Sufia.config do |config| config.fits_to_desc_mapping = { file_title: :title, file_author: :creator } config.max_days_between_audits = 7 config.max_notifications_for_dashboard = 5 config.cc_licenses = { 'Attribution 3.0 United States' => '', 'Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States' => '', 'Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 United States' => '', 'Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 United States' => '', 'Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States' => '', 'Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States' => '', 'Public Domain Mark 1.0' => '', 'CC0 1.0 Universal' => '', 'All rights reserved' => 'All rights reserved' } config.cc_licenses_reverse = Hash[*config.cc_licenses.to_a.flatten.reverse] config.resource_types = { "Article" => "Article", "Audio" => "Audio", "Book" => "Book", "Capstone Project" => "Capstone Project", "Conference Proceeding" => "Conference Proceeding", "Dataset" => "Dataset", "Dissertation" => "Dissertation", "Image" => "Image", "Journal" => "Journal", "Map or Cartographic Material" => "Map or Cartographic Material", "Masters Thesis" => "Masters Thesis", "Part of Book" => "Part of Book", "Poster" => "Poster", "Presentation" => "Presentation", "Project" => "Project", "Report" => "Report", "Research Paper" => "Research Paper", "Software or Program Code" => "Software or Program Code", "Video" => "Video", "Other" => "Other", } config.resource_types_to_schema = { "Article" => "", "Audio" => "", "Book" => "", "Capstone Project" => "", "Conference Proceeding" => "", "Dataset" => "", "Dissertation" => "", "Image" => "", "Journal" => "", "Map or Cartographic Material" => "", "Masters Thesis" => "", "Part of Book" => "", "Poster" => "", "Presentation" => "", "Project" => "", "Report" => "", "Research Paper" => "", "Software or Program Code" => "", "Video" => "", "Other" => "", } config.permission_levels = { "Choose Access"=>"none", "View/Download" => "read", "Edit" => "edit" } config.owner_permission_levels = { "Edit" => "edit" } config.queue = Sufia::Resque::Queue # Enable displaying usage statistics in the UI # Defaults to FALSE # Requires a Google Analytics id and OAuth2 keyfile. See README for more info = false # Specify a Google Analytics tracking ID to gather usage statistics # config.google_analytics_id = 'UA-99999999-1' # Specify a date you wish to start collecting Google Analytic statistics for. # config.analytic_start_date =,9,10) # Where to store tempfiles, leave blank for the system temp directory (e.g. /tmp) # config.temp_file_base = '/home/developer1' # Specify the form of hostpath to be used in Endnote exports # config.persistent_hostpath = 'http://localhost/files/' # If you have ffmpeg installed and want to transcode audio and video uncomment this line # config.enable_ffmpeg = true # Sufia uses NOIDs for files and collections instead of Fedora UUIDs # where NOID = 10-character string and UUID = 32-character string w/ hyphens # config.enable_noids = true # Specify a different template for your repository's NOID IDs # config.noid_template = ".reeddeeddk" # Specify the prefix for Redis keys: # config.redis_namespace = "sufia" # Specify the path to the file characterization tool: # config.fits_path = "" # Specify how many seconds back from the current time that we should show by default of the user's activity on the user's dashboard # config.activity_to_show_default_seconds_since_now = 24*60*60 # Sufia can integrate with Zotero's Arkivo service for automatic deposit # of Zotero-managed research items. # config.arkivo_api = false # Specify a date you wish to start collecting Google Analytic statistics for. # Leaving it blank will set the start date to when ever the file was uploaded by # NOTE: if you have always sent analytics to GA for downloads and page views leave this commented out # config.analytic_start_date =,9,10) # If browse-everything has been configured, load the configs. Otherwise, set to nil. begin if defined? BrowseEverything config.browse_everything = BrowseEverything.config else Rails.logger.warn "BrowseEverything is not installed" end rescue Errno::ENOENT config.browse_everything = nil end end Date::DATE_FORMATS[:standard] = "%m/%d/%Y"