$LOAD_PATH << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib') require 'twilio-ruby' require 'fakeweb' require 'rack' describe Twilio::REST::Client do before :all do FakeWeb.register_uri(:any, %r/http:\/\/api.twilio.com\//, :body => '{"message": "You tried to reach Twilio"}') end it 'should set up a new client instance with the given sid and token' do twilio = Twilio::REST::Client.new('someSid', 'someToken') twilio.account_sid.should == 'someSid' twilio.instance_variable_get('@auth_token').should == 'someToken' end it 'should set up the proper default http ssl connection' do twilio = Twilio::REST::Client.new('someSid', 'someToken') twilio.instance_variable_get('@connection').address.should == 'api.twilio.com' twilio.instance_variable_get('@connection').port.should == 443 twilio.instance_variable_get('@connection').use_ssl?.should == true end it 'should set up the proper http ssl connection when a different domain is given' do twilio = Twilio::REST::Client.new('someSid', 'someToken', :host => 'api.faketwilio.com') twilio.instance_variable_get('@connection').address.should == 'api.faketwilio.com' twilio.instance_variable_get('@connection').port.should == 443 twilio.instance_variable_get('@connection').use_ssl?.should == true end it 'should adjust the open and read timeouts on the underlying Net::HTTP object when asked' do timeout = rand(30) twilio = Twilio::REST::Client.new('someSid', 'someToken', :timeout => timeout) twilio.instance_variable_get('@connection').port.should == 443 twilio.instance_variable_get('@connection').use_ssl?.should == true twilio.instance_variable_get('@connection').open_timeout.should == timeout twilio.instance_variable_get('@connection').read_timeout.should == timeout end it 'should set up the proper http ssl connection when a proxy_host is given' do twilio = Twilio::REST::Client.new('someSid', 'someToken', :host => 'api.faketwilio.com', :proxy_addr => 'localhost') twilio.instance_variable_get('@connection').proxy?.should == true twilio.instance_variable_get('@connection').proxy_address.should == 'localhost' twilio.instance_variable_get('@connection').proxy_port.should == 80 twilio.instance_variable_get('@connection').address.should == 'api.faketwilio.com' twilio.instance_variable_get('@connection').port.should == 443 twilio.instance_variable_get('@connection').use_ssl?.should == true end it 'should set up the proper http ssl connection when a proxy_host and proxy_port are given' do twilio = Twilio::REST::Client.new('someSid', 'someToken', :host => 'api.faketwilio.com', :proxy_addr => 'localhost', :proxy_port => 13128) twilio.instance_variable_get('@connection').proxy?.should == true twilio.instance_variable_get('@connection').proxy_address.should == 'localhost' twilio.instance_variable_get('@connection').proxy_port.should == 13128 twilio.instance_variable_get('@connection').address.should == 'api.faketwilio.com' twilio.instance_variable_get('@connection').port.should == 443 twilio.instance_variable_get('@connection').use_ssl?.should == true end it 'should set up an accounts resources object' do twilio = Twilio::REST::Client.new('someSid', 'someToken') twilio.respond_to?(:accounts).should == true twilio.accounts.instance_variable_get('@uri').should == '/2010-04-01/Accounts' end it 'should set up an account object with the given sid' do twilio = Twilio::REST::Client.new('someSid', 'someToken') twilio.respond_to?(:account).should == true twilio.account.instance_variable_get('@uri').should == '/2010-04-01/Accounts/someSid' end it 'should convert all parameter names to Twilio-style names' do twilio = Twilio::REST::Client.new('someSid', 'someToken') untwilified = {:sms_url => 'someUrl', 'voiceFallbackUrl' => 'anotherUrl', 'Status_callback' => 'yetAnotherUrl'} twilified = {:SmsUrl => 'someUrl', :VoiceFallbackUrl => 'anotherUrl', :StatusCallback => 'yetAnotherUrl'} twilio.instance_eval do twilify(untwilified).should == twilified end end end describe Twilio::REST::InstanceResource do it 'should set up an internal reference to the uri and client' do resource = Twilio::REST::InstanceResource.new('some/uri', 'someClient') resource.instance_variable_get('@uri').should == 'some/uri' resource.instance_variable_get('@client').should == 'someClient' end it 'should set up object properties if passed' do params = {'SomeKey' => 'someValue'} resource = Twilio::REST::InstanceResource.new('uri', 'client', params) resource.some_key.should == 'someValue' end end describe Twilio::REST::Account do it 'should set up an incoming phone numbers resources object' do account = Twilio::REST::Account.new('someUri', 'someClient') account.respond_to?(:incoming_phone_numbers).should == true account.incoming_phone_numbers.instance_variable_get('@uri').should == 'someUri/IncomingPhoneNumbers' end it 'should set up an available phone numbers resources object' do account = Twilio::REST::Account.new('someUri', 'someClient') account.respond_to?(:available_phone_numbers).should == true account.available_phone_numbers.instance_variable_get('@uri').should == 'someUri/AvailablePhoneNumbers' end it 'should set up an outgoing caller ids resources object' do account = Twilio::REST::Account.new('someUri', 'someClient') account.respond_to?(:outgoing_caller_ids).should == true account.outgoing_caller_ids.instance_variable_get('@uri').should == 'someUri/OutgoingCallerIds' end it 'should set up a calls resources object' do account = Twilio::REST::Account.new('someUri', 'someClient') account.respond_to?(:calls).should == true account.calls.instance_variable_get('@uri').should == 'someUri/Calls' end it 'should set up a conferences resources object' do account = Twilio::REST::Account.new('someUri', 'someClient') account.respond_to?(:conferences).should == true account.conferences.instance_variable_get('@uri').should == 'someUri/Conferences' end it 'should set up a sms resource object' do account = Twilio::REST::Account.new('someUri', 'someClient') account.respond_to?(:sms).should == true account.sms.instance_variable_get('@uri').should == 'someUri/SMS' end it 'should set up a recordings resources object' do account = Twilio::REST::Account.new('someUri', 'someClient') account.respond_to?(:recordings).should == true account.recordings.instance_variable_get('@uri').should == 'someUri/Recordings' end it 'should set up a transcriptions resources object' do account = Twilio::REST::Account.new('someUri', 'someClient') account.respond_to?(:transcriptions).should == true account.transcriptions.instance_variable_get('@uri').should == 'someUri/Transcriptions' end it 'should set up a notifications resources object' do account = Twilio::REST::Account.new('someUri', 'someClient') account.respond_to?(:notifications).should == true account.notifications.instance_variable_get('@uri').should == 'someUri/Notifications' end end describe Twilio::REST::Call do it 'should set up a recordings resources object' do call = Twilio::REST::Call.new('someUri', 'someClient') call.respond_to?(:recordings).should == true call.recordings.instance_variable_get('@uri').should == 'someUri/Recordings' end it 'should set up a recordings resources object' do call = Twilio::REST::Call.new('someUri', 'someClient') call.respond_to?(:transcriptions).should == true call.transcriptions.instance_variable_get('@uri').should == 'someUri/Transcriptions' end end describe Twilio::REST::Conference do it 'should set up a participants resources object' do call = Twilio::REST::Conference.new('someUri', 'someClient') call.respond_to?(:participants).should == true call.participants.instance_variable_get('@uri').should == 'someUri/Participants' end end describe Twilio::REST::Recording do it 'should set up a transcriptions resources object' do call = Twilio::REST::Recording.new('someUri', 'someClient') call.respond_to?(:transcriptions).should == true call.transcriptions.instance_variable_get('@uri').should == 'someUri/Transcriptions' end end describe Twilio::Util::RequestValidator do it 'should properly validate a Twilio request based on its signature' do token = '1c892n40nd03kdnc0112slzkl3091j20' validator = Twilio::Util::RequestValidator.new token url = 'http://www.postbin.org/1ed898x' params = { 'AccountSid' => 'AC9a9f9392lad99kla0sklakjs90j092j3', 'ApiVersion' => '2010-04-01', 'CallSid' => 'CAd800bb12c0426a7ea4230e492fef2a4f', 'CallStatus' => 'ringing', 'Called' => '+15306384866', 'CalledCity' => 'OAKLAND', 'CalledCountry' => 'US', 'CalledState' => 'CA', 'CalledZip' => '94612', 'Caller' => '+15306666666', 'CallerCity' => 'SOUTH LAKE TAHOE', 'CallerCountry' => 'US', 'CallerName' => 'CA Wireless Call', 'CallerState' => 'CA', 'CallerZip' => '89449', 'Direction' => 'inbound', 'From' => '+15306666666', 'FromCity' => 'SOUTH LAKE TAHOE', 'FromCountry' => 'US', 'FromState' => 'CA', 'FromZip' => '89449', 'To' => '+15306384866', 'ToCity' => 'OAKLAND', 'ToCountry' => 'US', 'ToState' => 'CA', 'ToZip' => '94612' } signature = 'fF+xx6dTinOaCdZ0aIeNkHr/ZAA=' validator.validate(url, params, signature).should == true end end describe Twilio::Util::Capability do before :each do @capability = Twilio::Util::Capability.new 'myAccountSid', 'myAuthToken' end def queries(q) q.scan(/scope:client:(incoming|outgoing)\?(\S+)/).map{|(type, query)| [type, Rack::Utils.parse_query(query)]} end it 'should return a valid jwt when #generate is called' do token = @capability.generate decoded = JWT.decode token, 'myAuthToken' decoded['scope'].should_not be_nil decoded['iss'].should_not be_nil decoded['exp'].should_not be_nil end it 'should properly set the iss key in the payload' do token = @capability.generate decoded = JWT.decode token, 'myAuthToken' decoded['iss'].should == 'myAccountSid' end it 'should properly set the exp key based on the default hour ttl' do seconds = Time.now.to_i token = @capability.generate decoded = JWT.decode token, 'myAuthToken' decoded['exp'].should == seconds + 3600 end it 'should properly set the exp key based on the ttl passed to #generate' do ttl = rand 10000 seconds = Time.now.to_i token = @capability.generate ttl decoded = JWT.decode token, 'myAuthToken' decoded['exp'].should == seconds + ttl end it 'should generate a proper incoming client scope string' do @capability.allow_client_incoming 'andrew' token = @capability.generate decoded = JWT.decode token, 'myAuthToken' queries(decoded['scope']).should == [['incoming', {'clientName' => 'andrew'}]] end it 'should generate multiple proper incoming client scope strings' do @capability.allow_client_incoming 'andrew' @capability.allow_client_incoming 'bridget' token = @capability.generate decoded = JWT.decode token, 'myAuthToken' queries(decoded['scope']).should == [ ['incoming', {'clientName' => 'andrew'}], ['incoming', {'clientName' => 'bridget'}] ] end it 'should generate a proper outgoing client scope string' do @capability.allow_client_outgoing 'myAppSid' token = @capability.generate decoded = JWT.decode token, 'myAuthToken' queries(decoded['scope']).should == [['outgoing', {'appSid' => 'myAppSid'}]] end it 'should generate a proper outgoing client scope string with parameters' do app_params_hash = {'key' => 'a value', :foo => 'bar/baz'} @capability.allow_client_outgoing 'myAppSid', app_params_hash app_params = @capability.instance_eval {url_encode(app_params_hash)} params_hash = {'appSid' => 'myAppSid', 'appParams' => app_params} params = @capability.instance_eval {url_encode(params_hash)} token = @capability.generate decoded = JWT.decode token, 'myAuthToken' queries(decoded['scope']).should == [['outgoing', params_hash]] end it 'should generate a proper outgoing client scope string based on the ' + 'client name when calling #allow_client_incoming first' do @capability.allow_client_incoming 'andrew' @capability.allow_client_outgoing 'myAppSid' token = @capability.generate decoded = JWT.decode token, 'myAuthToken' queries(decoded['scope']).should == [ ['incoming', {'clientName' => 'andrew'}], ['outgoing', {'clientName' => 'andrew', 'appSid' => 'myAppSid'}] ] end it 'should generate a proper outgoing client scope string based on the ' + 'client name when calling #allow_client_incoming second' do @capability.allow_client_outgoing 'myAppSid' @capability.allow_client_incoming 'andrew' token = @capability.generate decoded = JWT.decode token, 'myAuthToken' queries(decoded['scope']).should == [["incoming", {"clientName"=>"andrew"}], ["outgoing", {"clientName"=>"andrew", "appSid"=>"myAppSid"}]] end it 'should generate a proper outgoing client scope string with parameters ' + 'and a client name when calling #allow_client_incoming first' do @capability.allow_client_incoming 'andrew' app_params_hash = {'key' => 'a value', :foo => 'bar/baz'} @capability.allow_client_outgoing 'myAppSid', app_params_hash app_params = @capability.instance_eval {url_encode(app_params_hash)} params_hash = {'appSid' => 'myAppSid', 'appParams' => app_params, 'clientName' => 'andrew'} params = @capability.instance_eval {url_encode(params_hash)} token = @capability.generate decoded = JWT.decode token, 'myAuthToken' scopes = queries(decoded['scope']) scopes.shift.should == ["incoming", {"clientName"=>"andrew"}] scope = scopes.shift scope.first.should == 'outgoing' Rack::Utils.parse_query(scope.last['appParams']).should == {'key' => 'a value', 'foo' => 'bar/baz'} scope.last["clientName"].should == "andrew" scope.last["appSid"].should == "myAppSid" scopes.should be_empty end it 'should generate a proper outgoing client scope string with parameters ' + 'and a client name when calling #allow_client_incoming second' do app_params_hash = {'key' => 'a value', :foo => 'bar/baz'} @capability.allow_client_outgoing 'myAppSid', app_params_hash @capability.allow_client_incoming 'andrew' app_params = @capability.instance_eval {url_encode(app_params_hash)} params_hash = {'appSid' => 'myAppSid', 'appParams' => app_params, 'clientName' => 'andrew'} params = @capability.instance_eval {url_encode(params_hash)} token = @capability.generate decoded = JWT.decode token, 'myAuthToken' scopes = queries(decoded['scope']) scopes.shift.should == ["incoming", {"clientName"=>"andrew"}] scope = scopes.shift scope.first.should == 'outgoing' Rack::Utils.parse_query(scope.last['appParams']).should == {'key' => 'a value', 'foo' => 'bar/baz'} scope.last["clientName"].should == "andrew" scope.last["appSid"].should == "myAppSid" scopes.should be_empty end end