== v0.8.0 [2013-10-06] Michael Granger - Add mechanism for temporary aggregated overrides - Split out LogHost and LogClient mixins into their own files - Added generated gemspec and Gemfile - Dropped support for Ruby < 1.9.3. == v0.7.0 [2013-08-23] Michael Granger - Override Logger#<< to always append with formatting and level. == v0.6.1 [2013-06-07] Mahlon E. Smith - Repair relationship with Configurability. == v0.6.0 [2013-03-14] Michael Granger - Give instances of loghost classes logclient instance methods (e.g., #log). - Test under Ruby 2.0.0 by default. == v0.5.0 [2012-08-03] Michael Granger - Remove dependency on PluginFactory/Pluggability to avoid circular dependency. == v0.4.0 [2012-05-26] Michael Granger - Add some conversion-convenience code. You can now assign ::Logger instances to LogHosts, use ::Logger::Formatter, and construct Loggability::Logger instances with any device supported by #output_to. Also adds a Loggability::Logger() casting method for easy logger creation. == v0.3.0 [2012-05-26] Michael Granger - Add Loggability::SpecHelpers for setting up logging in tests. - Downcase the severity before outputting. == v0.2.3 [2012-05-18] Michael Granger Fix logging from subclasses of log clients. Thanks to Mahlon E. Smith for spotting this and helping to track it down. == v0.2.2 [2012-05-11] Michael Granger - Fix too-severe log messages while parsing config specs. - Proxy Modules like Classes (i.e., with its name and no object_id). == v0.2.1 [2012-05-10] Michael Granger Bugfix for configuration via a Configurability::Config object. == v0.2.0 [2012-05-10] Michael Granger Add Configurability support. == v0.1.0 [2012-05-08] Michael Granger - Add Ruby 1.8.7 support. - Documentation fixes. == v0.0.2 [2012-05-07] Michael Granger Fix escaping of the 'progname' in the HTML formatter. == v0.0.1 [2012-05-06] Michael Granger First release.