver.gsub(/[\r\n]+/, ' ') ([ "##gff-version #{ver}\n" ] + @metadata.collect { |m| m.to_s } + @records.collect{ |r| r.to_s }).join('') end # Private methods for GFF2 escaping characters. # Internal only. Users should not use this module directly. module Escape # unsafe characters to be escaped UNSAFE_GFF2 = /[^-_.!~*'()a-zA-Z\d\/?:@+$\[\] \x80-\xfd><;=,%^&\|`]/n # GFF2 standard identifier IDENTIFIER_GFF2 = /\A[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*\z/n # GFF2 numeric value NUMERIC_GFF2 = /\A[-+]?([0-9]+|[0-9]*\.[0-9]*)([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?\z/n # List of 1-letter special backslash code. # The letters other than listed here are the same as # those of without backslash, except for "x" and digits. # (Note that \u (unicode) is not supported.) BACKSLASH = { 't' => "\t", 'n' => "\n", 'r' => "\r", 'f' => "\f", 'b' => "\b", 'a' => "\a", 'e' => "\e", 'v' => "\v", # 's' => " ", }.freeze # inverted hash of BACKSLASH CHAR2BACKSLASH = BACKSLASH.invert.freeze # inverted hash of BACKSLASH, including double quote and backslash CHAR2BACKSLASH_EXTENDED = CHAR2BACKSLASH.merge({ '"' => '"', "\\" => "\\" }).freeze # prohibited characters in GFF2 columns PROHIBITED_GFF2_COLUMNS = /[\t\r\n\x00-\x1f\x7f\xfe\xff]/ # prohibited characters in GFF2 attribute tags PROHIBITED_GFF2_TAGS = /[\s\"\;\t\r\n\x00-\x1f\x7f\xfe\xff]/ private # (private) escapes GFF2 free text string def escape_gff2_freetext(str) '"' + str.gsub(UNSAFE_GFF2) do |x| "\\" + (CHAR2BACKSLASH_EXTENDED[x] || char2octal(x)) end + '"' end # (private) "x" => "\\oXXX" # "x" must be a letter. # If "x" is consisted of two bytes or more, joined with "\\". def char2octal(x) x.enum_for(:each_byte).collect { |y| sprintf("%03o", y) }.join("\\") end # (private) escapes GFF2 attribute value string def escape_gff2_attribute_value(str) freetext?(str) ? escape_gff2_freetext(str) : str end # (private) check if the given string is a free text to be quoted # by double-qoute. def freetext?(str) if IDENTIFIER_GFF2 =~ str or NUMERIC_GFF2 =~ str then false else true end end # (private) escapes normal columns in GFF2 def gff2_column_to_s(str) str = str.to_s str = str.empty? ? '.' : str str = str.gsub(PROHIBITED_GFF2_COLUMNS) do |x| "\\" + (CHAR2BACKSLASH[x] || char2octal(x)) end if str[0, 1] == '#' then str[0, 1] = "\\043" end str end # (private) escapes GFF2 attribute tag string def escape_gff2_attribute_tag(str) str = str.to_s str = str.empty? ? '.' : str str = str.gsub(PROHIBITED_GFF2_TAGS) do |x| "\\" + (CHAR2BACKSLASH[x] || char2octal(x)) end if str[0, 1] == '#' then str[0, 1] = "\\043" end str end # (private) dummy method, will be redefined in GFF3. def unescape(str) str end end #module Escape # Stores GFF2 record. class Record < GFF::Record include Escape # Stores GFF2 attribute's value. class Value include Escape # Creates a new Value object. # Note that the given array _values_ is directly stored in # the object. # # --- # *Arguments*: # * (optional) _values_: Array containing String objects. # *Returns*:: Value object. def initialize(values = []) @values = values end # Returns string representation of this Value object. # --- # *Returns*:: String def to_s @values.collect do |str| escape_gff2_attribute_value(str) end.join(' ') end # Returns all values in this object. # # Note that modification of the returned array would affect # original Value object. # --- # *Returns*:: Array def values @values end alias to_a values # Returns true if other == self. # Otherwise, returns false. def ==(other) return false unless other.kind_of?(self.class) or self.kind_of?(other.class) self.values == other.values rescue super(other) end end #class Value # Parses a GFF2-formatted line and returns a new # Bio::GFF::GFF2::Record object. def self.parse(str) self.new.parse(str) end # Creates a Bio::GFF::GFF2::Record object. # Is typically not called directly, but # is called automatically when creating a Bio::GFF::GFF2 object. # # --- # *Arguments*: # * _str_: a tab-delimited line in GFF2 format # *Arguments*: # * _seqname_: seqname (String or nil) # * _source_: source (String or nil) # * _feature_: feature type (String) # * _start_position_: start (Integer) # * _end_position_: end (Integer) # * _score_: score (Float or nil) # * _strand_: strand (String or nil) # * _frame_: frame (Integer or nil) # * _attributes_: attributes (Array or nil) def initialize(*arg) if arg.size == 1 then parse(arg[0]) else @seqname, @source, @feature, start, endp, @score, @strand, frame, @attributes = arg @start = start ? start.to_i : nil @end = endp ? endp.to_i : nil @score = score ? score.to_f : nil @frame = frame ? frame.to_i : nil end @attributes ||= [] end # Comment for the GFF record attr_accessor :comment # "comments" is deprecated. Instead, use "comment". def comments warn "#{self.class.to_s}#comments is deprecated. Instead, use \"comment\"." self.comment end # "comments=" is deprecated. Instead, use "comment=". def comments=(str) warn "#{self.class.to_s}#comments= is deprecated. Instead, use \"comment=\"." self.comment = str end # Parses a GFF2-formatted line and stores data from the string. # Note that all existing data is wiped out. def parse(string) if /^\s*\#/ =~ string then @comment = string[/\#(.*)/, 1].chomp columns = [] else columns = string.chomp.split("\t", 10) @comment = columns[9][/\#(.*)/, 1].chomp if columns[9] end @seqname, @source, @feature, start, endp, score, @strand, frame = columns[0, 8].collect { |x| str = unescape(x) str == '.' ? nil : str } @start = start ? start.to_i : nil @end = endp ? endp.to_i : nil @score = score ? score.to_f : nil @frame = frame ? frame.to_i : nil @attributes = parse_attributes(columns[8]) end # Returns true if the entry is empty except for comment. # Otherwise, returns false. def comment_only? if !@seqname and !@source and !@feature and !@start and !@end and !@score and !@strand and !@frame and @attributes.empty? then true else false end end # Return the record as a GFF2 compatible string def to_s cmnt = if @comment and !@comment.to_s.strip.empty? then @comment.gsub(/[\r\n]+/, ' ') else false end return "\##{cmnt}\n" if self.comment_only? and cmnt [ gff2_column_to_s(@seqname), gff2_column_to_s(@source), gff2_column_to_s(@feature), gff2_column_to_s(@start), gff2_column_to_s(@end), gff2_column_to_s(@score), gff2_column_to_s(@strand), gff2_column_to_s(@frame), attributes_to_s(@attributes) ].join("\t") + (cmnt ? "\t\##{cmnt}\n" : "\n") end # Returns true if self == other. Otherwise, returns false. def ==(other) super || ((self.class == other.class and self.seqname == other.seqname and self.source == other.source and self.feature == other.feature and self.start == other.start and self.end == other.end and self.score == other.score and self.strand == other.strand and self.frame == other.frame and self.attributes == other.attributes) ? true : false) end # Gets the attribute value for the given tag. # # Note that if two or more tag-value pairs with the same name found, # only the first value is returned. # --- # *Arguments*: # * (required) _tag_: String # *Returns*:: String, Bio::GFF::GFF2::Record::Value object, or nil. def get_attribute(tag) ary = @attributes.assoc(tag) ary ? ary[1] : nil end alias attribute get_attribute # Gets the attribute values for the given tag. # This method always returns an array. # --- # *Arguments*: # * (required) _tag_: String # *Returns*:: Array containing String or \ # Bio::GFF::GFF2::Record::Value objects. def get_attributes(tag) ary = @attributes.find_all do |x| x[0] == tag end ary.collect! { |x| x[1] } ary end # Sets value for the given tag. # If the tag exists, the value of the tag is replaced with _value_. # Note that if two or more tag-value pairs with the same name found, # only the first tag-value pair is replaced. # # If the tag does not exist, the tag-value pair is newly added. # --- # *Arguments*: # * (required) _tag_: String # * (required) _value_: String or Bio::GFF::GFF2::Record::Value object. # *Returns*:: _value_ def set_attribute(tag, value) ary = @attributes.find do |x| x[0] == tag end if ary then ary[1] = value else ary = [ String.new(tag), value ] @attributes.push ary end value end # Replaces values for the given tags with new values. # Existing values for the tag are completely wiped out and # replaced by new tag-value pairs. # If the tag does not exist, the tag-value pairs are newly added. # # --- # *Arguments*: # * (required) _tag_: String # * (required) _values_: String or Bio::GFF::GFF2::Record::Value objects. # *Returns*:: _self_ def replace_attributes(tag, *values) i = 0 @attributes.reject! do |x| if x[0] == tag then if i >= values.size then true else x[1] = values[i] i += 1 false end else false end end (i...(values.size)).each do |j| @attributes.push [ String.new(tag), values[j] ] end self end # Adds a new tag-value pair. # --- # *Arguments*: # * (required) _tag_: String # * (required) _value_: String or Bio::GFF::GFF2::Record::Value object. # *Returns*:: _value_ def add_attribute(tag, value) @attributes.push([ String.new(tag), value ]) end # Removes a specific tag-value pair. # # Note that if two or more tag-value pairs found, # only the first tag-value pair is removed. # # --- # *Arguments*: # * (required) _tag_: String # * (required) _value_: String or Bio::GFF::GFF2::Record::Value object. # *Returns*:: if removed, _value_. Otherwise, nil. def delete_attribute(tag, value) removed = nil if i = @attributes.index([ tag, value ]) then ary = @attributes.delete_at(i) removed = ary[1] end removed end # Removes all attributes with the specified tag. # # --- # *Arguments*: # * (required) _tag_: String # *Returns*:: if removed, self. Otherwise, nil. def delete_attributes(tag) @attributes.reject! do |x| x[0] == tag end ? self : nil end # Sorts attributes order by given tag name's order. # If a block is given, the argument _tags_ is ignored, and # yields two tag names like Array#sort!. # # --- # *Arguments*: # * (required or optional) _tags_: Array containing String objects # *Returns*:: _self_ def sort_attributes_by_tag!(tags = nil) h = {} s = @attributes.size @attributes.each_with_index { |x, i| h[x] = i } if block_given? then @attributes.sort! do |x, y| r = yield x[0], y[0] if r == 0 then r = (h[x] || s) <=> (h[y] || s) end r end else unless tags then raise ArgumentError, 'wrong number of arguments (0 for 1) or wrong argument value' end @attributes.sort! do |x, y| r = (tags.index(x[0]) || tags.size) <=> (tags.index(y[0]) || tags.size) if r == 0 then r = (h[x] || s) <=> (h[y] || s) end r end end self end # Returns hash representation of attributes. # # Note: If two or more tag-value pairs with same tag names exist, # only the first tag-value pair is used for each tag. # # --- # *Returns*:: Hash object def attributes_to_hash h = {} @attributes.each do |x| key, val = x h[key] = val unless h[key] end h end private # (private) Parses attributes. # Returns arrays def parse_attributes(str) return [] if !str or str == '.' attr_pairs = parse_attributes_string(str) attr_pairs.collect! do |x| key = x.shift val = (x.size == 1) ? x[0] : Value.new(x) [ key, val ] end attr_pairs end # (private) Parses attributes string. # Returns arrays def parse_attributes_string(str) sc = StringScanner.new(str) attr_pairs = [] tokens = [] cur_token = '' while !sc.eos? if sc.scan(/[^\\\;\"\s]+/) then cur_token.concat sc.matched elsif sc.scan(/\s+/) then tokens.push cur_token unless cur_token.empty? cur_token = '' elsif sc.scan(/\;/) then tokens.push cur_token unless cur_token.empty? cur_token = '' attr_pairs.push tokens tokens = [] elsif sc.scan(/\"/) then tokens.push cur_token unless cur_token.empty? cur_token = '' freetext = '' while !sc.eos? if sc.scan(/[^\\\"]+/) then freetext.concat sc.matched elsif sc.scan(/\"/) then break elsif sc.scan(/\\([\"\\])/) then freetext.concat sc[1] elsif sc.scan(/\\x([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])/n) then chr = sc[1].to_i(16).chr freetext.concat chr elsif sc.scan(/\\([0-7][0-7][0-7])/n) then chr = sc[1].to_i(8).chr freetext.concat chr elsif sc.scan(/\\([^x0-9])/n) then chr = Escape::BACKSLASH[sc[1]] || sc.matched freetext.concat chr elsif sc.scan(/\\/) then freetext.concat sc.matched else raise 'Bug: should not reach here' end end tokens.push freetext #p freetext # # disabled support for \; out of freetext #elsif sc.scan(/\\\;/) then # cur_token.concat sc.matched elsif sc.scan(/\\/) then cur_token.concat sc.matched else raise 'Bug: should not reach here' end #if end #while tokens.push cur_token unless cur_token.empty? attr_pairs.push tokens unless tokens.empty? return attr_pairs end # (private) string representation of attributes def attributes_to_s(attr) attr.collect do |a| tag, val = a if Escape::IDENTIFIER_GFF2 !~ tag then warn "Illegal GFF2 attribute tag: #{tag.inspect}" if $VERBOSE end tagstr = gff2_column_to_s(tag) valstr = if val.kind_of?(Value) then val.to_s else escape_gff2_attribute_value(val) end "#{tagstr} #{valstr}" end.join(' ; ') end end #class Record # Stores GFF2 meta-data. class MetaData # Creates a new MetaData object def initialize(directive, data = nil) @directive = directive @data = data end # Directive. Usually, one of "feature-ontology", "attribute-ontology", # or "source-ontology". attr_accessor :directive # data of this entry attr_accessor :data # parses a line def self.parse(line) directive, data = line.chomp.split(/\s+/, 2) directive = directive.sub(/\A\#\#/, '') if directive self.new(directive, data) end # string representation of this meta-data def to_s d = @directive.to_s.gsub(/[\r\n]+/, ' ') v = ' ' + @data.to_s.gsub(/[\r\n]+/, ' ') unless @data.to_s.empty? "\#\##{d}#{v}\n" end # Returns true if self == other. Otherwise, returns false. def ==(other) if self.class == other.class and self.directive == other.directive and self.data == other.data then true else false end end end #class MetaData # (private) parses metadata def parse_metadata(directive, line) case directive when 'gff-version' @gff_version ||= line.split(/\s+/)[1] else @metadata.push MetaData.parse(line) end true end private :parse_metadata # Creates a Bio::GFF::GFF2 object by building a collection of # Bio::GFF::GFF2::Record (and metadata) objects. # # --- # *Arguments*: # * _str_: string in GFF format # *Returns*:: Bio::GFF::GFF2 object def initialize(str = nil) @gff_version = nil @records = [] @metadata = [] parse(str) if str end # GFF2 version string (String or nil). nil means "2". attr_reader :gff_version # Metadata (except "##gff-version"). # Must be an array of Bio::GFF::GFF2::MetaData objects. attr_accessor :metadata # Parses a GFF2 entries, and concatenated the parsed data. # # --- # *Arguments*: # * _str_: string in GFF format # *Returns*:: self def parse(str) # parses GFF lines str.each_line do |line| if /^\#\#([^\s]+)/ =~ line then parse_metadata($1, line) else @records << GFF2::Record.new(line) end end self end end #class GFF2 # = DESCRIPTION # Represents version 3 of GFF specification. # For more information on version GFF3, see # http://song.sourceforge.net/gff3.shtml #-- # obsolete URL: # http://flybase.bio.indiana.edu/annot/gff3.html #++ class GFF3 < GFF VERSION = 3 # Creates a Bio::GFF::GFF3 object by building a collection of # Bio::GFF::GFF3::Record (and metadata) objects. # # --- # *Arguments*: # * _str_: string in GFF format # *Returns*:: Bio::GFF object def initialize(str = nil) @gff_version = nil @records = [] @sequence_regions = [] @metadata = [] @sequences = [] @in_fasta = false parse(str) if str end # GFF3 version string (String or nil). nil means "3". attr_reader :gff_version # Metadata of "##sequence-region". # Must be an array of Bio::GFF::GFF3::SequenceRegion objects. attr_accessor :sequence_regions # Metadata (except "##sequence-region", "##gff-version", "###"). # Must be an array of Bio::GFF::GFF3::MetaData objects. attr_accessor :metadata # Sequences bundled within GFF3. # Must be an array of Bio::Sequence objects. attr_accessor :sequences # Parses a GFF3 entries, and concatenated the parsed data. # # Note that after "##FASTA" line is given, # only fasta-formatted text is accepted. # # --- # *Arguments*: # * _str_: string in GFF format # *Returns*:: self def parse(str) # if already after the ##FASTA line, parses fasta format and return if @in_fasta then parse_fasta(str) return self end if str.respond_to?(:gets) then # str is a IO-like object fst = nil else # str is a String gff, sep, fst = str.split(/^(\>|##FASTA.*)/n, 2) fst = sep + fst if sep == '>' and fst str = gff end # parses GFF lines str.each_line do |line| if /^\#\#([^\s]+)/ =~ line then parse_metadata($1, line) parse_fasta(str) if @in_fasta elsif /^\>/ =~ line then @in_fasta = true parse_fasta(str, line) else @records << GFF3::Record.new(line) end end # parses fasta format when str is a String and fasta data exists if fst then @in_fasta = true parse_fasta(fst) end self end # parses fasta formatted data def parse_fasta(str, line = nil) str.each_line("\n>") do |seqstr| if line then seqstr = line + seqstr; line = nil; end x = seqstr.strip next if x.empty? or x == '>' fst = Bio::FastaFormat.new(seqstr) seq = fst.to_seq seq.entry_id = unescape(fst.definition.strip.split(/\s/, 2)[0].to_s) @sequences.push seq end end private :parse_fasta # string representation of whole entry. def to_s ver = @gff_version || VERSION.to_s if @sequences.size > 0 then seqs = "##FASTA\n" + @sequences.collect { |s| s.to_fasta(s.entry_id, 70) }.join('') else seqs = '' end ([ "##gff-version #{escape(ver)}\n" ] + @metadata.collect { |m| m.to_s } + @sequence_regions.collect { |m| m.to_s } + @records.collect{ |r| r.to_s }).join('') + seqs end # Private methods for escaping characters. # Internal only. Users should not use this module directly. module Escape # unsafe characters to be escaped for normal columns UNSAFE = /[^-_.!~*'()a-zA-Z\d\/?:@+$\[\] "\x80-\xfd><;=,]/n # unsafe characters to be escaped for seqid columns # and target_id of the "Target" attribute UNSAFE_SEQID = /[^-a-zA-Z0-9.:^*$@!+_?|]/n # unsafe characters to be escaped for attribute columns UNSAFE_ATTRIBUTE = /[^-_.!~*'()a-zA-Z\d\/?:@+$\[\] "\x80-\xfd><]/n private # If str is empty, returns '.'. Otherwise, returns str. def column_to_s(str) str = str.to_s str.empty? ? '.' : str end # Return the string corresponding to these characters unescaped def unescape(string) URI.unescape(string) end # Escape a column according to the specification at # http://song.sourceforge.net/gff3.shtml. def escape(string) URI.escape(string, UNSAFE) end # Escape seqid column according to the specification at # http://song.sourceforge.net/gff3.shtml. def escape_seqid(string) URI.escape(string, UNSAFE_SEQID) end # Escape attribute according to the specification at # http://song.sourceforge.net/gff3.shtml. # In addition to the normal escape rule, the following characters # are escaped: ",=;". # Returns the string corresponding to these characters escaped. def escape_attribute(string) URI.escape(string, UNSAFE_ATTRIBUTE) end end #module Escape include Escape # Stores meta-data "##sequence-region seqid start end". class SequenceRegion include Escape # creates a new SequenceRegion class def initialize(seqid, start, endpos) @seqid = seqid @start = start ? start.to_i : nil @end = endpos ? endpos.to_i : nil end # parses given string and returns SequenceRegion class def self.parse(str) dummy, seqid, start, endpos = str.chomp.split(/\s+/, 4).collect { |x| URI.unescape(x) } self.new(seqid, start, endpos) end # sequence ID attr_accessor :seqid # start position attr_accessor :start # end position attr_accessor :end # string representation def to_s i = escape_seqid(column_to_s(@seqid)) s = escape_seqid(column_to_s(@start)) e = escape_seqid(column_to_s(@end)) "##sequence-region #{i} #{s} #{e}\n" end # Returns true if self == other. Otherwise, returns false. def ==(other) if other.class == self.class and other.seqid == self.seqid and other.start == self.start and other.end == self.end then true else false end end end #class SequenceRegion # Represents a single line of a GFF3-formatted file. # See Bio::GFF::GFF3 for more information. class Record < GFF2::Record include GFF3::Escape # shortcut to the ID attribute def id @attributes['ID'] end # set ID attribute def id=(str) @attributes['ID'] = str end # aliases for Column 1 (formerly "seqname") alias seqid seqname alias seqid= seqname= # aliases for Column 3 (formerly "feature"). # In the GFF3 document http://song.sourceforge.net/gff3.shtml, # column3 is called "type", but we used "feature_type" # because "type" is already used by Ruby itself. alias feature_type feature alias feature_type= feature= # aliases for Column 8 alias phase frame alias phase= frame= # Parses a GFF3-formatted line and returns a new # Bio::GFF::GFF3::Record object. def self.parse(str) self.new.parse(str) end # Creates a Bio::GFF::GFF3::Record object. # Is typically not called directly, but # is called automatically when creating a Bio::GFF::GFF3 object. # # --- # *Arguments*: # * _str_: a tab-delimited line in GFF3 format # *Arguments*: # * _seqid_: sequence ID (String or nil) # * _source_: source (String or nil) # * _feature_type_: type of feature (String) # * _start_position_: start (Integer) # * _end_position_: end (Integer) # * _score_: score (Float or nil) # * _strand_: strand (String or nil) # * _phase_: phase (Integer or nil) # * _attributes_: attributes (Array or nil) def initialize(*arg) super(*arg) end # Parses a GFF3-formatted line and stores data from the string. # Note that all existing data is wiped out. def parse(string) super end # Return the record as a GFF3 compatible string def to_s cmnt = if @comment and !@comment.to_s.strip.empty? then @comment.gsub(/[\r\n]+/, ' ') else false end return "\##{cmnt}\n" if self.comment_only? and cmnt [ escape_seqid(column_to_s(@seqname)), escape(column_to_s(@source)), escape(column_to_s(@feature)), escape(column_to_s(@start)), escape(column_to_s(@end)), escape(column_to_s(@score)), escape(column_to_s(@strand)), escape(column_to_s(@frame)), attributes_to_s(@attributes) ].join("\t") + (cmnt ? "\t\##{cmnt}\n" : "\n") end # Bio:GFF::GFF3::Record::Target is a class to store # data of "Target" attribute. class Target include GFF3::Escape # Creates a new Target object. def initialize(target_id, start, endpos, strand = nil) @target_id = target_id @start = start ? start.to_i : nil @end = endpos ? endpos.to_i : nil @strand = strand end # target ID attr_accessor :target_id # start position attr_accessor :start # end position attr_accessor :end # strand (optional). Normally, "+" or "-", or nil. attr_accessor :strand # parses "target_id start end [strand]"-style string # (for example, "ABC789 123 456 +") # and creates a new Target object. # def self.parse(str) target_id, start, endpos, strand = str.split(/ +/, 4).collect { |x| URI.unescape(x) } self.new(target_id, start, endpos, strand) end # returns a string def to_s i = escape_seqid(column_to_s(@target_id)) s = escape_attribute(column_to_s(@start)) e = escape_attribute(column_to_s(@end)) strnd = escape_attribute(@strand.to_s) strnd = " " + strnd unless strnd.empty? "#{i} #{s} #{e}#{strnd}" end # Returns true if self == other. Otherwise, returns false. def ==(other) if other.class == self.class and other.target_id == self.target_id and other.start == self.start and other.end == self.end and other.strand == self.strand then true else false end end end #class Target # Bio:GFF::GFF3::Record::Gap is a class to store # data of "Gap" attribute. class Gap # Code is a class to store length of single-letter code. Code = Struct.new(:code, :length) # Code is a class to store length of single-letter code. class Code # 1-letter code (Symbol). One of :M, :I, :D, :F, or :R is expected. attr_reader :code if false #dummy for RDoc # length (Integer) attr_reader :length if false #dummy for RDoc def to_s "#{code}#{length}" end end #class code # Creates a new Gap object. # # --- # *Arguments*: # * _str_: a formatted string, or nil. def initialize(str = nil) if str then @data = str.split(/ +/).collect do |x| if /\A([A-Z])([0-9]+)\z/ =~ x.strip then Code.new($1.intern, $2.to_i) else warn "ignored unknown token: #{x}.inspect" if $VERBOSE nil end end @data.compact! else @data = [] end end # Same as new(str). def self.parse(str) self.new(str) end # (private method) # Scans gaps and returns an array of Code objects def __scan_gap(str, gap_regexp = /[^a-zA-Z]/, code_i = :I, code_m = :M) sc = StringScanner.new(str) data = [] while len = sc.skip_until(gap_regexp) mlen = len - sc.matched_size data.push Code.new(code_m, mlen) if mlen > 0 g = Code.new(code_i, sc.matched_size) while glen = sc.skip(gap_regexp) g.length += glen end data.push g end if sc.rest_size > 0 then m = Code.new(code_m, sc.rest_size) data.push m end data end private :__scan_gap # (private method) # Parses given reference-target sequence alignment and # initializes self. Existing data will be erased. def __initialize_from_sequences_na(reference, target, gap_regexp = /[^a-zA-Z]/) data_ref = __scan_gap(reference, gap_regexp, :I, :M) data_tgt = __scan_gap(target, gap_regexp, :D, :M) data = [] while !data_ref.empty? and !data_tgt.empty? ref = data_ref.shift tgt = data_tgt.shift if ref.length > tgt.length then x = Code.new(ref.code, ref.length - tgt.length) data_ref.unshift x ref.length = tgt.length elsif ref.length < tgt.length then x = Code.new(tgt.code, tgt.length - ref.length) data_tgt.unshift x tgt.length = ref.length end case ref.code when :M if tgt.code == :M then data.push ref elsif tgt.code == :D then data.push tgt else raise 'Bug: should not reach here.' end when :I if tgt.code == :M then data.push ref elsif tgt.code == :D then # This site is ignored, # because both reference and target are gap else raise 'Bug: should not reach here.' end end end #while # rest of data_ref len = 0 data_ref.each do |ref| len += ref.length if ref.code == :M end data.push Code.new(:D, len) if len > 0 # rest of data_tgt len = 0 data_tgt.each do |tgt| len += tgt.length if tgt.code == :M end data.push Code.new(:I, len) if len > 0 @data = data true end private :__initialize_from_sequences_na # Creates a new Gap object from given sequence alignment. # # Note that sites of which both reference and target are gaps # are silently removed. # # --- # *Arguments*: # * _reference_: reference sequence (nucleotide sequence) # * _target_: target sequence (nucleotide sequence) # * gap_regexp: regexp to identify gap def self.new_from_sequences_na(reference, target, gap_regexp = /[^a-zA-Z]/) gap = self.new gap.instance_eval { __initialize_from_sequences_na(reference, target, gap_regexp) } gap end # (private method) # scans a codon or gap in reference sequence def __scan_codon(sc_ref, gap_regexp, space_regexp, forward_frameshift_regexp, reverse_frameshift_regexp) chars = [] gap_count = 0 fs_count = 0 while chars.size < 3 + fs_count and char = sc_ref.scan(/./mn) case char when space_regexp # ignored when forward_frameshift_regexp # next char is forward frameshift fs_count += 1 when reverse_frameshift_regexp # next char is reverse frameshift fs_count -= 1 when gap_regexp chars.push char gap_count += 1 else chars.push char end end #while if chars.size < (3 + fs_count) then gap_count += (3 + fs_count) - chars.size end return gap_count, fs_count end private :__scan_codon # (private method) # internal use only def __push_code_to_data(cur, data, code, len) if cur and cur.code == code then cur.length += len else cur = Code.new(code, len) data.push cur end return cur end private :__push_code_to_data # (private method) # Parses given reference(nuc)-target(amino) sequence alignment and # initializes self. Existing data will be erased. def __initialize_from_sequences_na_aa(reference, target, gap_regexp = /[^a-zA-Z]/, space_regexp = /\s/, forward_frameshift_regexp = /\>/, reverse_frameshift_regexp = /\ 0 then cur = __push_code_to_data(cur, data, :F, ref_fs) end end #len.times elsif len = sc_tgt.skip(re_one) then # always 1-letter ref_gaps, ref_fs = __scan_codon(sc_ref, gap_regexp, space_regexp, forward_frameshift_regexp, reverse_frameshift_regexp) case ref_gaps when 3 cur = __push_code_to_data(cur, data, :I, 1) when 2, 1, 0 # reverse frameshift inserted when gaps exist ref_fs -= ref_gaps # normal site cur = __push_code_to_data(cur, data, :M, 1) else raise 'Bug: should not reach here' end if ref_fs < 0 then cur = __push_code_to_data(cur, data, :R, -ref_fs) elsif ref_fs > 0 then cur = __push_code_to_data(cur, data, :F, ref_fs) end else raise 'Bug: should not reach here' end end #while if sc_ref.rest_size > 0 then rest = sc_ref.scan(/.*/mn) rest.gsub!(space_regexp, '') rest.gsub!(forward_frameshift_regexp, '') rest.gsub!(reverse_frameshift_regexp, '') rest.gsub!(gap_regexp, '') len = rest.length.div(3) cur = __push_code_to_data(cur, data, :D, len) if len > 0 len = rest.length % 3 cur = __push_code_to_data(cur, data, :F, len) if len > 0 end @data = data self end private :__initialize_from_sequences_na_aa # Creates a new Gap object from given sequence alignment. # # Note that sites of which both reference and target are gaps # are silently removed. # # For incorrect alignments that break 3:1 rule, # gap positions will be moved inside codons, # unwanted gaps will be removed, and # some forward or reverse frameshift will be inserted. # # For example, # atgg-taagac-att # M V K - I # is treated as: # atggt>I # # Incorrect combination of frameshift with frameshift or gap # may cause undefined behavior. # # Forward frameshifts are recomended to be indicated in the # target sequence. # Reverse frameshifts can be indicated in the reference sequence # or the target sequence. # # Priority of regular expressions: # space > forward/reverse frameshift > gap # # --- # *Arguments*: # * _reference_: reference sequence (nucleotide sequence) # * _target_: target sequence (amino acid sequence) # * gap_regexp: regexp to identify gap # * space_regexp: regexp to identify space character which is completely ignored # * forward_frameshift_regexp: regexp to identify forward frameshift # * reverse_frameshift_regexp: regexp to identify reverse frameshift def self.new_from_sequences_na_aa(reference, target, gap_regexp = /[^a-zA-Z]/, space_regexp = /\s/, forward_frameshift_regexp = /\>/, reverse_frameshift_regexp = /\gap_char: gap character def process_sequences_na(reference, target, gap_char = '-') s_ref, s_tgt = dup_seqs(reference, target) s_ref, s_tgt = __process_sequences(s_ref, s_tgt, gap_char, gap_char, 1, 1, gap_char, gap_char) if $VERBOSE and s_ref.length != s_tgt.length then warn "returned sequences not equal length" end return s_ref, s_tgt end # Processes sequences and # returns gapped sequences as an array of sequences. # reference must be a nucleotide sequence, and # target must be an amino acid sequence. # # Note for reverse frameshift: # Reverse_frameshift characers are inserted in the # reference sequence. # For example, alignment of "Gap=M3 R1 M2" is: # atgaagatgap_char: gap character # * space_char: space character inserted to amino sequence for matching na-aa alignment # * forward_frameshift: forward frameshift character # * reverse_frameshift: reverse frameshift character def process_sequences_na_aa(reference, target, gap_char = '-', space_char = ' ', forward_frameshift = '>', reverse_frameshift = '<') s_ref, s_tgt = dup_seqs(reference, target) s_tgt = s_tgt.gsub(/./, "\\0#{space_char}#{space_char}") ref_increment = 3 tgt_increment = 1 + space_char.length * 2 ref_gap = gap_char * 3 tgt_gap = "#{gap_char}#{space_char}#{space_char}" return __process_sequences(s_ref, s_tgt, ref_gap, tgt_gap, ref_increment, tgt_increment, forward_frameshift, reverse_frameshift) end end #class Gap private def parse_attributes(string) return [] if !string or string == '.' attr_pairs = [] string.split(';').each do |pair| key, value = pair.split('=', 2) key = unescape(key) values = value.to_s.split(',') case key when 'Target' values.collect! { |v| Target.parse(v) } when 'Gap' values.collect! { |v| Gap.parse(v) } else values.collect! { |v| unescape(v) } end attr_pairs.concat values.collect { |v| [ key, v ] } end return attr_pairs end # method parse_attributes # Return the attributes as a string as it appears at the end of # a GFF3 line def attributes_to_s(attr) return '.' if !attr or attr.empty? keys = [] hash = {} attr.each do |pair| key = pair[0] val = pair[1] keys.push key unless hash[key] hash[key] ||= [] hash[key].push val end keys.collect do |key| values = hash[key] val = values.collect do |v| if v.kind_of?(Target) then v.to_s else escape_attribute(v.to_s) end end.join(',') "#{escape_attribute(key)}=#{val}" end.join(';') end end # class GFF3::Record # This is a dummy record corresponding to the "###" metadata. class RecordBoundary < GFF3::Record def initialize(*arg) super(*arg) self.freeze end def to_s "###\n" end end #class RecordBoundary # stores GFF3 MetaData MetaData = GFF2::MetaData # parses metadata def parse_metadata(directive, line) case directive when 'gff-version' @gff_version ||= line.split(/\s+/)[1] when 'FASTA' @in_fasta = true when 'sequence-region' @sequence_regions.push SequenceRegion.parse(line) when '#' # "###" directive @records.push RecordBoundary.new else @metadata.push MetaData.parse(line) end true end private :parse_metadata end #class GFF3 end # class GFF end # module Bio if __FILE__ == $0 begin require 'pp' alias p pp rescue LoadError end this_gff = "SEQ1\tEMBL\tatg\t103\t105\t.\t+\t0\n" this_gff << "SEQ1\tEMBL\texon\t103\t172\t.\t+\t0\n" this_gff << "SEQ1\tEMBL\tsplice5\t172\t173\t.\t+\t.\n" this_gff << "SEQ1\tnetgene\tsplice5\t172\t173\t0.94\t+\t.\n" this_gff << "SEQ1\tgenie\tsp5-20\t163\t182\t2.3\t+\t.\n" this_gff << "SEQ1\tgenie\tsp5-10\t168\t177\t2.1\t+\t.\n" this_gff << "SEQ1\tgrail\tATG\t17\t19\t2.1\t-\t0\n" p Bio::GFF.new(this_gff) end