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E[ E[ [PE[<"%s" is indented at wrong level: expected %d, but was at %d.[QE[>Can't run "%s" filter; you must require its dependencies first[RE[+Indentation can't use both tabs and spaces.[SE[>The line was indented %d levels deeper than the previous line.[TE[Filter "%s" is not defined.[UE[S"%s" filter's %s dependency missing: try installing it or adding it to your Gemfile[VE[2Illegal element: classes and ids must have values.[WE[JIllegal nesting: nesting within a tag that already has content is illegal.[XE[<Illegal nesting: nesting within a header command is illegal.[YE[[Illegal nesting: content can't be both given on the same line as %%%s and nested within it.[ZE[6Illegal nesting: nesting within plain text is illegal.[[E[>Illegal nesting: nesting within a self-closing tag is illegal.[\E[fInconsistent indentation: %s used for indentation, but the rest of the document was indented using %s.[]E[6Indenting at the beginning of the document is illegal.[^E[<To use the "%s" filter, please install the haml-contrib gem.[_E[Invalid attribute list: %s.[`E[Invalid filter name ":%s".[aE[Invalid tag: "%s".[bE[Got "%s" with no preceding "if"[cE[(There's no Ruby code for %s to evaluate.[dE[%Self-closing tags can't have content.[eE[Unbalanced brackets.[fE[You don't need to use "- end" in Haml. Un-indent to close a block: - if foo? %strong Foo! - else Not foo. %p This line is un-indented, so it isn't part of the "if" block [4E[messageE[![HAML BUG] No error messages for [J[8E[ initialize[E[E[!E[HamlE[ StandardErrorE[ErrorE[MESSAGESE[keyE[argsE[stringE[[]E[to_sE[raiseE[empty?E[%E[rstripE[@lineE[lineE[core#define_singleton_methodE[ attr_readerE[core#define_methodE[ SyntaxErrorE[InvalidAttributeNameErrorE[bad_script_indentE[cant_run_filterE[cant_use_tabs_and_spacesE[deeper_indentingE[filter_not_definedE[gem_install_filter_depsE[illegal_elementE[illegal_nesting_contentE[illegal_nesting_headerE[illegal_nesting_lineE[illegal_nesting_plainE[illegal_nesting_self_closingE[inconsistent_indentationE[indenting_at_startE[install_haml_contribE[invalid_attribute_listE[invalid_filter_nameE[ invalid_tagE[ missing_ifE[ no_ruby_codeE[self_closing_contentE[unbalanced_bracketsE[no_end%FR KWWco{@L$0zKW}IU}KWrE]~*C]r 2Q~<g 0 ` !+!J!h!!!!