module ContentHelpers TASK_FILE_CONTENT = [ "Heading\n======", '##Task', 'Solve this task!', '##Hints', 'Just do it right...' ].join("\n\n").freeze SOLUTION_CONTENT = 'print "hello world".upcase'.freeze TEST_CONTENT = [ "require 'rspec'\n", "describe 'Your code' do", " it 'prints out HELLO WORLD' do", " expect { [['solution::code']] }.to output('HELLO WORLD').to_stdout", " end\n", " it 'uses the method #upcase to get capital letters' do", " allow(self).to receive(:puts).and_return ''", " allow(self).to receive(:print).and_return ''", " expect_any_instance_of(String).to receive(:upcase).and_return('HELLO WORLD')\n", " [['solution::code']]", ' end', 'end' ].join("\n").freeze TEST_FAILED_JSON = ' { "examples": [ { "description": "description 1", "full_description": "full description 1", "status": "failed", "file_path": "./spec.rb", "line_number": 4, "run_time": 0.001, "exception": { "class": "RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError", "message": "message 1", "backtrace": ["backtrace 1_a", "backtrace 1_b"] } }, { "description": "description 2", "full_description": "full description 2", "status": "passed", "file_path": "./spec.rb", "line_number": 8, "run_time": 0.002 } ], "summary": { "duration": 0.003, "example_count": 2, "failure_count": 1, "pending_count": 0 }, "summary_line": "2 example, 1 failure" } '.freeze TEST_PASSED_JSON = ' { "examples": [ { "description":"description 1", "full_description":"full description 1", "status":"passed", "file_path":"spec.rb", "line_number":4, "run_time":0.001 }, { "description":"description 2", "full_description":"full description 2", "status":"passed", "file_path":"spec.rb", "line_number":8, "run_time":0.002 } ], "summary":{ "duration":0.003, "example_count":2, "failure_count":0, "pending_count":0 }, "summary_line":"2 example, 0 failures" } '.freeze TEST_PASSED_MESSAGE = 'Your code passed all tests.'.freeze EXAMPLE_PASSED_MESSAGE = 'Your code passed this requirement.'.freeze def task_file_content TASK_FILE_CONTENT end def solution_content SOLUTION_CONTENT end def test_content TEST_CONTENT end def test_failed_json TEST_FAILED_JSON end def test_passed_json TEST_PASSED_JSON end def test_passed_json_parsed JSON.parse(test_passed_json, symbolize_names: true) end def test_failed_json_parsed JSON.parse(test_failed_json, symbolize_names: true) end def test_passed_summary TEST_PASSED_MESSAGE end def example_passed_message EXAMPLE_PASSED_MESSAGE end end