module FMOD module Effects ## # This unit filters sound using a resonant low-pass filter algorithm that is # used in Impulse Tracker, but with limited cutoff range (0 to 8060hz). # # This is different to the default {LowPass} filter in that it uses a # different quality algorithm and is the filter used to produce the correct # sounding playback in .IT files. # # FMOD Studio's .IT playback uses this filter. # # @note This filter actually has a limited cutoff frequency below the # specified maximum, due to its limited design, so for a more open range # filter use {LowPass} or if you don't mind not having resonance, # {LowPassSimple}. # # The effective maximum cutoff is about 8060hz. # # @attr cutoff [Float] Low-pass cutoff frequency in Hz. # * *Minimum:* 1.0 # * *Maximum:* 22000.0 # * *Default:* 5000.0 # @attr resonance [Float] Low-pass resonance Q value. # * *Minimum:* 0.0 # * *Maximum:* 127.0 # * *Default:* 1.0 class ITLowPass < Dsp float_param(0, :cutoff, min: 1.0, max: 22000.0) float_param(1, :resonance, min: 0.0, max: 127.0) end end end