= OpenWFEru, Standard Library Documentation == Prerequisites Ruby 1.8.4 or later == Supported platforms TODO == Installation Installation can be handled by Ruby gems. This will pull in any libraries you will need to install gem install -y openwferu == Overview OpenWFEru is a Ruby port of the OpenWFE workflow engine (http://www.openwfe.org). It is a complete rewrite in Ruby so does not need to use the Java-based engine from OpenWFE. OpenWFEru was initially implemented in San Joaquin de Flores, Costa Rica. And then in Yokohama, Japan. One project goal for OpenWFEru is compatibility with its Java based cousin so workflows defined for the Java engine should work with the Ruby implementation. There are some incompatibilities between each implementation. TODO: Document implementation differences == Example These are mostly stolen from the unit tests Creating an workflow engine instance require 'pp' require 'openwferu' # Create an engine to launch the flow engine = OpenWFEru::Engine.new engine.register_participant('test-.*', OpenWFEru::PrintParticipant.new()) # Create a flow definition and assign to a new instance flow = ''' ${field:__result__} ''' li = OpenWFE::LaunchItem.new(flow) # Launch the instance engine.launch(li) # Examine it pp engine.get_expression_storage == How to help If you want to help hacking on openwferu you'll probably want the following libraries: [rake] Handle builds, generating documentation, and running unit tests [rubygems] Handles creation of the gems [rote] A framework being used to help with managing the offline written docs [redcloth] OpenWFEru uses textile-markup for its docs. Redcloth provides an engine for it. [tidy] General cleanup It's best if you use gems to install these as the process can get rather tedious by hand. === Prerequisites You'll need libxml2-dev in order to compile the native libraries for libxml. Please check your your packaging system for the appropriate name. On Ubuntu you can install libxml2 with: sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev === Ruby Libraries Install 1. gem install -r rake 2. gem install -r rote redcloth 3. gem install -r tidy 4. gem install -r libxml-ruby == Documentation The main project site lives at rubyforge at: http://rubyforge.org/projects/openwferu or http://openwferu.rubyforge.org In the meantime the old site hosted at openwfe.org is at: http://www.openwfe.org/openwfe-ruby.html If you're interested in helping : http://groups.google.com/group/openwferu-users/topics