module ArJdbc # Defines an AR-JDBC extension. An extension consists of a # declaration using this method and an ArJdbc::XYZ module that # contains implementation and overrides for methods in # ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::AbstractAdapter. When you # declare your extension, you provide a block that detects when a # database configured to use the extension is present and loads the # necessary code for it. AR-JDBC will patch the code into the base # ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::JdbcAdapter by extending an # instance of it with your extension module. # # +name+ should be a symbol that is the name of a module to be # defined under the +ArJdbc+ module. # # +block+ should be a one- or two-arity block that receives the # dialect name or driver class name as the first argument, and # optionally the whole database configuration hash as a second # argument. # # Example: # # ArJdbc.extension :Frob do |name| # if name =~ /frob/i # # arjdbc/frob.rb should contain the implementation # require 'arjdbc/frob' # true # end # end def self.extension(name,&block) if const_defined?(name) mod = const_get(name) else mod = const_set(name, end (class << mod; self; end).instance_eval do unless respond_to?(:adapter_matcher) define_method :adapter_matcher do |name, config| if block.arity == 1 ? mod : false else, config) ? mod : false end end end end end end