[![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/adelevie/parse-ruby-client.png?branch=master)](http://travis-ci.org/adelevie/parse-ruby-client) The original creator of parse-ruby-client, [aalpern](http://github.com/aalpern), has decided to stop work on the project. I'm going to give the project new life, first by maintaining the project as a gem, and second by eventually making it power [parse_resource](http://github.com/adelevie/parse_resource) under the hood. # Ruby Client for parse.com REST API This file implements a simple Ruby client library for using Parse's REST API. Rather than try to implement an ActiveRecord-compatible library, it tries to match the structure of the iOS and Android SDKs from Parse. So far it supports simple GET, PUT, and POST operations on objects. Enough to read & write simple data. ## Dependencies This currently depends on the gems 'json' and 'patron' for JSON support and HTTP, respectively. # Getting Started ## Installation `gem "parse-ruby-client", "~> 0.0.8"` --- To get started, load the parse.rb file and call Parse.init to initialize the client object with your application ID and API key values, which you can obtain from the parse.com dashboard. ```ruby require 'parse-ruby-client' Parse.init :application_id => "", :api_key => "" ``` If you don't like pasting this stuff in every time you fire up irb, save your api keys to `.bash_profile` or similar: ```bash export PARSE_APPLICATION_ID="12345678" export PARSE_REST_API_KEY="ABCDEFGH" ``` Now you can just do this: ```ruby Parse.init ``` The test folder assumes this naming convention for environment variables, so if you want to run the tests, you *must* do this. But it's easy. And good for you, too. ## Creating and Saving Objects Create an instance of ```Parse::Object``` with your class name supplied as a string, set some keys, and call ```save()```. ```ruby game_score = Parse::Object.new "GameScore" game_score["score"] = 1337 game_score["playerName"] = "Sean Plott" game_score["cheatMode"] = false game_score.save ``` Alternatively, you can initialize the object's initial values with a hash. ```ruby game_score = Parse::Object.new "GameScore", { "score" => 1337, "playerName" => "Sean Plott", "cheatMode" => false } ``` Or if you prefer, you can use symbols for the hash keys - they will be converted to strings by ```Parse::Object.initialize()```. ```ruby game_score = Parse::Object.new "GameScore", { :score => 1337, :playerName => "Sean Plott", :cheatMode => false } ``` ## Retrieving Objects Individual objects can be retrieved with a single call to ```Parse.get()``` supplying the class and object id. ```ruby game_score = Parse.get "GameScore", "xWMyZ4YEGZ" ``` All the objects in a given class can be retrieved by omitting the object ID. Use caution if you have lots and lots of objects of that class though. ```ruby all_scores = Parse.get "GameScore" ``` ## Queries Queries are supported by the ```Parse::Query``` class. ```ruby # Create some simple objects to query (1..100).each { |i| score = Parse::Object.new "GameScore" score["score"] = i score.save } # Retrieve all scores between 10 & 20 inclusive Parse::Query.new("GameScore") \ .greater_eq("score", 10) \ .less_eq("score", 20) \ .get # Retrieve a set of specific scores Parse::Query.new("GameScore") \ .value_in("score", [10, 20, 30, 40]) \ .get ``` ## Push Notifications ```ruby push = Parse::Push.new({"alert" => "I'm sending this push to all my app users!"}) push.save ``` # TODO - Add some form of debug logging - ~~Support for Date, Pointer, and Bytes API [data types](https://www.parse.com/docs/rest#objects-types)~~ - ACLs - Login # Resources - parse.com [REST API documentation](https://parse.com/docs/rest) - [parse_resource](https://github.com/adelevie/parse_resource) , an ActiveRecord-compatible wrapper for the API for seamless integration into Rails.